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6. For a long time, psychologists ---- that major
personality makeovers …. impossible.
1. -10. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yerlere
uygun düşen sözcük veya ifadeyi bulunuz. A) have believed / are
B) believe / are going to be
1. In the Philippines, with its numerous scandals C) believed / will be
and continuing power struggle, the public is
frustrated, and economic …. is in jeopardy. D) would have believed / have been

A) progress B) decline C) recession E) had believed / had been

D) depression E) failure
7. Scientists predict that should the current rate of
deforestation in the rainforests ----, a great many of
2.Because saliva offers some natural protection the species they support …. completely by the turn
against tooth …., less saliva can lead to more of the 22nd century.
A) continue / will have disappeared
A) treatment B) surgery C) care
B) is continued / will disappear
D) growth E) decay

C) was continued / would disappear

D) had continued / would have disappeared
3. Europe’s deep-ocean margin, stretching from
the Arctic to the Mediterranean and to the Black E) will continue / would have disappeared
Sea, contains an …. of biological energy and
mineral resources.
8. …. an average of five credit cards per person, the
A) extension B) influence C) abundance
people in the United States buy more …. credit
D) element E) assumption than the people in any other country in the world.
A) By / from B) For / of C) To / with

4. Both Saudi Arabia and China know that it is in D) With / on E) At / by

their …. interest to cooperate economically and
increase trade between them.
9. …. Americans are generally marrying less, they
A) notable B) precious C) mutual
still marry, divorce and especially remarry at rates
D) responsible E) implicit higher than in most other countries.
A) As B) When C) Since

5. Some frozen areas of Greenland have always D) Just as E) Even though

melted each summer, but recent research has
shown that the extent of snowmelt in Greenland
increased …. between 1992 and 2005. 10. …. English contains a vast lexical inheritance
from Latin, Persian has absorbed a great number
A) vaguely B) roughly C) scarcely
of Arabic loanwords.
D) drastically E) marginally
A) As long as B) Because C) Even if
D) Just as E) Whether
11. -12. sorularda, verilen cümleyi uygun şekilde
tamamlayan ifadeyi bulunuz.
13. -14. sorularda boş bırakılan yere, parçada
anlam bütünlüğünü sağlamak için getirilebilecek
cümleyi bulunuz.
11. …., which are cheap but durable.
A) In Africa, China has found a ready market for its
manufactured goods 13. For many Central American immigrants
heading north, the first dangerous border crossing
B) Most Chinese products are ideal for African
is not the one into the US. It’s southern Mexico
where the danger begins. Every year, hundreds of
C) Some African states are still trying to recover from thousands of Central Americans cross illegally into
internal conflicts Mexico along the country’s southern border. …. .
The pace of illegal migration north has increased
D) Africa can learn far more from China than it can dramatically over the past decade, propelled in
from the developed nations part by the lingering effects of the 1970s and 80s
E) The US has openly criticized China for selling arms civil wars in Guatemala, El Salvador, and
to Africa’s undemocratic regimes Nicaragua.
A) The US wants Mexico’s southern border to more
secure, even as American employers demand cheap

labour and American drug users demand smuggled

B) Guatemalan border towns are growing quickly as
12. Whereas many insomniacs believe that they
they cater to the growing number of migrants north to
lack sufficient sleep, …. .
A) the chronic inability to either fall asleep or keep
C) Nobody knows exactly how many of those
sleeping are symptoms of insomnia,
migrants are headed to the United States, but most
B) they should arrange their retiring and rising times experts estimate the figure to be 150,000 or more a
so that they spend eight hours in bed year

C) evidence shows that they are in fact getting at least D) The simplicity with which people and goods pass
as much as they require illegally across Mexico’s southern border is obvious
to anyone who spends time there
D) many people are usually drowsy early in the
morning E) The US government has already put much pressure
on Mexico so that illegal migration can be stopped
E) studies have shown that sleeping seven hours a completely
night is associated with the lowest mortality risk

14. In 1815, on the Indonesian island of Sumbawa, 16. (I) The global climate is changing as it always
Mount Tambora blew up in the largest volcanic has; species will go extinct as they always have;
eruption in recorded history, ejecting 20 times the other species will prosper. (II) Humans may be
amount of rock that flew from Vesuvius in 79 A.D. influencing the change, but they didn’t create the
Superhot ash and rock burned or buried all in its change. (III) Global warming is as dynamic as
path, including the tiny kingdom of Tambora. The many other earthly processes. (IV) Of course it is
death toll was 92,000. Wind-blown clouds from the important to monitor which changes are being
27-mile-high plume of ash dimmed the Sun’s rays. influenced by humans, but it must be remembered
…. . After the eruption, Sumbawa was largely that change is natural, and Earth will continue to
uninhabited for decades. change no matter what humans may or may not do.
(V) Humans as a species must accept this, and
A) Scientists have uncovered three houses under ten
figure out how best to adapt to the change, not how
feet of ash near Tambora
to control it.
B) As a result of the darkness, crops in the surrounding
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V
regions failed, and many people went hungry
C) Volcanologists are searching the area with ground-
penetrating radar

D) Archaeologists will continue excavating the area

E) Some scientists say that Tambora could be the
Pompeii of the East

15. -16. sorularda, cümleler sırasıyla okunduğunda

parçanın anlam bütünlüğünü bozan cümleyi

15. (I) France, Russia and the United States are the
world’s biggest exporters of small arms. (II) Last
year they produced 75% of all small arms sold in
the world. (III) But several other countries, such as
Egypt and Israel, are also emerging as major
producers and traders. (IV) Especially in the
Middle East, the problem of arms smuggling is
widespread. (V) For instance, in 2006 Israel
exported $175 million worth of small arms.
A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V

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