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Let’s Check

1. According to psychological theory, neuroses stem from

a. underlying unconscious conflicts.
b. the clash of conscious and unconscious therapy.
c. dream process.
d. identity concepts

2. An essential element of illness anxiety disorder is __________.

a. psychosis
b. worry
c. depression
d. dissociation

3. Minor, physical complaints are common among ____________.

a. young children
b. adolescents
c. the middle aged
d. the elderly

4. Disorders such as koro and dhat that are similar to somatic symptom disorders demonstrate the
a. influence of culture on psychopathology.
b. physical basis of many hypochondriacs' complaints.
c. difficulty of accurately diagnosing hypochondriasis.
d. influence of genetics on psychopathology.

5. A patient with somatic symptom disorder tends to generate higher healthcare costs than an average
patient due to.
a. an extensive medical and physical workup with every visit to a new physician.
b. the person's tendency to visit numerous medical specialists.
c. both a and b
d. neither a or b

6. George has completely lost his sight during the past year, but medical experts can find no physical
reason for his blindness. This could be an example of _______________.
a. somatization disorder
b. hypochondriasis
c. conversion disorder
d. dissociative disorder

7. Factitious disorder imposed on another is often characterized by

a. deliberate actions directed toward making a child sick.
b. a parent denying that a child has symptoms that have, in fact, been observed.
c. a parent developing the same symptoms that their child has.
d. convincing a child to lie to a doctor about factitious symptoms.

8. Catharsis is Phone No.: (082)300-5456/305-0647 Local 118

a. the process of placing a tube into the bladder to release urine.
b. a conscious behavioral process.
c. a purging of emotionally traumatic events.
d. none of these

9. The experience of dissociation occurs in

a. psychotic disorders only.
b. individuals with dissociative disorders only.
c. only in those individuals who have experienced great personal trauma.
d. certain psychological disorders as well as in non-disordered people at times.

10. While driving alone in her car, Sarah suddenly looks around and, for a moment, she can't remember
where she is, how she arrived at this point on the road, or even why she is driving her car. Sarah is
experiencing _______________.
a. derealization
b. depersonalization
c. the early stages of what will eventually become a severe psychotic disorder
d. symptoms of a mood disorder

11. In dissociative amnesia, the individual typically has no memory of

a. any events.
b. events prior to a trauma.
c. selective events, particularly those involving trauma.
d. events following a trauma, particularly those involving interpersonal issues.

12. An alter is
a. a separate identity experienced by someone with dissociative identity disorder.
b. a new identity created by someone with dissociative fugue.
c. a new identity created by someone with generalized amnesia.
d. a physical symptom with no physical cause experienced by someone with
somatic symptom disorder.

13. Vanna, who is 40, apparently believes that she is a 20-year-old woman. Suddenly, she starts to speak
and behave very differently, and says she no longer thinks of herself as "Vanna." Instead, she claims to
be Elise, a 10-year-old child. It is likely that Vanna has just experienced a _____.
a. switch
b. dissociative trance disorder
c. conversion reaction
d. schizophrenic moment
14. Comparisons of optical functioning in the various personalities of dissociative identity disorder
patients show changes that would be
a. easy to fake.
b. absolutely impossible to fake.
c. consistent with an individual who was trying to fake.
d. difficult to fake.

15. Some theorists suggest that dissociative identity disorder is an extreme subtype of ___________.
a. dissociative amnesia
b. obsessive-compulsive disorder
c. posttraumatic stress disorder
d. antisocial personality disorder

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