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____________ Trial Court)

Mr. _____X________,

- versus - CIVIL CASE

No. ______

Mr. _____Y________, and/or Mr. _____Z________,




COMES NOW the plaintiff by the undersigned attorney, and unto this Honorable Court,
respectfully alleges:

1. That plaintiff Mr. P____ of legal age and a resident of _____________________,

defendant _Mr. D.A._ is likewise of legal age and a resident of
_________________________________ and co-defendant __Mr. C.D.__ is
likewise of legal age and a resident of _________________________________.
2. That, on _______date____________, defendant Mr. Y, representing himself to
be acting as an agent of the other defendant Mr. Z, bought, credit, from plaintiff,
poker table, cards, chips and timer worth Php______________, for which
defendant Mr. Y, signing as agent of defendant Mr. Z, executed a promisory note,
copy of which is attached hereto as Annex "A".

3. That defendant Mr. Z, denies having authorized Mr. Y, to act as his agent in the
aforementioned transaction, and plaintiff is at present uncertain against whom of
the two he is entitled to relief.

4. ______________________________. _____________________________.
_______(Allege other facts constituting cause of action). ____________________.
___________________. _________________________________.

WHEREFORE, plaintiff prays for judgement ordering either Mr. Y or Mr. Z, or both
of them solidarily, to pay to plaintiff the sum of Php______________, plus interest
and costs.
_______________________ ___________ ___________________________
Place Date Signature

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