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Guided Exercises / Learning Activities

Activity 1: Picture Analysis

Instruction: Identify and differentiate the picture below. Align your answer in our topic which is

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Activity 2: Self-Assessment

Instruction: Read the situation / scenario below and write your own conclusion or solution on
the problem given.

Assuming you are the president of the Philippines, how will you manage your country despite
having numerous criticism and lack of support from your constituents? What are the steps and
projects you will do to prove that they are wrong? Make your own project plan for the project
and a step by step procedure on how you will implement it.
Activity 3: My Leader, My Idol

Instruction: Have a conversation with the leader you idolize and ask the following interview
1. What leadership style is effective for you?

2. How do you define Leadership?

3. What challenges have you encountered as a leader and how did you overcome it?

4. What qualities should an effective leader possess?

5. What piece of advice will you give to aspiring leaders?

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