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Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English

(Grade 7 students)

Time frame: 1hour and 30 minutes

Prepared by: Mary Joy F. Aposotolado


By the end of this lesson the students are expected to:

a) Distinguish what the facts are and what opinions are.

b) Differentiate the difference between facts and opinion.
c) Understand the relevance of facts and opinion in the society nowadays.


a. Lesson: Facts Vs. Opinion

b. Materials: Print out, online articles and video.
c. References:


a. Routinary Activities

o Everyone stands up and let’s pray.

o Good morning everyone.
o Before you sit down, pick up the pieces of paper right where you stand, and
you may sit down.
o Okay! say present when I called your name.

b. Review

o Okay, before we proceed to the topic that we are going to discuss today, let’s
have a short review of what was the topic yesterday, for you to have some
o So, anyone who wants to answer?
o Correct, our topic yesterday is all about made up versus real text.
o Last one, differentiate the made up and real text concisely?
o That was right and very concise indeed.
o Do you have any question and clarification from that topic?
o Okay since no one is asking lets now proceed to our next topic.
c. Activity

o Guys as I am going to show you a two video and while watching you
can extract those statement that you think is facts or opinion. You can
at list write 1 statement in each video.


o (The 2 videos will finish in 12 minutes)
o I guess everybody already knew what our topic is all about.
o Anyone who wants to guess?
o Correct, our topic is facts and Opinion that’s why I ask you to do this

d. Analysis

o So, from the video that you have watched what do you think is the
difference two videos?
o Okay that is right, the first video contains opinion of the people and the
other one is facts.
o As I told you a while ago, you have to extract the information that state
an opinion and a fact.
o I will be calling your name based on alphabetical order, but this time I
will still start at the end, and if there is no surname starting the letter, I
will proceed to the next one and so on.
o Guys, I appreciate all your answer. Very good.

e. Abstraction

o Moving on to our topic, and since you already guess it.

o When you hear the word facts, what comes into your mind?
o Okay that is right.
o You can think of the word right and correct or sometimes when we hear
this word we automatically think of information.
o Okay moving on to the topic.
o What is fact?
o The facts are those pieces of information that can be described as
verifiable and based on direct observation or experience.
o It means that it is not debatable because there is only one universal
answer to that and cannot be changed by anyone.
o For example, the largest organ is the skin.
o In this example, you cannot change the answer because there is only
one universal answer for that to make this statement correct and if you
are going to change the answer, that would be incorrect because it’s
already been verified by the data according to the scientist.
o Is that clear?
o Can I have someone to volunteer and give a least one example of a
fact information?
o Yes! that’s correct, because according to many sources Mr.
Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook and launches it on February 4,
o There are some clues that a statement or a text is indicating a fact
when they show evidence to you, such as giving credible sources from
the researchers. It is not something you heard from others or from your
family members, but it is from legitimate sources that are recognized by
the authorities.
o In today's world, giving information is very important as the world
evolves on social media, where information can be easily manipulated,
and we can be easily deceived by that wrong information spread online
as people become wiser to misleading us. So, before we trust the
information that we gather online, we should do some research on it,
so that if the information is misleading, we can correct it.
o Next is, “Opinion”.
o What is opinion?
o To be concise, an opinion is an expression of belief about something. It
is debatable because this is only based on people's views which
cannot be verified because this might be incorrect and misleading
o For example, President Duterte is the best president in the Philippines.
o This example demonstrates that some people believe President
Duterte is the best and others do not, which means there is no correct
answer because we do not have the same definition of how the
President handles the country, which is why people are divided about
the President's performance right now because they do not share the
same judgment as others.
o How about you guys, can you give me an example of the statement
showing an opinion?
o Okay, that correct, from that statement, you expressed yourself that
BTS is the best boy band in the whole of which some people may
disagree to this.
o There are also some clues for you to identify if the statement is opinion
such as using the word I think, I believe, I feel, in my opinion, some
people think, my friends think, my parents think, some people claim,
He/she claims.
o Okay class is everything clear! Do you have any clarification related to
our topic?
o Okay very good everyone!

f. Application

o So, guys, I want you to find your partner and what you are going to do
is share anything about facts and opinion from each other and share it
also to the class. There should be only 5 words for facts about him/her
and 5 words for opinion. I will give you 5 minutes to construct your
answer. (20 students are present out of 25)
o Okay, time is up! Let us now hear your answers.
o So, everyone’s answer is correct, and it was fun activity.


Identify the statement below. Write F if the statement is facts and write O if the
statements is opinion.

______1. Barack Obama is the former president of United States.

______2. Mathematics is the most hated subject according to researcher’s data.
______3. Manila can be found in the Philippines.
______4. The smallest bone can be found in the ear.
______5. SB19 is a P-Pop group in the Philippines.
______6. Filipinos is the best singer in the whole world.
______7. Koreans have the most beautiful skin among other races.
______8. Corona virus can be spread through droplets.
______9. Vice Ganda is a comedian.
______10. DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.
______11. Teachers is the most admired people.
______12. Corona virus started from the city of Wuhan China.
______13. Chinese people are the carrier of Corona virus.
______14. Vice President Leni Robredo is better that President Duterte.
______15. ABS-CBN News is the most useless media in the Philippines.


Write the facts and opinion related to the

phrases and words below.
1. Human body
Opinion ________________
2. Corona Virus
3. President Duterte
Opinion ________________

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