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- to mean something different to each individual person: điều gì đó có ý nghĩa khác

nhau đối với mỗi người
- to derive a sense of satisfaction from: có được cảm giác hài lòng từ
- to give a precise definition of
- basic survival needs: nhu cầu sống cơ bản (safe place to live, enough food to eat or
shelter, food, clothes, company,…)
- cover its running costs: like employees’ wages, payments for buildings and utilities
- meet the changing need of customers
- social responsibilities = support local charities, environmental projects, educational
- It has become far more normal for people to…: trở nên bình thường để
- something sets a bad example to young people
- inherit money from parents/ family
- great effort, determination and ambition
- application = the determination to work hard over a period of time in order to
succeed at something: sự chuyên cần, sự chuyên tâm
- application and perseverance: sự chuyên tâm và kiên nhẫn
- work on a volunteer basis = work as a volunteer: làm tình nguyện
- A is relatively easy, while others present more of a challenge
- demanding and challenging experience
- require a high level of knowledge and expertise: trình độ cao vể kiến thức và chuyên
- gain relevant qualifications and undertake years of training
- personnally = In my opinion = From a personal perspective
- courses like medicine, engineering and information technology provide more job
opportunities, career progression, better salaries and therefore and improved quality
of life
- 100 days free of infections: 100 ngày không có ca nhiễm
- the virus can evade the toughest defences: vi rút có thể tránh khỏi rào cản lớn nhất
- enact the strictest lockdowns: ban hành lệnh phong tỏa nghiêm khắc nhất
- tight border controls: những biện pháp kiểm soát biên giới chặt chẽ
- 102 days without recording any new locally covid-19 cases: mà không ghi nhận ca
mắc mới trong cộng đồng
- someone had tested positive for the virus: dương tính với covid-19
- without identifiable source of infection: mà không rõ nguồn lây
- who sits on the New Zealand government’s covid – 19 advisory panel: trong hội
đồng cố vấn/ban tham mưu covid-19 của chính phủ NZ
- banning residents from leaving home for non-essential reasons: cấm người dân ra
khỏi nhà mà không có lý do cần thiết
- someone at quarantine facilities: ai đang trong điều kiện cách ly
- in an effort to:
- mounting death toll: số ca tử vong tăng lên
- a ban on gatherings of more than X people: cấm tụ tập trên X người
- weakened immune system
- herd immunity: miễn dịch cộng đồng
- even…let alone: thậm chí…nói chi là (scientists don’t even agree on what herd
immunity is, let alone how it might be achieved)
- so how will we know when the populations are protected against the coronavirus
- people live in varied environments, and travel and interact with others to varying
- many questions remain as to how effective a vaccine will be
- the public’s perception of…: sự nhận thức của công chúng về
- if…, we will probably never be able to reach herd immunity: chúng ta có thể sẽ
không bao giờ đạt được miễn dịch cộng đồng
- start mass vaccinations: bắt đầu tiêm chủng lớn
- to trumpet sth as a matter of national pride: “thổi phồng” cái gì đó lên như một niềm
tự hào dân tộc
- we can’t have any confidence in sth if we don’t have transparency
- there were no adverse effects and the vacine triggered desired immune response
- even one week of quarantine make short trips aboard unappealing for many
- check people’ temperature to try to screen out those carrying the virus.
- while fever is a common symptom of covid-19, about 4 in 10 of those who catch the
virus have no symptoms at all

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