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Social Conditions

The 19th Century gave birth to the middle class, the lands became the primary source of wealth because
of the cash-crops, and being able to afford constructions; it gave rise to technological interconnections
among the separated islands of the Philippines. The Philippines’ regional diversity became
interconnected by railroads, steam ships, and advance in communication. Literacy was also considered a
weapon by the Filipinos – a weapon for decolonization.

During the 19th century, it can be seen that the Philippines was one of the wealthiest countries in those
times. Being a country abundant in cash-crops, it mostly controlled the supply in world trade; and having
this control, the Philippines was considered technologically advanced during those times by having to
railroads, steamships, and advance communication system.

Social Structure

The Filipinos in the 19th century had suffered from feudalistic and master – slave relationship by the
Spaniards. Their social structure is ranked into three groups:

Highest class – the people belong in this class have the power and authority to rule over the Filipinos.
They are the wealthiest group yet, accordingly, they are the least number of populations; composed of:

→The Spanish officials

→The Peninsulares – these are the Spaniards of pure Spanish descent who were born in Spain. They
held the most important government jobs, and made up the smallest number of the population.

→The Friars – these are members of any of certain religious orders of men, who are devoted to a
religious life; especially the four mendicant orders (Augustinians, Carmelites, Dominicans, and

Middle Class – the groups of people that belong into this class are well-educated, skilled, and with
higher perspectives.

→ Natives – the pure Filipinos

→The Mestizos – are the Filipinos of mixed indigenous Filipino or European or Chinese ancestry.

Lowest class – this class includes the Filipinos only

→The Indios are the least fortunate people with pure blood Filipino which were ruled by the Spaniards.
EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM during the late 19th century

There are lots of criticisms received in the educational system of the Philippines in the late 19th century.
Below are the following:

1. Overemphasis on religious matters

2. Obsolete teaching methods
3. Limited curriculum
4. Poor classroom facilities
5. Absence of teaching materials
6. Primary education was neglected
7. Absence of academic freedom
8. Prejudice against Filipinos in the schools of higher learning
9. Friar control over the system

THE CULTURE OF THE PHILIPPINES during the 19th century

 After centuries of colonization, 19th century Philippines was and continues to be an amalgam of
indigenous, Western and Chinese cultures. This study of clothing practices as an element of
colonial life points to a broader study of cultural interactions, colonial lifestyles, human relations
and social behavior.

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