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Be Patient in Suffering and Persevere Until Jesus Comes

LIFE Group Agenda: April 11-17, 2021

Tacloban Bible Community

Welcome: (15 minutes)

 Please observe social distancing and make sure everyone wears a mask and keeps it on.
Please no snacks, because people take off their masks as they eat and this can lead to
transmission of Covid-19.
 Greet each person with excitement as they arrive. Give special attention to visitors.
 Do an icebreaker, or something fun, to make the group relaxed and get to know each other
better. You can have everyone tell something about themselves: favorite movie, or vacation,
or where they would like to live.

Worship: (10 minutes)

 Have someone open the meeting in Prayer.
 If someone in your Life Group can play an instrument, ask them to lead the group in singing a
couple songs that express our love for God.
 Remind people to focus their attention on what the songs are saying and on God.
 If you prefer not to sing, worship can be done through the sharing of things you are thankful to
God for. You could also read a Psalm or have each member, that wants to, share a favorite
memory verse.

Word: (35minutes)
 Last week we discussed how mature believers should pray. Please share what you have
done this past week to improve your prayer life?

 In the world we live in right now, most of the things we have are instant, instant noodles,
instant coffee, technology makes our world fast-paced and comfortable, with almost everything
brought to us in a short time. And because of it we have developed a character of being
impatient, impatient with God, with people, and with ourselves. In the passage we are going to
read, it teaches us how to become more patient and how to persevere through trials and
suffering. Have your group read James 5:7-11.

 Have someone summarize the Life Lesson from their notes.

 Please share some examples of how you have had to be patient recently.

 Please read James 5:7. James is using the life a farmer to illustrate patience. A farmer needs
to wait for the harvest, he does not eat the crop the same day he plants the seed. We too must
learn to be patient like a farmer, working faithfully until the harvest arrives. Please share some
examples of how, like a farmer, you keep working while you wait for something to
happen in your life. (While waiting in line, I read books. While driving I listen to sermons or
the audio Bible. While waiting for a future spouse I continue to serve as a single person.
While waiting for a job opportunity I make the most of the time I have with my family.)

 Please read James 5:9. This verse is telling us that sometimes when we are impatient we
complain to ourselves, to others and even to God. Please share with the group what area in
your life, or what situations, tend to cause you to complain?(When people do not do what
they said they would do. When people are late. When people don’t do a job as well as they
 In the Old Testament God used ordinary people to be His messengers to the nations, they
were called the prophets. The prophets often told a difficult message from God, to difficult
people at a difficult time. It often resulted in their being persecuted. The prophets had their
share of sufferings for the message of God to be delivered, but this passage tells us that they
were examples for us to follow. Read James 5:10. Can you name an Old Testament
prophet or person or a New Testament person who’s example encourages you as you
deal with trials, sufferings or persecution? (Daniel - continued to pray to God even if it was
against the law in his kingdom, and would result in his being thrown into a den of lions(Dan.
6:10-28). Shadrach, Meshack, and Abednego refused to bow down and worship an idol even
if it meant they would be thrown into a fiery furnace(Dan. 3:8-30). The Apostle Paul kept
teaching God’s Word and writing letters even though he was in prison.)

 Read James 5:11. Job was a man of God written about in the Old Testament who endured
great suffering with remarkable perseverance. In just one day he lost all his children, all his
cattle, all his sheep, and all his camels. A short time later he was struck with sickness. He
experienced these sufferings despite the fact that he faithfully served God. After some time
had passed, after Job prayed for his friends, God blessed him with double of everything he
lost. God's purpose behind Job's hardships was to prove to Satan that Job was the type of
man who would remain faithful to God no matter what happened to him. But as verse 11 also
makes clear it also taught Job that God is full of compassion and mercy. Read Job 42:10-17.
Share with the group the trials you have been facing and how you have been

 God uses trials, suffering and persecution to shape our character, to mold us and to deepen
our trust and faith in Him. Those who stand firm, persevere and wait patiently for the Lord will
be rewarded by Him. Later we will pray for each other. Maybe in the weeks ahead if we
pray more for others rather than just ourselves will discover God is merciful and
compassionate. Read John 15:5-8. We need to get closer to God as well as ask God to
give us more patience. How can we get closer to God?(Having a regular quite time helps
us grow closer to God. Reading Christian books can help us get closer to God. Going on
private spiritual retreats of Bible study and prayer can help us grow closer to God.)

Work: (20 minutes)

 Discuss with your Life Group members what you could to reach out and win new members to
your Life Group. Also talk about visiting some former Life Group members that are not
attending at this time. Plan an outing to attract new people.

 Divide into small groups and pray for each other.

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