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Biofluids Studied By NMR

John C Lindon and Jeremy K Nicholson, Imperial
College of Science, Technology and Medicine,
London, UK Applications

Copyright © 1999 Academic Press

Introduction important biochemical substances, e.g. hormones, in

body fluids because of problems with sensitivity, dis-
Investigation of biofluid composition provides in- persion and dynamic range and this area of research
sight into the status of a living organism in that the will continue to be technology limited. With this in
composition of a particular fluid carries biochemical mind, it would seem prudent to interpret quantita-
information on many of the modes and severity of tive 1H NMR measurements of intact biological ma-
organ dysfunction. One of the most successful ap- terials and assignment of resonances in 1D spectra
proaches to biofluid analysis has been the applica- with considerable caution even when measured at
tion of NMR spectroscopy. ultrahigh field.
The complete assignment of the 1H NMR spec-
trum of most biofluids is not possible (even by use of
900 MHz NMR spectroscopy) owing to the enor-
mous complexity of the matrix. However, the assign- Resonance assignment in NMR
ment problems vary considerably between biofluid spectra of biofluids
types. For instance, seminal fluid and blood plasma
are highly regulated with respect to metabolite com- Usually in order to assign 1H NMR spectra of bioflu-
position and concentrations and the majority of the ids, comparison is made with spectra of authentic
NMR signals have been assigned at 600 and materials and by standard addition to the biofluid
750 MHz for normal human individuals. Urine com- sample. Additional confirmation of assignments is
position is much more variable because its composi- usually sought from the application of 2-dimensional
tion is normally adjusted by the body in order to (2D) NMR methods, particularly COSY and TOCSY
maintain homoeostasis and hence complete analysis and, increasingly, inverse-detected heteronuclear cor-
is much more difficult. There is also enormous varia- relation methods such as HMQC and HSQC. In
tion in the concentration range of NMR-detectable addition, the application of the 2D J-resolved (JRES)
metabolites in urine samples. With every new in- pulse sequence is useful for spreading out the cou-
crease in available spectrometer frequency the pling patterns from the multitude of small molecules
number of resonances that can be resolved in a bio- in a biofluid. Even 2D correlation NMR spectra of
fluid increases and although this has the effect of complex biofluids can show much overlap of cross-
solving some assignment problems, it also poses new peaks and further editing is often desirable. Thus
ones. Furthermore, problems of spectral interpreta- simplification of 1D and 2D NMR spectra of bioflu-
tion arise due to compartmentation and binding of ids can also be achieved using (i) spin–echo methods
small molecules in the organized macromolecular particularly for fluids containing high levels of mac-
domains that exist in some biofluids such as blood romolecules (T2 editing), (ii) editing based on T1
plasma and bile. relaxation time differences, (iii) editing based on dif-
All biological fluids have their own characteristic fusion coefficient differences, (iv) multiple quantum
physicochemical properties and a summary of some filtering.
of these is given in Table 1 for normal biofluids. One major advantage of using NMR spectroscopy
These partly dictate the types of NMR experiment to study complex biomixtures is that measurements
that may be employed to extract the biochemical can often be made with minimal sample preparation
information from each fluid type. An illustration of (usually with only the addition of 5–10% D 2O) and
the complexity of biofluid spectra, and hence the a detailed analytical profile can be obtained on the
need for ultrahigh field measurements, is given in whole biological sample. This in turn requires good
Figure 1 which shows 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra of methods for suppressing solvent resonances.
normal human urine, bile and blood plasma. Detailed 1H NMR spectroscopic data for a wide
It is clear that at even the present level of technol- range of low molecular weight metabolites found in
ogy in NMR, it is not yet possible to detect many biofluids are given in Table 2.

Table 1 Normal biofluids and their physicochemical properties

Biofluid Function Water content a Viscosity Protein content b Lipid content b Peak overlap c
Urine Excretion
+++ e e e e
Bile ++ ++ + + +++
Blood plasma Homoeostasis +++ ++ +++ +++ ++
Whole blood d +++ +++ +++ ++ +++
Cerebrospinal fluid Homoeostasis +++ + + + ++
Milk Nutrition ++ + ++ +++ +++
Saliva +++ ++ ++ ++ +
Gastric juice Digestion +++ +++ +++ e
Pancreatic juice Digestion ++ ++ +++ + +++
Support for
Seminal fluid + +++ + + +++
Support for
Prostatic fluid + ++ + + ++
Support for
Seminal vesicle fluid + +++ +++ + +++
Protection of
Amniotic fluid +++ + + + +
Follicular fluid Reproduction +++ + + + +
Synovial fluid Joint protection +++ +++ ++ + +
Aqueous humour Eye function +++ + ++ e
+++, ++, + indicate high, medium, low degree of constraint for NMR studies
a Relative water intensity when compared with concentrations of metabolities of interest.

b In biofluids with high protein or lipid contents, spin-echo spectra must normally be employed to eliminate broad resonances.

c A subjective indication of spectral crowding (at 600 MHz) due to abundance of endogenous metabolites with a wide range of shifts.

d Presence of cells and process of cell sedimentation gives rise to magnetic field inhomogeneity problems.

e Not a limiting factor.

NMR studies of dynamic interactions NMR spectroscopy of blood plasma

and whole blood
Although NMR spectroscopy of biofluids is now
well established for probing a wide range of bio- NMR peak assignments
chemical problems, there are still many poorly
understood physicochemical phenomena occurring The physicochemical complexity of plasma shows up
in biofluids, particularly the subtle interactions in its 1H NMR spectra by the range of linewidths of
occurring between small molecules and macromole- the signals. This means that a number of different
cules or between organized multiphasic compart- multiple pulse NMR experiments and/or physico-
ments. The understanding of these dynamic chemical interventions must be applied to extract
processes is of considerable importance if the full useful biochemical information. Numerous high
diagnostic potential of biofluid NMR spectroscopy resolution 1H NMR studies have been performed on
is to be realized. Typically, it is now possible to the biochemistry of blood and its various cellular
study enzymatic reactions, chemical reactions and components and plasma. The physical properties of
biofluid instability, microbiological activity in whole blood pose serious limitations on direct NMR
biofluids, macromolecular binding of small mole- investigations, but packed erythrocytes yield more
cules, membrane-based compartmentation, metal useful information on cell biochemistry. Well
complexation and chemical exchange processes. resolved spectra are given by plasma, and 1H NMR

Figure 1 800 MHz 1H NMR spectra of control human biofluids; (A) urine; (B) gall bladder bile and (C) blood plasma. Reproduced
with permission of Academic Press from Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR spectroscopy of biofluids. Annual
Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 38: in the press.

measurements on blood serum and plasma can pro- such as D1-acid glycoprotein (N-acetyl neuraminic
vide much useful biochemical information on both acid and related sialic acid fragments) have been
low molecular weight metabolites and macromolecu- assigned and used diagnostically, in particular their
lar structure and organization. N-acetyl groups which give rise to relatively sharp
In blood plasma, the 1H NMR peaks of metabo- resonances presumably due to less restricted molecu-
lites, proteins, lipids and lipoproteins are heavily lar motion. The signals from some lipid and lipopro-
overlapped even at 800 MHz (Figure 1). Most tein components, e.g. very low density lipoprotein
blood plasma samples are quite viscous and this (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density
gives rise to relatively short T1 relaxation times for lipoprotein (HDL) and chylomicrons, have also been
small molecules and this allows relatively short pulse partially characterized.
repetition cycles without signal saturation. The spec- For normal plasma at pH 7, the largest peak in the
tral profile can be simplified by use of spin–echo ex- spectral region to high frequency of water is that of
periments with an appropriate T2 relaxation delay to the D-anomeric H1 resonance of glucose at G5.223
allow signals from broad macromolecular compo- (which provides a useful internal chemical shift
nents and compounds bound to proteins to be atten- reference). In spectra of normal human and animal
uated. By the early 1980s many metabolites had plasma, there are few resonances in the chemical
been detected in normal blood plasma although as- shift range to high frequency of G5.3 when measured
signments were, in general, based on the observation in the pH range 3 to 8.5. However, on acidification
of only one or two resonances for each metabolite. of the plasma to pH < 2.5, resonances from histidine
In addition, peaks from certain macromolecules and phenylalanine become detectable. Experiments

with model solutions suggested that serum albumin equilibrium with metabolic changes going on in vivo.
has a high capacity for binding aromatic amino acids Lipoproteins are usually classified into five main
and histidine at neutral pH and this is responsible groups, chylomicrons, very low density lipoprotein
for their NMR-invisibility in normal human blood (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), intermediate
plasma. Serum albumin also binds a large number of density lipoprotein (IDL) and high density lipopro-
other species of both endogenous and xenobiotic tein (HDL) based on physical separation using cen-
origin. Even commercial ‘purified’ bovine serum trifugation. Based on the measurement of 1H NMR
albumin (BSA) can be shown to contain a significant spectra of the individual fractions and using line-
amount of bound citrate and acetate which become shape fitting programs, it has been possible to identi-
NMR-detectable in BSA solutions at pH 2. Acidifica- fy the chemical shifts of the CH2 and CH3 groups of
tion of human plasma also renders citrate NMR-de- the fatty acyl side chains. Quantification can be
tectable in spin–echo spectra as it becomes mobilized carried out using either time-domain or frequency-
from the protein binding sites. Through the in- domain NMR data. The usefulness of 1H NMR
creased spectral dispersion available from the use of spectra for lipoprotein analysis and 31P NMR
600, 750 and 800 MHz 1H NMR measurements and spectroscopy for phospholipid analysis in blood
through the use of a variety of 2D methods, the as- plasma has been explored. More recently a neural
signment of resonances in blood plasma spectra in network software approach has been used to provide
normal individuals is now extensive (see Table 2). rapid lipoprotein analyses.
Blood plasma also has intrinsic enzymatic activi-
ties although many of these are not stable (particu-
NMR spectra of blood plasma in pathological
larly if the sample is not frozen immediately on states
collection). It has been noted that under certain
pathological conditions, such as those following liver A good deal of excitement was generated by a publi-
or kidney damage, enzymes that are present at ele- cation which reported that 1H NMR spectroscopy of
vated levels in the plasma because of leakage from human blood plasma could be used to discriminate
the damaged tissue can cause NMR-detectable alter- between patients with malignant tumours and other
ations to spin–echo spectra of plasma. groups, namely normals, patients with non-tumour
Molecular diffusion coefficients are parameters disease and a group of patients with certain benign
that are not related directly to NMR spectral intensi- tumours. This paper stimulated many other research
ties under normal conditions. However, molecular groups around the world to investigate this ap-
diffusion can cause NMR signal intensity changes proach to cancer detection.
when pulsed field gradients are applied during the The test as originally published involved the meas-
NMR experiment. A number of pulse sequence de- urement of the averaged line width at half height of
velopments have meant that measurement of diffu- the two composite signals at G1.2 and G0.8 in the
sion coefficients is relatively routine. The editing of single pulse 1H NMR spectrum of human blood
1H NMR spectra of biofluids based on diffusion plasma. On comparing the averaged signal width,
alone or on a combination of spin relaxation and W, for normal subjects with those for patients with a
diffusion has been demonstrated recently. This ap- variety of diseases and with those for pregnant wom-
proach is complementary to the editing of 1H NMR en, it was reported that several statistically signifi-
spectra based on differences in T1 and T2. New cant differences existed between the groups. It was
methods for editing TOCSY NMR spectra of bioflu- proposed that the lowering of W observed in the ma-
ids have been proposed based on differences in mo- lignant group was due to an increase in the T2* of
lecular diffusion coefficients and this has been the lipoproteins. A mass of literature now exists on
termed Diffusion Edited TOCSY (DETOCSY). this subject and it was immediately apparent that the
Much study has been devoted to the problem of perfect 100% sensitivity and specificity reported in
lipoprotein analysis in blood plasma using 1H NMR the early publications has never been repeated by
spectroscopy. This has been comprehensively any group. In addition to the presence of cancer, a
reviewed recently by Ala-Korpela. Lipoproteins are number of other factors have been found to cause
complex particles that transport molecules normally changes in the linewidth index, W. These include
insoluble in water. They are spherical with a core diet, age and sex, pregnancy and trauma as well as
region of triglyceride and cholesterol ester lipids hyperlipidaemia. In all cases the observed changes in
surrounded by phospholipids in which are embedded W are caused by alterations in the plasma lipopro-
various proteins known as apolipoproteins. In addi- tein composition, especially the VLDL/HDL ratio.
tion, free cholesterol is found in both the core and The success of heart transplantation has improved
surface regions. The lipoproteins are in a dynamic recently with the chronic use of cyclosporin A to

Table 2 1
H NMR assignments and chemical shifts for metabolities found in biofluids

Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a

D-Hydroxyisovalerate CH3 0.81 d C,U
D-Hydroxy-n-butyrate CH3 0.90 t C,U
n-Butyrate CH3 0.90 t U
D-Hydroxy-n-valerate CH3 0.92 t U
Isoleucine G-CH3 0.94 t A,C,P,S,U
Leucine G-CH3 0.96 t A,C,P,U
Leucine G-CH3 0.97 t A,C,P,U
D-Hydroxyisovalerate CH3 0.97 d C,U
Valine CH3 0.99 d 19.6 C,P,U
Isoleucine E-CH3 1.01 d 14.6 A,C,P,S,U
Valine CH3 1.04 d A,C,P,U
Ethanol CH3 1.11 t C,P,U
Propionate CH3 1.12 t U
Isobutyrate CH3 1.13 d P
E-Hydroxybutyrate CH3 1.20 d C,P,S,U
Isoleucine J-CH2 1.26 m A,C,P,S,U
Fucose CH3 1.31 d P
Lactate CH3 1.33 d 20.9 A,C,P,S,U
Threonine CH3 1.34 d A,C,P,S,U
D-Hydroxyisobutyrate CH3 1.36 s U
D-Hydroxy-n-valerate J-CH2 1.37 m U
Alanine CH3 1.48 d 16.8 A,C,P,S,U
Lysine J-CH2 1.48 m C,P,S,U
Isoleucine J-CH2 1.48 m C,P,S,U
n-Butyrate E-CH2 1.56 d P,U
Adipate CH2 1.56 m P,U
Citrulline J-CH2 1.58 m C,U
D-Hydroxy-n-valerate E-CH2 1.64 m U
D-Hydroxybutyrate CH2 1.70 m U
Arginine J-CH2 1.70 m U
Leucine CH2 1.71 m 40.7 C,P,S,U
Lysine G-CH2 1.73 m C,P,S,U
Ornithine J-CH2 1.81 m C,P,S,U
Citrulline E-CH2 1.88 m C,P,S,U
N-Acetylglutamate E-CH2 1.89 m C,P,S,U
J-Amino-n-butyrate E-CH2 1.91 m C,P,S,U
Lysine E-CH2 1.91 m 30.3 C,P,S,U
Arginine E-CH2 1.93 m C,P,S,U
Ornithine E-CH2 1.95 m A,S,U
Acetate CH3 1.95 s A,C,P,S,U
Isoleucine E-CH 1.98 m C,P,U
Acetamide CH3 2.01 s U
N-Acetyl groups(glycoproteins) CH3 2.02 s 23.0 P,U
D-Hydroxyisovalerate E-CH 2.02 m U

Table 2 continued
Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a
N-Acetylaspartate CH3 2.03 s C,U
Proline J-CH2 2.01 m C,S,U
N-Acetyl groups(glycoproteins) CH3 2.05 s P,U
Proline E-CH2 2.07 m C,S,U
N-Acetylglutamate CH3 2.04 s U
N-Acetylglutamate E-CH2 2.06 m U
Glutamate E-CH2 2.10 b m 30.1 A,C,P,S,U
Glutamine E-CH2 2.14b m C,P,S,U
Methionine S-CH3 2.14 s A,C,P,S,U
n-Butyrate D-CH2 2.16 t C,P,S,U
Methionine E-CH2 2.16 m A,C,P,S,U
Adipate CH2COOH 2.22 m U
N-Acetylglutamate J-CH2 2.23 t U
Acetone CH3 2.23 s P,U
Valine E-CH 2.28 m C,P,S,U
Acetoacetate CH3 2.29 s C,P,S,U
J-Amino-n-butyrate D-CH2 2.30 t C
E-Hydroxybutyrate CH2 2.31 ABX C,P,S,U
Proline E-CH2 2.35 m A,C,S,U
Glutamate d J-CH2 2.36 m 34.5 C,U
Oxalacetate CH2 2.38 s C,P,U
Pyruvate CH3 2.38 s C,P,U
Malate CH2 2.39 dd U
E-Hydroxybutyrate CH2 2.41 ABX C,P,S,U
Succinate CH2 2.43 s C,P,S,U
Carnitine CH2(COOH) 2.44 dd C,P,S,U
D-Ketoglutarate J-CH2 2.45 t C,P,S,U
Glutamine J-CH2 2.46b m 31.9 C,P,S,U
Glutamate d J-CH2 2.50 m A,C,P,S,U
N-Acetylaspartate CH2 2.51 ABX C,U
Methylamine CH3 2.54 s P
Citrate CH2 2.67 AB A,C,P,S,U
Methionine S-CH2 2.65 t C,P,S,U
Aspartate E-CH2 2.68c ABX C,P,S,U
Malate CH2 2.69 ABX U
N-Acetylaspartate CH2 2.70 ABX C,U
Dimethylamine CH3 2.72 s C,P,S,U
Sarcosine CH3 2.74 s U
Dimethylglycine CH3 2.78 s P,U
Citrate CH2 2.80 AB A,C,P,S,U
Aspartate E-CH2 2.82 ABX C,P,S,U
Methylguanidine CH3 2.83 s U
Asparagine E-CH2 2.86 m C,P,S,U
Trimethylamine CH3 2.88 s U

Table 2 continued
Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a
Asparagine E-CH2 2.96 m C,P,S,U
D-Ketoglutarate E-CH2 3.01 t C,P,S,U
J-Amino-n-butyrate J-CH2 3.02 t C
Lysine H-CH2 3.03 t 40.3 C,P,S,U
Cysteine CH2 3.04 m C,U
Creatine CH3 3.04 s A,C,P,S,U
Phosphocreatine CH3 3.05 s S
Creatinine CH3 3.05 s A,C,P,S,U
Tyrosine CH2 3.06 ABX C,P,S,U
Ornithine G-CH2 3.06 t C,S,U
Cysteine CH2 3.12 ABX C,U
Malonate CH2 3.13 s U
Phenylalanine E-CH2 3.13 m C,P,S,U
Histidine E-CH2 3.14 ABX C,P,S,U
Citrulline D-CH2 3.15 m C,U
cis-Aconitate CH2 3.17 s U
Tyrosine CH2 3.20 ABX C,P,S,U
Choline N(CH3)3 3.21 s 55.0 C,P,S,U
Phosphorylethanolamine NCH2 3.23 t S
E-Glucose C-H2 3.24 dd A,C,P,S,U
Histidine E-CH2 3.25 ABX C,P,S,U
Arginine G-CH2 3.25 t 41.3 C,S,U
Trimethylamine-N-oxide N(CH3)3 3.27 s C,P,S,U
Taurine CH2SO3 3.25 t A,C,P,S,U
Betaine N(CH3)3 3.27 s C,P,S,U
Phenylalanine E-CH2 3.28 m C,P,S,U
Myo-inositol H5 3.28 t P
Tryptophan CH2 3.31 ABX P,S,U
Glycerophosphorylcholine N(CH3)3 3.35 s S
Proline G-CH2 3.33 m A,P,U
E-Glucose C-H4 3.40 t 70.6 A,C,P,S,U
D-Glucose C-H4 3.41 t 70.6 A,C,P,S,U
Proline G-CH2 3.42 m A,P,U
Carnitine NCH2 3.43 m C,P,S,U
Taurine NCH2 3.43 t A,C,P,S,U
Acetoacetate CH2 3.45 s C,P,S,U
E-Glucose C-H5 3.47 ddd 76.7 A,C,P,S,U
trans-Aconitate CH2 3.47 s U
D-Glucose C-H3 3.49 t 76.7 A,C,P,S,U
Tryptophan CH2 3.49 ABX P,U
Choline NCH2 3.52 m C,P,S,U
Glycerophosphorylcholine NCH2 3.52 m S
D-Glucose C-H2 3.53 dd 72.3 A,C,P,S,U
Glycerol CH2 3.56 ABX 63.5 C,P
Myo-inositol H1/H3 3.56 dd P

Table 2 continued
Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a
Glycined CH2 3.57 s C,P,S,U
Threonine D-CH 3.59 d U
Fructose (E-furanose) H1 3.59 d S
Fructose (E-furanose) H1 3.59 d S
Fructose (E-pyranose) H1 3.60 d S
Sarcosine CH2 3.61 s C,P,S,U
Ethanol CH2 3.61 d C,P,S,U
Valine D-CH 3.62 d 64.2 C,P,S,U
Myo-inositol H4/H6 3.63 dd P
Fructose (E-pyranose) H6′ 3.63 m S
Fructose (E-pyranose) H3 3.64 m S
Glycerol CH2 3.65 ABX 63.5 C,P
Isoleucine D-CH 3.68 d A,C,P,S,U
Fructose (E-furanose) H6′ 3.70 m S
Fructose (E-furanose) H1 3.70 m S
D-Glucose C-H3 3.71 t 73.6 C,P,S,U
E-Glucose C-H6′ 3.72 dd 61.6 A,C,P,S,U
Leucine D-CH 3.73 t 55.1 A,C,P,S,U
D-Glucose C-H6′ 3.74 m 61.4 A,C,P,S,U
Ascorbate CH2 3.74 d U
Ascorbate CH2 3.76 d U
Citrulline D-CH 3.76 t C,U
Lysine D-CH 3.76 t C,P,S,U
Glutamine D-CH 3.77 t 55.4 C,P,S,U
Glutamate D-CH 3.77 t A,C,P,S,U
Arginine D-CH 3.77 t C,U
Glycerol CH 3.79 ABX 72.6 C,P
Alanine CH 3.79 q A,C,P,S,U
Ornithine D-CH 3.79 t C,P,S,U
Guanidoacetate CH2 3.80 s U
Mannitol CH3 3.82 d C
Fructose (E-furanose) H4 3.82 m S
Fructose (E-pyranose) H3 3.84 m S
D-Glucose C-H6 3.84 m 61.4 A,C,P,S,U
D-Glucose C-H5 3.84 ddd 72.3 A,C,P,S,U
Fructose (E-furanose) H6 3.85 m S
D-Hydroxyisovalerate D-CH 3.85 d U
Serine D-CH 3.85 ABX U
Methionine D-CH 3.86 t A,C,P,S,U
E-Glucose C-H6 3.90 dd 61.6 A,C,P,S,U
Fructose (E-pyranose) H4 3.90 m S
Betaine CH2 3.90 s C,P,S,U
Aspartate D-CH 3.91 ABX C,U
4-Aminohippurate CH2 3.93 d U
Creatine CH2 3.93 s P

Table 2 continued
Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a
Glycolate CH2 3.94 s U
Tyrosine CH 3.94 ABX C,P,S,U
Phosphocreatine CH2 3.95 s e

Serine E-CH2 3.95 ABX U

Hippurate CH2 3.97 d C,P,S,U
Histidine D-CH 3.99 ABX C,P,S,U
D-Hydroxybutyrate CH 4.00 ABX U
Asparagine D-CH 4.00 ABX C,S,U
Cysteine CH 4.00 ABX U
Serine E-CH2 4.00 ABX C,U
Phosphorylethanolamine OCH2 4.00 m S
Phenylalanine D-CH 4.00 m C,P,S,U
Fructose (E-pyranose) H5 4.01 m S
Ascorbate CH 4.03 m U
Fructose (E-pyranose) H6 4.01 m S
D-Hydroxy-n-valerate D-CH 4.05 m U
Creatinine CH2 4.06 s A,C,P,S,U
Tryptophan CH 4.06 ABX S,U
Myo-Inositol H2 4.06 t C,S,U
Choline OCH2 4.07 m C,P,S,U
Lactate CH 4.12 q 69.2 A,C,P,S,U
Fructose (E-furanose) H5 4.13 m S
Proline D-CH 4.14 m A,C,P,S,U
E-Hydroxybutyrate CH 4.16 ABX C,P,S,U
Threonine E-CH 4.26 ABX A,C,P,S,U
Malate CH 4.31 dd U
N-methylnicotinamide CH3 4.48 s U
Glycerophosphorylcholine NCH2 3.52 m S
N-Acetylaspartate CH 4.40 ABX C,U
E-Galactose C-H1 4.52 d C
Ascorbate CH 4.52 d U
E-Galactose C-H1 4.53 d P
E-Glucose C-H1 4.64 d A,C,P,S,U
Water H2 O 4.79 s all fluids
Phospho(enol)pyruvate CH 5.19 t e

D-Glucose C-H1 5.23 d 92.9 A,C,P,S,U

Allantoate CH 5.26 s U
Phospho(enol)pyruvate CH 5.37 t e

Allantoin CH 5.40 d U
Urea NH2 5.78 s P,U
Uridine H5 5.80 d C,S,U
Uridine H1c 5.82 d C,S,U
cis-Aconitate CH 5.92 s U
Urocanate CH(COOH) 6.40 d U
Fumarate CH 6.53 s U

Table 2 continued
Metabolite Assignment G(1H) Multiplicity G(13C) Biofluid a
trans-Aconitate CH 6.62 s U
4-Aminohippurate C-H3/H5 6.87 d U
3,4-Dihydroxymandelate cyclic H 6.87 d U
3,4-Dihydroxymandelate cyclic H 6.90 s U
Tyrosine C-H3/H5 6.91 d′ 116.7 C,P,S,U
3,4-Dihydroxymandelate cyclic H 6.94 d U
3-Methylhistidine C-H4 7.01 s P
Histidine C-H4 7.08 s C,P,S,U
1-Methylhistidine C-H4 7.05 s P
Tyrosine C-H2/H6 7.20 d C,P,S,U
Tryptophan C-H5/H6 7.21 t S,U
Indoxyl sulphate C-H5 7.20 m U
Indoxyl sulphate C-H6 7.28 m C,U
Tryptophan C-H5/H6 7.29 t S,U
Urocanate CH(ring) 7.31 d U
Tryptophan C-H2 7.33 s S,U
Phenylalanine C-H2/H6 7.33 m C,P,S,U
Phenylalanine C-H4 7.38 m C,P,S,U
Urocanate C-H5 7.41 s U
Phenylalanine C-H3/H5 7.43 m C,P,S,U
Nicotinate cyclic H 7.53 dd U
Hippurate C-H3/H5 7.55 t U
Tryptophan C-H7 7.55 d S,U
3-Methylhistidine C-H2 7.61 s P
Hippurate C-H4 7.64 t U
4-Aminohippurate C-H2/H6 7.68 d U
Tryptophan C-H4 7.74 d S,U
1-Methylhistidine C-H2 7.77 s P
Uridine C-H6 7.81 d C,S,U
Histidine C-H2 7.83 s C,P,S,U
Hippurate C-H2/H6 7.84 d U
Urocanate cyclic C-H3 7.89 s U
N-methylnicotinamide C-H5 8.19 t U
Nicotinate cyclic H 8.26 dt U
Formate CH 8.46 s C,P,S,U
Nicotinate cyclic H 8.62 dd U
N-methylnicotinamide C-H4 8.90 d U
Nicotinate cyclic H 8.95 d U
N-methylnicotinamide C-H6 8.97 d U
N-methylnicotinamide C-H2 9.28 s U
a Main biofluid in which compounds are found or have been observed; A, C, P, S and U refer to observation in amniotic fluid, CSF,
Serum, Seminal fluid and urine, respectively.
b Varies according to the presence of divalent metal ions (especially Ca, Mg and Zn).
c Highly variable over physiological pH range.
d Significant shift differences due to the formation of fast exchanging complexes with divalent metal ions in biofluids.
e Not normally observed in biofluids because of low stability.

suppress rejection, and the better treatment of acute that the presence of TMAO is closely related to the
rejection episodes when they do occur. However, the degree of renal failure.
early detection of acute cardiac graft rejection still re- The uraemic syndrome is associated with a com-
lies on invasive and iterative right ventricular en- plex set of biochemical and pathophysiological
domyocardial biopsies. This led to a new application changes that remain poorly understood. The first
of the measurement of the linewidth index, W, for the application of 750 MHz NMR for studying the bio-
assessment of heart graft rejection after transplanta- chemical composition of plasma has been reported
tion. Patients in moderate and severe rejection from patients on haemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal
showed W values that were significantly different dialysis (PD). Increased plasma levels of low MW
from those of the light rejection patients. However, as metabolites including methylhistidine, glycerol,
occurred in the test for cancer, the wide overlap be- choline, TMAO, dimethylamine and formic acid were
tween the values observed for each group meant that found. The concentrations of these metabolites, and
the W value alone could not be used to classify the pa- ratios to others, varied with the type of dialysis
tients into the four rejection grades. It has also been therapy. For example, the biochemical composition
reported that the areas of two glycoprotein signals in of plasma from patients on PD was remarkably con-
the spin–echo 1H NMR spectra of blood plasma from sistent whereas pre- and post-HD significant fluctua-
heart transplant patients correlated with a standard tions in the levels of TMAO, glucose, lactate,
echocardiography parameter used to monitor reject- glycerol, formate and lipoproteins (VLDL, LDL and
ion. Although a good correlation was found in 5 pa- HDL) were observed. Elevated concentrations of
tients and an acceptable correlation in 3, only a poor glycoprotein fragments were also observed and may
correlation was seen in 5 further patients. It was relate to the presence of high levels of N-acetyl glu-
thought that infections and inflammatory states un- cosaminidase (NAG), and other glycoprotein cleaving
related to rejection interfered with the correlation. enzymes, in the plasma originating from damaged
In human beings, diabetes is a relatively common kidney cells.
condition which can have serious, complex and far-
reaching effects if not treated. It is characterized by 1H NMR spectroscopy of whole blood and red
polyuria, weight loss in spite of increased appetite, blood cells
high plasma and urinary levels of glucose, metabolic
acidosis, ketosis and coma. The muscles and other Single pulse 1H NMR measurements on whole blood
tissues become starved of glucose, whilst highly ele- give very little biochemical information owing to the
vated levels of glucose are found in the urine and presence of a broad envelope of resonances from
plasma. Based on NMR spectra, there are marked haemoglobin and plasma proteins. Spin–echo spec-
elevations in the plasma levels of the ketone bodies troscopy of whole blood can give rise to moderately
and glucose, post-insulin withdrawal. In general, the well resolved signals from plasma metabolites and
NMR results were in good agreement with conven- those present inside erythrocytes, notably glutath-
tional assay results. The CH3 and CH2 resonances of ione, but whole blood spectra are not easily repro-
the lipoproteins VLDL and chylomicrons also ducible because of erythrocyte sedimentation which
decreased significantly in intensity relative to the progressively (within a few minutes) degrades the
CH3 signal of HDL and LDL, indicating the rapid sample field homogeneity during the course of data
metabolism of the mobile pool of triglycerides in collection. Furthermore, there are substantial intra-
VLDL and chylomicrons. cellular/extracellular field gradients, which give a
The 1H NMR spectra of the blood plasma from major contribution to the T2 relaxation processes for
patients with chronic renal failure during dialysis, the nuclei of molecules diffusing through those gra-
patients in the early stages of renal failure and nor- dients, and very weak spectra are obtained. Spin–
mals have also been analysed. For patients on acetate echo NMR measurements on packed erythrocyte
dialysis, the method clearly showed how the acetate samples do give rise to well resolved signals from
was accumulated and metabolized during the course intracellular metabolites and a variety of transport
of the dialysis, as well as allowing changes in the and cellular biochemical functions can be followed
relative concentrations of endogenous plasma com- by this method.
ponents to be monitored. A subsequent 1H, 13C and One major parameter that can be obtained from
14N NMR study of the plasma and urine from NMR is the intracellular pH, and this has been
chronic renal failure patients showed that the plasma measured for erythrocytes by 1H NMR spectroscopy
levels of trimethylamine-N-oxide (TMAO) corre- using a suitable 1H NMR pH indicator that has an
lated with those of urea and creatinine, suggesting NMR chemical shift which varies with pH in the

range desired. Candidates include the C2-H protons to renal glomerular or tubular damage, can result in
from histidines in haemoglobin, but an exogenous the broadening of resonances from low MW com-
compound can be added as an indicator. pounds that may bind to these urinary proteins.
The transport of substances between the inside and Urinary pH values may vary from 5 to 8, accord-
outside of red cells can be monitored using NMR if ing to the physiological condition in the individual,
the resonances from the two environments have dif- but usually lie between 6.5 and 7.5. Urine samples
ferent chemical shifts or intensities. Also, resonances should, therefore, be frozen as soon as possible after
outside the cell can be selectively broadened by the collection if NMR measurements cannot be made
addition of paramagnetic species that do not cross immediately. When experiments involve collections
the red cell membrane. Those used include the ferric from laboratory animals housed in metabolic cages,
complex of desferrioxamine, dysprosium-DTPA and urine samples should be collected into receptacles
the copper-cyclohexanediaminetetraacetic acid com- that are either cooled with dry ice or have a small
plex. To measure the rate of influx of a compound amount of sodium azide present as a bacteriocide.
into red cells, the compound is added with the However, both these procedures may inhibit or de-
paramagnetic agent to a red cell suspension and the stroy urinary enzymes that may frequently be as-
intensity of the resonance from the intracellular com- sayed by conventional biochemical methods for
ponent is monitored as a function of time. This assessment of kidney tubular integrity in toxicologi-
approach has been used to study the transport of cal experiments. Urinary pH values are unstable be-
glycerol, alanine lactate, choline and glycylglycine. cause of the progressive and variable precipitation of
The time scale that can be addressed covers the range calcium phosphates which may be present in the
of ms to hours. urine close to their solubility limits. One solution to
Disease processes studied include the use of NMR this problem is the addition of 100–200 mM phos-
spectroscopy of erythrocytes to investigate the effect phate buffer in the D2O added for the lock signal fol-
of lithium treatment in manic depressive patients lowed by centrifugation to remove precipitated salts.
showing an increase in choline. In heavy metal poi- This has the effect of normalizing the pH to a range
soning a considerable proportion of the metal is of 6.7–7.6 which is stable for many hours during
found in the blood and the binding of heavy metals which NMR measurements can be made. Few
inside erythrocytes has received much attention. metabolites (except for histidine and citrate) show
Rabenstein has reviewed much of the work in the major chemical shift variations over this pH range.
area of red blood cell NMR spectroscopy. More re- The vast majority of urinary metabolites have 1H
cently, diffusion coefficient measurement has been T1 relaxation times of 1 to 4 s. Thus, the general rule
used to study the binding between diphosphoglycer- of applying a 5 × T1 relaxation delay between suc-
ate and haemoglobin inside intact red blood cells. cessive 90° transients to obtain > 99% relaxation
and hence quantitative accuracy cannot be applied
routinely. Instead, by using 30–45° pulse angles and
NMR spectroscopy of human and leaving a total T1 relaxation delay of 5 s between
animal urine successive pulses, spectra with good signal-to-noise
ratios can usually be obtained for most metabolites
Sample preparation and NMR assignments
in 5–10 minutes at high field with a generally low
level of quantitative signal distortion. It has become
The composition and physical chemistry of urine is standard practice to replace simple solvent resonance
highly variable both between species and within spe- presaturation with pulse methods, which either
cies according to lifestyle. A wide range of organic induce such saturation or which leave the solvent
acids and bases, simple sugars and polysaccharides, water resonance unexcited, and one popular method
heterocycles, polyols, low molecular weight proteins involves using simply the first increment of the 2-
and polypeptides are present together with inorganic dimensional NOESY pulse sequence.
species. Many of these moieties also interact, form- A vast number of metabolites may appear in urine
ing complexes some of which are amenable to NMR samples and problems due to signal overlap can
study, that may undergo chemical exchange reac- occur in single pulse experiments. The magnitude of
tions on a variety of different time scales. The ionic the signal assignment problem in urine is also
strength of urine varies considerably and may be apparent at ultrahigh field. There are probably
high enough to adversely affect the tuning and >5000 resolved lines in single pulse 750 or 800 MHz
matching of the RF circuits of a spectrometer probe, 1H NMR spectra of normal human urine
particularly at high field strengths. The presence of (Figure 1), but there is still extensive peak overlap
high concentrations of protein in the urine, e.g. due in certain chemical shift ranges and even at

800 MHz many signals remain to be assigned. The spectroscopy of biofluids has been shown to be a
dispersion gain at 800 MHz even over 600 MHz very powerful and general method for the detection
spectra is particularly apparent in 2- (or 3-) dimen- of inborn errors of metabolism and many disorders
sional experiments that can be used to aid signal have been studied by the use of biofluid NMR.
assignment and simplify overlapped spectra. Many A good example is provided by the spectra from
of the endogenous compounds that have been individuals with a deficiency in methylacetoacetyl
detected in NMR spectra of human and animal CoA thiolase (MACT). The conversion of 2-methyl-
urines are shown in Table 2. acetoacetyl CoA into acetyl-CoA and propionyl-CoA
The biochemical composition of urine varies con- is inhibited and an accumulation of abnormal cata-
siderably from species to species and also with age as bolic products is observed in the urine. Both 1D and
almost all species have age-related changes in renal 2D 1H NMR spectroscopy have been used to investi-
function. Rats and other rodents have much higher gate the urinary metabolites of patients with this dis-
levels of taurine, citrate, succinate, 2-oxoglutarate order. The urine spectra from the patients clearly
and allantoin than humans. Rat urine (and that of showed the presence of both 2-methyl-3-hydroxybu-
other rodents) is generally much more concentrated tyrate and tiglylglycine, which is characteristic for
than human urine, and so NMR signal-to-noise ratios MACT deficiency due to the build up of metabolites
may be better for many metabolites. All animals have close to the position of enzyme deficiency.
physiological processes that are modulated by biolog- A similar success was observed for studies of
ical rhythms. These include excretory processes and branched chain ketoaciduria in which the second
the urinary composition of an animal may vary con- stage of the catabolism of leucine, valine and isoleu-
siderably according to the time it is collected. Given cine involves an oxidative decarboxylation. In
these types of variation it is obviously of paramount patients with branched chain ketoaciduria, this step
importance to have closely matched (and in many is blocked for all three of these amino acids. The
cases timed) control samples where toxicological or urine of these patients takes on the odour of maple
disease processes are being studied. Dietary composi- syrup and hence this condition is also known as ma-
tion also affects the urinary metabolite profiles of ple syrup urine disease. 1H NMR spectroscopy was
man and animals, and it is important to distinguish used to study the urines of patients with such
these from disease-related processes in clinical or tox- branched chain ketoaciduria. The spectra showed
icological studies. For example, persons consuming several abnormal metabolites including the amino
large quantities of meat/poultry before urine collec- acids leucine, isoleucine and valine and their corre-
tion may have NMR detectable levels of carnosine sponding transamination products. It was noted that
and anserine in their urine, consumption of cherries is 2-hydroxyisovalerate levels were very high in the
associated with elevated urinary fructose and con- urines of all the patients studied and that, as in other
sumption of shellfish and fish are associated with high inborn errors of metabolism, the levels of urinary
levels of betaine and trimethylamine in the urine. The glycine were elevated.
500 MHz and 600 MHz 1H NMR spectra of neonate High field 1H NMR spectroscopy has shown itself
urines are characterized by strong signals from amino to be a very powerful tool with which to diagnose in-
acids, organic acids, amines, sugars and polyols. In born errors of metabolism and to monitor the clini-
particular, high concentrations of myo-inositol have cal response of patients to therapeutic interventions.
been detected in both pre- and full-term urines. This is Characteristic patterns of abnormal metabolites are
an important intracellular organic osmolyte in renal observed in the patient’s urine for each disease. The
cells, present in high concentrations in the renal inner main advantages of using 1H NMR spectroscopy in
medulla. this area are its speed, lack of sample preparation
and the provision of non-selective detection for all
NMR spectra of urine in disease
the abnormal metabolites in the biofluid regardless
of their structural type, providing only that they are
Given the serious outcome of many inborn errors of present above the detection limit of the NMR
metabolism, if not diagnosed and treated at an early experiment.
stage, there has been a search for a rapid, sensitive There are a number of studies of other disease
and general method for the detection and diagnosis processes using NMR spectroscopy of urine. These
of inborn errors of metabolism in neonates. Conven- include glomerularnephritis, kidney transplant
tional methods including specific enzyme assays and patients over a period of 14 days post-operation to
gas chromatography/mass spectrometry are sensitive investigate the biochemical effects of rejection,
but time consuming, involve considerable sample phenol poisoning and metabolic acidoses caused by
preparation and are not general. However, NMR alcohol ingestion.

Evaluation of toxic effects of xenobiotics using

NMR spectroscopy of urine

The successful application of 1H NMR spectroscopy

of biofluids to study a variety of metabolic diseases
and toxic processes has now been well established
and many novel metabolic markers of organ-specific
toxicity have been discovered. The method is based
on the fact that the biochemical composition of a bi-
ofluid is altered when organ damage occurs. This is
particularly true for NMR spectra of urine in situa-
tions where damage has occurred to the kidney or
liver. It has been shown that specific and identifiable
changes can be observed which distinguish the organ
that is the site of a toxic lesion. Also it is possible to
focus in on particular parts of an organ such as the Figure 2 A plot of PC1 versus PC2 for a set of rat urine sam-
cortex of the kidney and even in favourable cases to ples using simple scored levels of 16 metabolites as the descrip-
very localized parts of the cortex. Finally it is poss- tor set. A cluster of renal cortical toxins is seen at the left, whilst
ible to deduce the biochemical mechanism of the the testicular and liver toxins are to the right. At the bottom the
xenobiotic toxicity, based on a biochemical interpre- two renal papillary toxins (BEA and PI) appear to cluster with liver
toxins (ALY and ANIT) but are well separated in the third principal
tation of the changes in the urine. component. Reproduced with permission of Academic Press
A wide range of toxins has now been investigated from Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR spec-
including the kidney cortical toxins mercury chlo- troscopy of biofluids. Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy 38:
ride, p-aminophenol, ifosfamide, the kidney medul- 1–88.
lary toxins propylene imine and 2-bromoethanamine
hydrochloride and the liver toxins hydrazine, allyl
alcohol, thioacetamide and carbon tetrachloride.
onset, progression and recovery of the lesions were
The testicular toxin cadmium chloride has been in-
also followed using histopathology to provide a
vestigated in detail and the aldose reductase inhibitor
definitive classification of the toxic state relating to
HOE-843 has also been studied.
each urine sample. The concentrations of 20 endo-
genous urinary metabolites were measured at eight
Use of combined NMR spectroscopy–pattern
time points after dosing. A number of ways of pre-
recognition (PR) to evaluate biochemical changes
in urine senting the data were investigated and it was possi-
ble to construct PC scores plots which showed
The first studies using PR to classify biofluid samples metabolic trajectories which were quite distinct for
used a simple scoring system to describe the levels of the two toxins. These showed that the points on the
18 endogenous metabolites measured by 1H NMR plot can be related to the development of, and recov-
spectroscopy of urine from rats which were either in ery from, the lesions. These trajectories allowed the
a control group or had received a specific organ time points at which there were maximal metabolic
toxin which affected the liver, the testes, the renal differences to be determined and provided visualiza-
cortex or the renal medulla. The data were used to tion of the treated groups of animals.
construct non-linear maps and various types of A toxicological assessment approach based on
principal components (PC) scores plots in 2 or 3 neural network software has been tested by analys-
dimensions. The samples were divided into two sub- ing the toxin-induced changes in endogenous bio-
sets, a training set and a test set. This study showed chemicals in urine as measured using 1H NMR
that samples corresponding to different organ toxins spectroscopy to ascertain whether the methods pro-
mapped into distinctly different regions and that in vide a robust approach which could lead to automat-
particular the renal cortical and renal medullary ic toxin classification. The neural network approach
toxins showed good separation (Figure 2). to sample classification was in general predictive of
In addition, the NMR-PR approach has been used the sample class and once the network is trained, the
to investigate the time course of metabolic urinary prediction of new samples is rapid and automatic.
changes induced by two renal toxins. In this case, The principal disadvantage, common to most neural
toxic lesions were induced in rats by a single acute network studies, in that it is difficult to ascertain
dose of the renal cortical toxin mercury(II) chloride from the network which of the original sample de-
and the medullary toxin 2-bromoethanamine. The scriptors are responsible for the classification.

Recently, studies have been published using pat- 750 MHz 1H NMR spectroscopy suggested that
tern recognition to predict and classify drug toxicity these were 3-hydroxyisovaleric acid, N-acetylated
effects including lesions in the liver and kidney and glycoproteins, TMAO, hippuric acid and a molecule
using supervized methods as an approach to an related to N-methylnicotinamide.
expert system. In this case the NMR spectra were
segmented into integrated regions automatically,
thereby providing standard intensity descriptors for NMR spectroscopy of cerebrospinal
input to the PR. fluid (CSF)
The usefulness of the NMR-PR approach to the
classification of urine samples from patients with Because of the low protein content of normal human
inborn errors of metabolism has also been CSF, it is possible to use single pulse 1H NMR exper-
attempted. Urine samples from adult patients with iments to obtain biochemical information without
recourse to the spin–echo techniques often required
inborn errors of metabolism comprising cystinuria,
oxalic aciduria, Fanconi syndrome, porphyria and 5- for studies on blood and plasma. However, where
serious cerebral damage has occurred, or in the pres-
oxoprolinuria were studied. PCA mapping produced
a reasonable separation of control urines from the ence of an acute infection, spectra may become dom-
clusters derived from the different types of inborn inated by broad resonances from proteins. Problems
error. may also arise from protein binding and metal bind-
The rapid and unambiguous distinction of the var- ing of some metabolites, with a consequential broad-
ening of their proton resonances.
ious clinical situations that can occur following a
kidney transplant remains a problem. For example, There are a number of 1H NMR studies of CSF in
the literature. Also, it has been shown that high
it is necessary to distinguish rejection, which requires
increased immunosuppressive therapy such as cy- quality 2D 1H NMR spectra can be obtained from
closporin A (CyA), from tubular necrosis, which can human CSF, and that changes in NMR patterns can
be roughly related to disease states in the donor.
be caused by too high levels of CyA. At present,
kidney function is generally characterized using the Examination of a number of ex vivo control samples
showed high consistency in the aliphatic region of the
level of blood plasma creatinine as a monitor.
However the balance between rejection and tubular 1D 1H NMR spectra of CSF and many assignments
could be made by inspection. Diseases studied using
necrosis remains a difficult distinction and the only
clear diagnosis is an invasive kidney biopsy. NMR spectra of CSF include lumbar disk herniations,
A study of patients after renal transplantation has cerebral tumours, drug overdose, diabetes, hepatic
encephalitis, multiple sclerosis, AIDS dementia com-
shown that NMR can reveal new markers of abnor-
mality and in particular that high levels of trimethyl- plex, Parkinson’s disease, Creutzfeld–Jakob disease,
Guillain–Barre syndrome and vitamin B12 deficiency.
amine-N-oxide (TMAO) in the urine are correlated
with rejection episodes. However, the use of TMAO One study has reported 500 and 600 MHz 1H
as a single diagnostic marker of rejection is probably NMR data on the post mortem CSF from Alzheimer’s
not sufficiently discriminatory for clinical use because disease (AD) patients and controls. The main
of interpatient variability. It is likely that TMAO is differences between the spectra of the two groups
were found to be in the region G 2.4–2.9, and princi-
only one of a number of potential markers of rejection
and that a combination of other metabolites present pal components analysis showed that separation of
the two groups was possible based mainly on lower
in urine will provide a new differential diagnosis of re-
jection and CyA toxicity. A combination of high field citrate levels in the AD patients. Non-matching in
1H NMR urinalysis, automatic data reduction and PR patient age and the time interval between death and
methods has been applied to investigate this. autopsy caused a reduction in the inter-group
NMR-PR was seen to separate the samples into differences but they were still significant (p < 0.05).
three distinct groups with the greatest separation
being between the CyA toxicity group and the rejec- NMR spectroscopy of seminal fluids
tion group. It was also notable that, in general, the
greater the degree of allograft dysfunction (as The 750 MHz 1H NMR spectra of seminal fluid ob-
assessed by conventional means) the further the tained from a healthy individual is complex but
samples plotted away from the control group. Identi- many of the signals have been assigned (see
fication of the compounds that gave rise to the sig- Table 2). Fresh undiluted seminal fluid gives rise to
nificant descriptors has not been conclusively proven. NMR spectra with very broad and poorly resolved
However, close examination of spectra from samples signals due to the presence of high concentrations of
from the various classes using both 600 MHz and peptides (which are cleaved to amino acids by

endogenous peptidase activity) and the high viscosity are present in mixed micelles with phospholipids and
of the matrix. The complexity of the biochemical cholesterol (Figure 1). They are broad as a result of
composition of seminal fluids together with their short spin–spin (T2) relaxation times reflecting con-
reactivity poses a number of assignment and quanti- strained molecular motions within micellar particles.
tation problems. Some metabolite signals in seminal On lyophilization and reconstitution with water, the
fluids also appear to have anomalous chemical shifts molecular mobility of a number of biliary metabo-
when compared to simple standard solutions meas- lites changes significantly because of disruption of
ured at the same pH or even when compared to oth- the micellar compartments. In particular the T2
er body fluids. The application of 2D NMR methods relaxation times of the aliphatic side chains of lipid
has been shown be very useful in the case of seminal moieties are increased in lyophilized bile suggesting
fluids. An investigation of dynamic molecular pro- greater mobility of these molecules. Increases in
cesses that occur in seminal fluid has been under- signal intensities that occur on lyophilization reflect
taken using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reactions that changes in compartmentation of molecules, which is
could be followed included hydrolysis of phospho- related to the disruption/reorganization of the biliary
rylcholine and nucleotides and zinc complexation. micellar compartments. Signals from E-hydroxybu-
In view of the importance of artificial insemina- tyrate, valine and other branched chain amino acids
tion in farming, it is somewhat surprising that so few do not contribute significantly to the 1H NMR
studies of animal seminal fluid have been reported. spectra of non-lyophilized bile, but resonances from
However there are studies on boar seminal plasma these components are clearly resolved after lyophili-
giving details of resonance assignments. zation. The sharper signals in bile give rise to well
The comparison of 1H NMR spectra of seminal resolved 2D COSY spectra that allow a comprehen-
fluid from normal controls with those from patients sive assignment of the bile salt signals.
with vasal aplasia (obstruction of the vas deferens Variable temperature 1H NMR studies of human
leading to blockage of the seminal vesicles) and those bile show that considerable dynamic structural infor-
with non-obstructive infertility has been reported. mation is available, particularly at high fields. The
The 1H NMR spectra of the seminal fluid from micellar cholesteryl esters that are abundant in bile
patients with non-obstructive infertility were similar appear to show liquid crystal behaviour, and it is
to those of normal subjects. However, the 1H NMR possible to use NMR measurements to map the
spectra of the seminal fluid from patients with vasal phase diagram for the complex biliary matrix.
aplasia were grossly different from those of normal A number of studies have used both 1H and 13C
subjects and corresponded closely to those of pros- NMR spectroscopy of bile to aid characterization of
tatic secretions from normals, owing to the lack of its composition and structure. Thus, 13C spectra of
seminal vesicle secretion into the fluid. In the 1H bile from fish exposed to petroleum have been
NMR spectra of the vasal aplasia patients, signals studied. 31P NMR spectra of human bile have also
from amino acids were either absent or present at very been investigated. 1H NMR spectroscopy of bile has
low levels. Similarly, choline is at a low level or absent been used to investigate the micellar cholesterol
in the seminal fluid from vasal aplasia patients, as it content and lipids, and both 1H and 31P NMR have
derives (indirectly) from the seminal vesicle compo- been used to study the distribution of lecithin and
nent. Significant differences were observed between cholesterol.
the normal and vasal aplasia patient groups for the The use of 1H NMR spectroscopy of bile as a
molar ratios of citratecholine and sperminecholine. means of monitoring liver function has been pro-
Other studies of infertility include a procedure posed. The 31P NMR spectra of the bile from
providing automatic diagnosis based on NMR spec- patients with primary biliary cirrhosis of the liver
troscopy and work on azoospermic subjects and and from clinically healthy men have been
prostate cancer. In addition 31P NMR spectroscopy compared. Also the level of lactate in bile from
has also been used to distinguish semen from healthy patients with hepatobiliary diseases including cancer
and infertile men. has been investigated using 1H NMR spectroscopy.

NMR spectroscopy of bile NMR spectroscopy of

miscellaneous body fluids
NMR spectroscopy of bile and dynamic
interactions of metabolites Amniotic and follicular fluids

The single pulse NMR spectra of bile are dominated The first study of human amniotic fluid using 1H
by broad resonances that arise from bile acids that NMR spectroscopy detected 18 small molecule

metabolites including glucose, leucine, isoleucine, female patient with sarcoidosis and independent
lactate and creatinine. Following this, other studies inflammatory OA were followed over the course of
used a combination of 1D and 2D COSY spectro- several months and standard clinical tests were per-
scopy to assign resonances, assess NMR methods of formed on paired blood serum samples taken at the
quantitation and investigate the effects of freezing same time. It was found that the SF levels of triglyc-
and thawing. In addition NMR results have been eride CH3, CH2 and CH, glycoprotein N-acetyl
correlated with other clinical chemical analyses. A signals and creatinine all correlated well with one
total of 70 samples were measured using 1H NMR at another, and with standard clinical measures of
600 MHz at different stages of gestation and with inflammation. The correlation of disease state with
different clinical complications and significant creatinine level is of particular interest, and the
correlations between the NMR spectral changes and altered triglyceride composition and concentration in
maternal pre-eclampsia and foetal open spina bifida OA was suggested as a potential marker for the
were observed. The effects of various pathological disease in SF.
conditions in pregnancy have been investigated using Spin-echo 1H NMR spectroscopy has been used to
1H NMR spectroscopy of human amniotic fluid. detect the production of formate and a low molecu-
Several studies of amniotic fluid using 31P NMR lar weight, N-acetyl-containing oligosaccharide,
spectroscopy have also been carried out, principally derived from the oxygen radical-mediated depolym-
to analyse the phospholipid content. One study of erization of hyaluronate, in the SF of patients with
the metabolic profiling of ovarian follicular fluids RA, during exercise of the inflamed joint. Gamma
from sheep, pigs and cows has been reported. radiolysis of rheumatoid SF and of aqueous hyaluro-
nate solutions was also shown to produce formate
Milk and the oligosaccharide species. It has been proposed
that the hyaluronate-derived oligosaccharide and
Surprisingly, very little has been published on the
formate could be novel markers of reactive oxygen
NMR spectroscopy of milk given that it is both a
radical injury during hypoxic reperfusion injury in
biofluid and a food substance. The studies generally
the inflamed rheumatoid joint.
focus on milk as a food and Belton has also reviewed 13C NMR can be used to monitor the synovial
the information content of NMR spectra of milk.
fluids from patients with arthritis. In contrast to 1H
Very recently, 19F NMR spectroscopy has been used
NMR studies, signals are seen from hyaluronic acid,
to detect trifluoroacetic acid in milk.
the main determinant of the viscoelasticity of the
Synovial fluid synovial fluid, even though the molecular weight is
in the region 500 to 1600 kD. 13C NMR spectra of
1H NMR has been used to measure the levels of a synovial fluids from patients with RA, OA, TE and
variety of endogenous components in the synovial cadaver controls have been compared with one an-
fluid (SF) aspirated from the knees of patients with other and with spectra of authentic hyaluronic acid,
osteoarthritis (OA), rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and both before and after the incubation of the latter
traumatic effusions (TE). The spin–echo NMR spec- with hyaluronidase, an enzyme which depolymerizes
trum of synovial fluid shows signals from a large the hyaluronic acid. Depolymerization of the hy-
number of endogenous components. Many potential aluronic acid was accompanied by a decrease in the
markers of inflammation could not be monitored half-band widths of its 13C resonances. The synovial
because of their low concentrations or because of fluid NMR spectra from the patients with
their slow tumbling (e.g. hyaluronic acid, a linear rheumatoid arthritis had sharper signals for the C-1
polysaccharide that imparts a high viscosity to syno- and C-1 ′ carbons of hyaluronic acid than those from
vial fluid). The low molecular weight endogenous the osteoarthritic patients, which in turn exhibited
components showed a wide patient-to-patient varia- sharper signals than those from the cadavers or the
bility and showed no statistically significant correla- joint trauma patients. Thus the degree of polymeri-
tion with disease state. However, correlations were zation of hyaluronic acid was deduced to decrease in
reported between the disease states and the synovial the order: controls/joint trauma patients > osteoar-
fluid levels of the N-acetyl signals from acute phase thritic patients > rheumatoid arthritis patients. Since
glycoproteins. Correlations between the disease state it is known that the consequence of hyaluronate
and the levels and type of triglyceride in the synovial depolymerization may be articular cartilage damage,
fluid have also been reported. it was concluded that 13C NMR spectroscopy may
The 1H NMR spectra of the SF of a female patient be a valuable method for studying these clinical
with seronegative erosive RA and of another relevant biophysical changes in synovial fluid.

Aqueous humour and vitreous humour did vary somewhat. It was hypothesized that this
constancy of composition reflected the chronic na-
The first study by NMR spectroscopy on aqueous ture of the accumulation of the cyst fluid and a long
humour was on 9 samples taken during surgery for turnover time of the cyst components, which thus
other conditions, and NMR spectra were measured has the effect of averaging the compositions. The
at 400 MHz. A number of metabolites were detect-
unique biochemical composition of the cyst fluids
ed, including acetate, acetoacetate, alanine, ascor- was ascribed to abnormal transport processes occur-
bate, citrate, creatine, formate, glucose, glutamine or
ring across the cyst epithelial wall.
glutamate, E-hydroxybutyrate, lactate, threonine and
valine. Following this, there have been a number of
other studies. These include 1H NMR spectra from Drug metabolites in biofluids
aqueous humour of rabbits and cod fish, 31P NMR
spectra of aqueous and vitreous humour from pigs Several studies have used NMR spectroscopy to de-
termine the number and identity of drug metabolites
and 23Na NMR spectra of vitreous humour. Finally,
the penetration of dexamethasone phosphate into in bile. These include the use of 19F NMR spectro-
scopy to study doxifluridine catabolites in human
the aqueous humour has been followed using 1H and
19F NMR spectroscopy. bile, 19F and 13C NMR spectroscopy of perfluorinat-
ed fatty acids in rat bile and 13C NMR for monitor-
Saliva ing the formation of formaldehyde from demethyl-
ation of antipyrine. 1H NMR spectroscopy of rat bile
Only limited studies using NMR spectroscopy of has been used to monitor the excretion of paraceta-
saliva have been reported. 1H NMR spectroscopy of mol metabolites. A combination of 1H and 1H–13C
human saliva was used in a forensic study and fol- 2D NMR methods has allowed identification of 4-
lowing this another group reported that only parotid cyano-N,N-dimethylaniline, cefoperazone and
gland saliva gave a well resolved 1H NMR spectrum benzyl chloride in rat bile.
showing significant circadian effects. No age- or sex- NMR spectroscopy of urine combined with label-
related differences were observed for saliva from ling with stable isotopes such as 13C and 2H has been
healthy subjects but marked differences were ob- used to monitor the silent process of deaceteylation
served in cases of sialodentitis. Finally, the biochemi- and subsequent reacetylation (futile deacteylation) in
cal effects of an oral mouthwash preparation have the rat as this has implications for the toxicity of
been studied using 1H NMR spectroscopy. paracetamol and phenacetin. The metabolites of 5-
fluorouracil in plasma and urine have been analysed
Digestive fluids using 19F NMR spectroscopy in patients receiving
chemotherapy. 2H NMR has been employed to study
The analysis of pancreatic juice and small bowel
the pharmacokinetics of benzoic acid in relation to
secretions using 1H NMR spectroscopy has been
liver function. The metabolism of hydrazine in rats
has been probed using 15N NMR spectroscopy of
Pathological cyst fluid urine.
Often it is advantageous to carry out a partial ex-
A 1H NMR study of the fluid from the cysts of 6 pa- traction of metabolites using a solid phase separation
tients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney cartridge. In this case, the urine containing the drug
disease (ADPKD) has been reported. ADPKD in metabolites is loaded on to a C18 cartridge that is
adults is characterized by the slow progressive then washed with acidified water to remove very po-
growth of cysts in the kidney, and when these cysts lar endogenous components. The metabolites of in-
reach a large size they can significantly distort the terest can be then be selectively washed off using
kidney and disrupt both the blood supply and renal methanol or water/methanol mixtures.
function. ADPKD is one of the commonest causes The direct coupling of HPLC with NMR spectro-
for renal transplantation in adults. The 1H NMR scopy has required a number of technological devel-
spectra revealed a number of unusual features and opments to make it a feasible routine technique and
showed the cyst fluids to be distinct from both blood now on-line NMR detection of HPLC fractions is a
plasma and urine. Unusually, the fluids from all pa- useful adjunct to the armoury of analytical methods.
tients contained high levels of ethanol, which was To date, HPLC-NMR spectroscopy has been
not related to consumption of alcoholic beverages or applied to the profiling and identification of the
drug preparations. In general there was little varia- metabolites of a number of drugs and xenobiotics
tion in the composition of the cyst fluids as revealed present in biofluids such as plasma and urine and in
by 1H NMR, although the protein signal intensity bile samples from rats and humans. In general the

simple stop-flow approach has predominated in However, the small injection volume available to CE
these studies. The HPLC-NMR method is most (a few nl) means that high sensitivity can only be
useful for compounds, and their metabolites, with achieved if concentrations of the analyte in the sam-
suitable NMR reporter groups. This includes the use ple are high. Nevertheless, some results have been
of 19F NMR spectroscopy for molecules containing reported using CE-NMR and the method has
fluorine and diagnostic 1H NMR resonances in been applied to the identification of paracetamol
regions of the NMR spectrum where solvent signals metabolites in human urine. Finally the application
do not cause interference. For example, the pattern of capillary electrochromatography (CEC) directly
of NMR resonances from glucuronide conjugates is coupled to NMR has been explored using the same
particularly diagnostic. paracetamol metabolite samples.
HPLC-NMR of biofluids has been employed to
identify the unusual endogenous metabolites found See also: Cells Studied By NMR; Chromatography–
in rat urine after administration of compounds that NMR, Applications; Diffusion Studied Using NMR
induce liver enzymes leading to elevated urinary Spectroscopy; Drug Metabolism Studied Using NMR
levels of a number of carbohydrates and related Spectroscopy; In vivo NMR, Applications, Other Nu-
molecules. clei; In vivo NMR, Applications, 31P; In vivo NMR,
A wide range of 1H and 19F HPLC-NMR studies Methods; Perfused Organs Studied Using NMR Spec-
has been carried out on human and animal biofluids, troscopy; Proteins Studied Using NMR Spectroscopy;
predominantly urine and bile, to characterize the Solvent Suppression Methods in NMR Spectroscopy;
metabolites of exploratory drugs and marketed Structural Chemistry Using NMR Spectroscopy, Phar-
pharmaceuticals. In some cases, the biofluid has been maceuticals.
subjected to solid phase extraction to remove many
of the very polar materials, which facilitates the
HPLC separation by avoiding overloading the Further reading
column. These studies include the identification and
Ala-Korpela M (1997) 1H NMR spectroscopy of human
structuring of metabolites of antipyrine, ibuprofen, blood plasma. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 27:
flurbiprofen, paracetamol, the anti-HIV compound 475–554.
GW524W91, iloperidone and tolfenamic acid. Other Gartland KPR, Beddell CR, Lindon JC and Nicholson JK
studies using HPLC-NMR on bile include the identi- (1991) The application of pattern recognition methods
fication of a metabolite of 7-(4-chlorobenzyl)- to the analysis and classification of toxicological data
7,8,13,13a-tetrahydroberberine chloride in rat bile derived from proton NMR spectroscopy of urine.
and metabolites of a drug LY335979, under devel- Molecular Pharmacology 39: 629–642.
opment to prevent multidrug resistance to cancer Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Everett JR (1999) NMR
chemotherapy. In addition, 31P HPLC-NMR has spectroscopy of biofluids. In Webb GA (ed) Annual Re-
ports on NMR Spectroscopy. Vol 38, in press. London,
been used to study metabolites of ifosfamide, and 2H
Academic Press.
HPLC-NMR has been employed to detect metabo-
Lindon JC, Nicholson JK, Sidelman UG and Wilson ID
lites of dimethylformamide-d7. (1997) Directly-coupled HPLC–NMR and its applica-
The further coupling of HPLC-NMR with mass tion to drug metabolism. Drug Metabolism Reviews
spectroscopy has also been used to analyse drug 29: 705–746.
metabolites in urine for the human excretion of Lindon JC, Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1996) Direct
paracetamol metabolites. This approach has also coupling of chromatographic separations to NMR
been used to identify metabolites of substituted spectroscopy. Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 29: 1–49.
anilines in rat urine. Nicholson JK and Wilson ID (1989) High resolution
Capillary electrophoresis (CE), and related tech- proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy of biofluids.
niques, is a relatively new technique which uses a Progress in NMR Spectroscopy 21: 449–501.
Nicholson JK, Foxall PJD, Spraul M, Farrant RD and
length of fused silica capillary with an optical
Lindon JC (1995) 750 MHz 1H and 1H–13C NMR spec-
window to enable detection, a detector (UV, fluores-
troscopy of human blood plasma. Analytical Chemistry
cence or mass spectrometry), a high voltage source, 67: 793–811.
two electrode assemblies and buffer solutions in suit- Rabenstein DL (1984) 1H NMR methods for the non-inva-
able reservoirs. The technique has been shown to sive study of metabolism and other processes involving
provide very high separation efficiencies, with hun- small molecules in intact erythrocytes. Journal of Bio-
dreds of thousands of theoretical plates achievable. chemical and Biophysical Methods 9: 277–306.

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