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Huskar in Dota 2 is a nightmare for any hero on the lane. He does not care about how much
HP you have, what magic you use, and who you stand with. As soon as enemy will come
close Huskar will throw couple of fire spares in him and enemy will have to retreat. And in
mid and late game Huskar either will gank enemy carry to death, or will slay everyone in
team fight if we won’t be noticed.



Guide for Huskar the Sacred Warrior in Dota 2 v 6.84c

 1

 2

 3

 4

 5

 6

 7
 8

 9

 10

 11

 12

 13

 14

 15
 16

 17

 18

 19

 20

 21

 22

 23
 24

 25

Inner Vitality

This skill opens its potential in late game, when we get enough of main attribute amount. We use it
right after we have flown to the enemy with Life Break. On the first stages it is used to not get so
much damage when you harass with Burning Spear.

This is interesting

 It can be casted on units with magical immunity.

 The amount of HP is checked every second, when HP is above 40% the regeneration goes
Burning Spear

Great spell that let us win almost any lane, by dealing lots of damage to enemies and not letting
them to kill creeps. With every arrow, the effect renews. This spell is actual on every game stage
because it depends on attack speed. Every Arrow deals 16/32/48/64 damage. We attack enemy
with this spell as much as we can, because it spends our HP which are easy to restore. This spell is
an orb effect.

This is interesting

 Deals magic damage to oneself and to target.

 Burning Spears stack if you use the same target, the amount of stacks is unlimited.
 Huskar cannot kill himself with this ability.
 Burning Spears is no longer a Unique Attack Modifier.

Berserker's Blood

This ability makes us very good hero-killer, because after life break we get a lot of attack speed and
survivability, spells do almost no damage to our hero, and we kill our enemy very fast. It is learned
closer to the end of the game when we can allow ourselves to run around with low health.

This is interesting

 We can see the animation when amount of health goes lower than 60% and passive ability
starts to give a great bonus.
 Max bonus (14 stacks) appears when we have lower than 3% of health.
 First stack works between 100% and 87% of health
 This ability can be shut down by Doom
Life Break

This skill will help us to kill many heroes because it takes health in percents and by doing that it
makes us stronger and our enemy weaker. It slows down the target very well, usually we can kill
enemy while it is active. It’s better to use it on those who have no abilities to escape immediately.

This is interesting

 When we fly to the target with this ability, we are immune for the magic.
 Slowdown works on units with magic immunity.

Early game for Huskar(up to 15 minute)

What I should do?

We can stand on every lane very well, but it’s better to go there, where there are no any strong
mage, because on early stages they will kill us with procast after Life Break. We should buy
2x  Gauntlets of Strength,  Tango,  Healing Salve, 2x  Iron Branch. These items
will let us to restore our health after harass, and give us some strength to last hit creeps easily.

We use Burning spear all the time on the lane, and trying to finish the enemy with fire damage.
But be careful because on the low levels our regeneration is not that big. Next item will be 
Urn of Shadows. This item will solve health issues and will help us to kill enemies. We need to
get  Power Treads before level 6. These boots are the best for Huskar because they give
Strength, attack speed, and move speed, everything that we need.

Huskar is a very aggressive hero, we need to use that. We should farm much more than our
enemy, killing him once and again, or sending him to heal up at base. Support should help us
with that. The best hero on that role is a mage with strong procast. They will help us to finish
targets with low health, because there are some occasions we cannot do that. Another great
variant is hero who can slow down enemy and heal us up.

Middle game for Huskar(from 15 till 35 minute)

What I should do?

On this game stage we should get  Armlet of Mordiggian fast and we can go to gank. This
item is a key item when you play Huskar, it gives Health regeneration, damage, and armor,
and we use it after Life Break and we can survive the damage for sure. We can learn how to
use this item while playing Huskar, and it will help us out when we will play for different heroes.

The next item will be  Black King Bar, because now we are only afraid of mages, that kill us
with procast.  Black King Barwill help us in team fights, letting us pay no attention for
control. To increase the damage we get  Crystalys. On low health level we give lots of
damage and critical hits will be great addition. We try to gank most of the time, to leave farm for
our carry, because of our life break we can approach enemy very fast, and kill him. If we
use  Black King Bar first and then we use Life Break, then we won’t get damage. The same
works with Burning Spear. Even though Dota says that Huskar is initiator, we won’t be doing
that, because there are heroes that do it better. We go to fight after the initiator, and attack the
most vulnerable targets, because carry on this stage usually don’t have all the items, to be a
real menace.

When we gank lanes we should choose enemy carry, to lower his amount of money till the late

Late game for Huskar(from 35 minute)

What I should do?

Our next task is to upgrade  Crystalys to  Daedalus, to give more damage in team fights.

Next item will be  Heart of Tarrasque, to increase survivability, strength and heal in fight as
if we are not there. Other items depend on the situation and enemy’s pick.

Monkey King Bar will be a great choice against heroes who have evasion or  Butterfly.
Assault Cuirass will increase armor, attack speed and will give useful auras – it’s a great
choice. You can fill up the last slot with  Satanic, it’s a great choice, Burning Spear will not
work with, but we will have great survivability.

We should not just to team fight first. We attack carry, and watch so that he would not use 
Black King Bar.

Full inventory view

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