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Location for Cell Part Function of cell part Similarities between

comparison (city, cell part and example

military base, factory,
house, etc.)
Front Gate of Canada’s Cell Membrane Cell membrane acts as The front gates of
Wonderland a barrier. Allows amusement park allow
chemicals to enter and people to enter and
leave the cell. exit amusement park.
Map or information Nucleus Controls cell activity. The map directs you
station in Canada’s Controls all functions of
where to go and where
Wonderland the cell. all the rides in the park
are located.
Pathways in Canada’s Rough Endoplasmic Allow different Pathways allow
Wonderland Reticulum ribosomes to move customers to get to
from one part of the different parts of the
cell to another. park.
Concessions stand in Ribosomes Ribosomes help keep Concession stands
Canada’s Wonderland the cell running, provides nutrients and
without ribosomes cells refreshments to the
would die. customers by
instruction of the park
Local power plants Mitochondria Produces ATP. Cells Amusement parks relay
the use ATP to on local power plants
complete task to supply the electricity
necessary for survival and energy needed to
and functions. run the amusement
parks rides.
Trash cans at Canada’s Lysosomes Rids the cell of Allows you to get rid of
Wonderland unwanted materials. waste, which allows
Helps keep the cell the park to stay clean.
Janitors or Custodians Vacuole Store either food They keep the storage
at Canada’s molecules that have of maintenance items.
Wonderland been ingested or waste They clean the park to
material about to be make it look spotless
discarded. for each guest.
Bumper Cars at Cytoskeletons Protects cells, Rubber around the
Canada’s wonderland. maintains cell shape. bumper car protects
car from damage.
Keeps car in good
Question 2: One of the students is likely to ask how you can tell if your example (e.g. your city,
military base, or house, etc.) represents a plant or animal cell. In a few sentences, compare at least
three cell parts to help explain the difference between plant and animal cells. Describe in at least
three ways how the functions of your site show that it is either a plant or animal cell.

There are a few differences when it comes to plant and animal cells. You can tell the amusement park is
an animal cell, as there are organelles listed that are not a part of plant cells.

Lysosomes is an organelle that is in the animal cells. They are considered the garbage disposals.
Whereas a plant cell has a cell wall that are tough enough to keep the large/foreign substances that
lysosomes would usually digest out of the cell. We know that lysosomes are only found in animal cells
which will then mean that the amusement park reference is an animal cell being described.

Vacuole is also another organelle that have differences in between them when it comes to animal and
plant cells. The main difference is that the plant cell contains a single large whereas animal cells contain
several small vacuoles. You can tell this is an animal cell organelle in the amusement park example
because normally there are more than one janitor/custodian that work in large amusement parks.

You can also tell that the amusement park is an animal cell because there was no mention of a cell wall.
Animal cells only have a cell membrane. Cell walls give plant a rigid structure, so they can grow upwards
and receive sunlight.

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