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Name: ROCHELLE DRILON ERAN Date:_________________

Course: BSED FILIPINO 1-E Sem/AY:2nd sem. 1st year


1. Give your own example of a moral dilemma that occurs in any of the three levels discussed above?

2. List down the possible choices for this dilemma and how the choices would influence other moral

3. Insight; why do you think it is more important to choose a course of action in a moral dilemma than to
not make any choice at all? Explain and support with an example.

I.Imagine a scenario in which an image of someone who is the object of religious devotion (such as Jesus
Christ or Mary, the Mother of Jesus) is placed side by side with a phallic image.

1. Is this an ethical issue? Why or why not?

Placing phallic images next to an image of Jesus Christ can be sign of not respecting Christian
people. And yes it is an ethical issue because as mention ethics is the branch of philosophy that studies
morality or the rightness or wrongness of human conduct. And based on the situation placing a phalic
images to those religious devotion is a wrong action of a person that must being punished.

2. Does the question of rightness or wrongness of this depend on which religion you belong to? Explain
your answer.

The answer is no. I do believe about right or wrong depends on the religion. It depends on how
people would do or act as a human.

II.Look for another example of an artistic creation- a painting, a poem or song- that is a source of either
actual or potential conflict between the expression of the artist and a sensibility that finds this offensive.
Present the significant details and the reasons that the conflicting sides might have on this issue. It

The painting of Manuel Ocampo was highly criticized because it depicts the head of Jesus Christ
attached to a hawk's body and is placed in the middle of two large swastikas. For many Germans,
swastika is the symbol used by Adolf Hitler in his political movement. Which is why, when Manuel
Ocampo displayed his works in a prestigious modern and contemporary art exhibition in Germany, it
was pulled out. On the part of the painter, he used such symbols to express his views about political and
social problems in the present day and the painting doesn't promote fascism.
III.Look for and list down other sources wherein we find a dialogue between ethics and the various
domains of aesthetic, culture and religion.

-The Aesthetics and Ethics of Faith: A Dialogue Between Liberationist and Pragmatic Thought,

By Christopher D. Tirres. Oxford University Press, 2014.

- Beauty and Holiness: The Dialogue Between Aesthetics and Religion by James Alfred Martin


Discussion Points:

1. Identify a list of (a) obligations we are expected to fulfill, (b) prohibitions we are required to respect,
and (c) ideals we are encouraged to meet. Discuss whether these are ethical in nature or not.

(a) We need to learn, be informed and be transformed through mental training.

We need also to sustain life.

It's our obligation to protect mother earth.

(b) Don't smoke on public places

Respect someone's opinion

We should stop videoke at 10pm

(c) Always try your best

You don't live in an island

Live without regrets

Those I list are ethical in nature because it's happened naturally. It is within also on us and it is our life
to be obliged, prohibited and always encourage people's or even ourselves.

2. Are clothes a matter of pure aesthetics taste, or does it makes sense for clothes to become a subject
in a discussion of ethics? Why? How about other forms of adornment, such as tattoos and piercings?

Cloths is just a product of art and passion. We could freely create our design in order on us to fit in but
we should know our limitations. Yes clothes could be a subject in adiscussion of ethics or even in the
other forms of adornments specially if it is over pass our limitations. We need to respect the values we
have and valued it as we give value to ourselves. Maybe it is just a statement within your clothes but we
didn't new those lines could affect some people feelings or emotions.
3. Come up with a list of common Filipino values. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of each of
these values.
Family oriented

Strength: for us Filipino family serve as our motivation and strength by our daily lives.

Weakness: Providence due to financial status and push to respiration.


Strength : Generosity aligns with manners and respect

Weakness: Birth with trust issue


Strength: Persistent and focused to career

Weakness: Stressed and prone to depression


Strength: Have a big faith on God that molds it's character to push through trials

Weakness: Strict uphold to traditions.

4. Comment on this statement: “What I believe must be true if I feel very strongly about it.”
If you are strongly believe that your right or it is right fight for it. Push yourself and faced a
consequence. If you are really sure about your decision stand on it and pursue yourself and be

5. Is looking after the benefit of your own family over all other aspects considered as another form of
egoism? Discuss.
No because providing the needs of your family is just normal. According to our rules being a human it
is our obligation that we need to feed and provide our family. But if you step on people's head while
doing that it might be. But for us filipino it is natural to be a bread winner because somewhat it is our

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