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Adventist Youth Honors Answer Book/Health

and Science/First Aid, Basic

1. Successfully complete a class sponsored by either the American

Heart Association, the American Red Cross, or an equivalent under a
certified instructor in order to properly learn and demonstrate one-
person CPR. This must be within the past 12 months. [edit]

These organizations both provide excellent training, but they do charge fees. It is possible to find
people who are certified to teach CPR and who charge lower fees. Contact your Pathfinder Area
Coordinator to see if they know of any Pathfinder staff within your conference who are qualified to
offer this class.

2. Know and understand the location and function of the heart and

The heart and lungs fill the upper chest cavity. The ribs and sternum form a cage that protects these
vital organs. The heart is fairly central, with a lung on either side of it.
The lungs extract oxygen from inhaled air and inject it into the blood. The heart then pumps the
oxygenated blood to the rest of the body. When a person performs CPR, the first task is to artificially
fill the lungs with oxygen. This is done by rescue breathing. The second task is to move the
oxygenated blood to the rest of the body - especially to the brain. This is accomplished by chest
compressions (which squeeze the heart).
3. Define CPR and tell five conditions under which it would be used.
The chest compressions of CPR should only be performed if there is no pulse, but it is often difficult
for non-professionals to sense the pulse. For this reason the current recommendations are that the
non-professional should look for signs such as coughing, normal breathing, or movement. Checking
for a pulse would waste valuable time in some circumstances. 
This may occur in:
Heart Attack

4. Understand Prudent Heart Living. List five things a person can do

to maintain a healthy heart.[edit]
There are a number of factors that can affect a person's heart health.
Smoking raises your risk of a heart attack by two to six times. In the United states 20% of all
cardiovascular disease is related to smoking. The best advice is don't smoke.

Heart healthy diet- A well balanced diet can improve your heart health. You should eat more fruits
(especially those high in vitamin C), nuts, and vegetables (especially leafy vegetables). Increase
your intake of omega 3 fatty acids by eating flax, leafy vegetables, or fish and use olive oil rather
than other "bad fats".
Heart damaging diet- A diet rich in saturated fat, trans-fats, cholesterol, sugar and salt can damage
your heart and blood vessels. Cholesterol is found only in animal products, and saturated fat is found
in great quantities in meat, milk products, and eggs. Greasy or fried foods - especially the modern
"Fast Food" diet - are very bad for your health.
In Britain 50% of all deaths are from heart disease, but death from heart disease was found to be
28% less in vegetarians. Adventist's are known for their health message, but over the years, fewer
and fewer people have adopted the health principles of the church, and there has been a noticeable
increase in heart disease within the church. 
Regular aerobic exercise keeps your heart (which is a large muscle) in good condition.
Drink plenty of water
To determine how much water you should drink to stay hydrated, take your body weight in pounds,
and divide it by two. This is the number of ounces of water you should drink each day. The Adventist
Health study found that those who drank 2 glasses a water per day had about 3 times more deaths
from heart disease than those who drank 5 or more glasses per day.

Stress raises your risk of heart problems.

There is nothing you can do about your genetics - you may have inherited heart properties
that are good or bad. If heart problems run in your family, it is even more important for you to
address the risk factors you can control.
Men tend to have more heart disease than women although there has been some
equalization in recent years as more women have started smoking.

5. Develop, maintain, and keep a record of a personalized program in

exercise, health, and diet habits for one month. [edit]
See the Physical Fitness honor for setting up a personalized exercise program. If you opt for aerobic
exercise and stick with it for one month, you may as well stick with the program for two more months
and earn the Physical Fitness honor too.
The diet can be tracked with pencil and paper or with an online tool such as the one provided by the
USDA at This would also be a good opportunity to earn the Nutrition -
Advanced honor (it requires that you track your diet for one week) and the Digestion honor (it
requires that you track your diet for two weeks).

6. Learn the significance of the colors and design used on the honor
token for this honor as follows[edit]
a. The person needing CPR is white, signifying no circulation.
b. The person giving CPR is red, signifying a very alive person.
c. The background of purple signifies loyalty or commitment.
d. The border of gold speaks to the value of the human life.
e. A heart is formed by the head, shoulders, and arms of the person performing the CPR,
signifying compassion for another individual.

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