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S. U. B: A. L.

Full Subject Report

Name: Gabriel Middle Name: Alexander

Last Name: Roche
Code Name: Subject 12; Clock
Age: 71*
*NOTE: Due to abilities, displays physical body of a 30-year-old man.

Subject 12, also known as Gabriel Alexander Roche, was born in the country
of England. Throughout their younger life they presented no signs of current
personality, and close relatives described them as a “quiet, yet charming
kid”. At an older age, Subject 12 attained a job at an American subsidiary for
a large enterprise. Time after his arrival to America, Subject met and later
married Martina Russell.
At some point they gave birth to their only daughter. Close relatives and
friends express a change in Subject 12’s personality, describing him as
“colder, much more silent and serious person, giving a grim and terrifying vibe”.
Police reports found various murdered victims, all with a similar modus operandi, their bodies were found mutilated with
various vital organ removed with nigh surgical precision. Soon after police investigation on the incidents began, Subject 12
was reported missing, along with his late wife. Various years later, when Subject’s grandkids were celebrating having turned
2 years old, a new murder case with the same modus operandi was committed, in which Subject 12’s only confirmed victims
were found murdered in their own household, in the adjacent room to Subject 12’s grandchildren.
The victims where the Subject’s only daughter and her husband, Marcus Toide. Subject 12 was quickly apprehended after
neighbors reported the scandal (Evidence shows the victims had fought back in uniform). After being apprehended and
processed, Subject 12 was sent to the Northern Ireland S.U.B: A.L. facility Number 67-78AW0 with Clearance level: Top
Secret, for investigation due to the strange nature of his ability.
-Spouse: Martina Russell
Ability: Unidentified
Status: Unknown
-Daughter: Helen Toide (née. Roche)
Ability: Precision Cut, Emitter
Status: Deceased (Died in combat)
Personal Life:
Husband: Marcus Toide [Ability: Face Dough, Transformation | Status: Deceased (Died in combat)]
Children: Twins (Male and female) [Status: Unknown]
Psychological profile for Subject 12: It is concluded after extensive investigation, Subject 12 experiences great episodes of
psychosis, violent behavior prone to murder. Subject is deemed unstable and highly dangerous.
Approach with caution: Subject 12 will attack all humans with unique abilities users, a severe lack of empathy for their
victims. Subject has not shown signs of regret or sadness at their lack of family.
Subject has expressed how they find “Normal people boring yet funny”, after murder. After being exposed to different
objects and animals test subjects, Subject showed great interest in thoroughly analyzing them.

Code Name: Intuitive Adaptability, Emitter
Details, Strengths, Weaknesses, Limitations:
Subject 12’s ability seemingly allows their brain to release special hormones and neurological signals that alter the
growth and organization of the cellular structure on their organs and tissues. This also alters their brain, as shown by
various tests, giving them a heightened intuitive ability, that is to say, the subject can understand with ease how a device,
object, animal, or tool works and functions intuitively, without the need to reason or acquire previous knowledge. It is to be
noted that the subject’s intuitive ability is not instantaneous and often needs to look at the individual pieces of what they
need to understand. Subject can only adapt their body once they understand how to, indicating a direct relation between the
intuitive ability and the adaptive nature of his body. Without a source of information, subject is left mostly powerless since
they can not memorize most of the adaptations they have made to their body, and most beings temporary. The only exception
to the statement before is his unique capacity to replicate other human’s special abilities, as evidenced by his telekinetic
powers attained from their daughter,
Further study has proven that Subject’s body can temporarily adapt their body and acquire similar abilities and
characteristics of the different animal test subjects they were presented with, after thoroughly analyzing said animal
subjects. Axolotl’s regenerative ability was replicated on a 15% effectivity; Lyre Bird’s sound imitation acquired on a 20%
effectivity. Subject lost abilities after 30 minutes of having been introduced to the animals. Human testing was not permitted.
The subject ages at a much different rate physically, displaying characteristics of a 40-year-old male, and not showing signs
of being a 70-year-old.
It seems the Subject was able to permanently replicate the abilities of a couple of his victims, one an Emitter ability, the
other a Transformation based ability. This could theoretically be possible due to the adaptive nature of the ability, but further
investigation is required, as the abilities where copied permanently, unlike the ones acquired from animal species.
UPDATE: Subject’s capacity to replicate abilities is directly related to their method of killing, as it seems the Subject required
to analyze the individual parts of the body of the victim for an extended amount of time (Approximately 12 to 19 hours), to
comprehend intuitively the functioning of said ability, and retain it be it permanently or temporarily. Subject removed all
organs and tissues related to the usage of said power, after intuitively understanding how each individual part worked, it is
theorized their brain released a higher amount than normal of the substances and signals to change how their body and
brain was structured, replicating the ability of the other human.
It seems the ability does not grant Subject 12 any enhanced physical capacities like enhanced speed, strength, or senses.
Subject proved greatly vulnerable to any stimuli and damage, i.e. Extreme temperatures, bullets, electricity, laser, blunt and
sharp weaponry. Subject 12 is compelled obsessively to analyze anything it that it can perceive.

Acquired Ability:
Code Name: Precision Cut, Emitter
Subject acquired ability after mutilating and murdering their daughter. It allows Subject to telekinetically cut and
slash almost any surface and material, like that of a particularly sharp knife or laser. Subject has shown signs of
utilizing this quirk to simulate common telekinetic techniques, i.e. moving, pinning or grabbing objects remotely.
Grabbing or moving objects is limited, as shown in various regulated tests, since the subject seemed incapable of
moving large objects, exceeding the density of an average man, and could only move objects for a few meters before
the “grasp” they had
Subject displayed the capacity to precisely create telekinetic cuts in the following material: Wood (Perfect cutting
across the middle). Metal (Precise cut reaching half of the material, subject stopped cutting as they expressed “a
tiring and crippling feeling on their hand”). Hardened clay (Displayed great ease to cut but expressed the same
sensation as before).

Code Name: Face Dough, Transformation

Subject acquired ability after mutilating and murdering their son-in-law. It allows Subject 12 to alter the physical
appearance of their face. They can do this by gently massaging it as molding it just as if it was clay or dough, as
implied by name. It seems to be a very basic ability, only allowing the subject to alter how their face looks, and no
other part of their bodies.
It does not give subject any enhanced capabilities. Subject seems to only be capable of correctly altering their look
if they are given a mirror (All mirrors in holding cell were removed day of arrival) and can only change their face
to an already existing one, i.e. they cannot create a face from scratch, and base their look off other people’s.

Case History:

Day 24:
Investigations by Doctor Bryden Gyasi have led to various breakthroughs on the Subject’s motives, discovering a great
correlation between Subject’s abilities and their mental stability.
Day ##:
Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text,

Day ##:
Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text,
Day ##:
Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text,

Day 67:
Subject has attempted to escape the facility, number of injured employees: 67, security has been increased by order from
Director and Chief of Staff Markus Mulligan. Subject shows no fear at the precautions taken, and smiles at investigators.

Day ##:
Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random

Day 108:
A great number of employees has left the facility. Agents have been sent to eliminate all possible information the deserters
might have taken with them and take care of the employees themselves. Subject implied they knew about the situation and
mocked saying they “could help take care of the mistake”.

Day ##:
Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random Text, Random
Text, Random Text, Ran

Day 204:
An incident happened. Subject has escaped from facility. A yet to be confirmed number of guards, investigators and IT
employees was murdered in the event. Subject stated he would kill all those involved in his imprisonment. All living employees
are to be sent away. File on Subject to be Classified.



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