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Q.1 Please explain the purpose of curriculum development and the nature of the purpose.

your answer with a practical example.


Effective curriculum goals and objectives should have two main consequences. First of all, no matter
who the teacher is, students need to get the same knowledge from the same course. Second, students
must complete the course in preparation for the next course, next academic year or life stage.

These goals and objectives aim to standardize all set nets of learning objects and simplify teacher
outcomes. In other words, achievable goals and goals can be lofty.

Course goal

The goal is to provide a general statement of the direction or intent of the educational activity. Goals
are usually written in three ambiguous terms: learning, knowing, understanding, appreciating, and
inspiring, but these are not simple and unmeasurable. The goal is as follows Organizational principles
There are multiple levels in the ejection direction t'i3r. In fact, the equipment of these organizations
may contain educational gentian.

Inquiry direction] s. Subject area or. Region.

A rough description of the goals is achievement, curriculum goals or restructuring of goals,

educational goals, and

Philosophy. Guwahati and regular advertising do not specifically explain

Course or "Emic Flock of Content Allies! Clowns are immersed in the group's achievements

Most learners) Instead of "hello" "withdrawal among double learners. Anger is enough to cause a
specific cause

Curricu1um @ "s is generic], a broad statement with long-term results .:'Giles Aims is usually
designed for students to achieve over a long period of time, including a year of school education and a
series of subject courses. ..

Specifically, goals are usually based on the idea of guiding students to become more productive
members of society, as goals are always broader than goals.

Here are some ideas to consider when creating goals:

Generation. Target scope. Goals can include multiple years, entire disciplines, or entire plans. Before
choosing a goal, you need to build and think about the time and scope of your guided learning goals.

The goal. For example, you can create goals for your school's three-year m-course sequence, or you
can choose goals for your students to complete high school linguistics in one semester.

ii. Target type: Skill, action, or knowledge. Goals can include a variety of processes, such as skills to
acquire, attitudes to adopt, and concepts to understand. Take various goals as examples.

1. Develop your drawing skills. And sculpture

2. Understand the need for collaborative problem solving

3. KG listening to music as a means of artistic expression

3. Do not specify how to archive the target to separate the function of the target deduction

Think of your goal as a long-term big pie NC. Williams has several short-term benefits in achieving
its goals.

The course is thus hurt and it provides students with a successful barge poked by Wyke

Learn to respect and get along with people from different cultures ":" Students will have a sense of
depression in their citizens ":" Students will appreciate literature, art and music. "[3]

Course goal

Specific statements set measurable expectations about what the learner knows and can do. It describes
the learning outcome (what the learner should learn), the product or performance (what the learner
produces as a result of the learning activity), or the process (explains). Focus of learning activities).
They can be considered as improvements in course objectives / objectives, for example, by specifying
performance criteria and their skills and knowledge.

Learners are expected to be able to demonstrate, guess, or accurately understand proficiency and the
conditions under which performance will take place. From an effectiveness perspective, the
curriculum aims to: Keep it simple for teachers, learners, and parents to understand. It is feasible for
teachers and learners, including previous teamwork, and requires learners to integrate and apply
specific knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Outcomes; and can be measured at various stages on a
cumulative basis

Learner's educational career. [3]

Goals are usually concepts that describe a particular educational statement, general or particular
outcome. Different types of goals are cumbersome and disadvantageous.

An expression profile that leads to expression results. All of the above are wrong, use the £ 1
Curriculum and lesson plan method. However, it is currently intoxicated. Moisture is the term. Action
Goals usually enjoy concretely transformed observable wording Field-Cowgirl (head), emotion

Imp’ “demand) * Note: An example idea is to make it easier for students to remember. Of course, I
am sure that students have rheumatism!

Can be measured with the target. When

To limit your mercury goals, consider the following questions. What behaviors, apps, or products do
students need to create to show their goals? What is the difference between mastering this goal Simple
memory and low level understanding? Create goals using behavioral terms. Examination

Various actions that are closely related to your goals. In general, action goals can be divided into the
following categories:

1. Cognition (head)
2. Emotion (heart)

3. Physical strength (hand)

Predict. Some goals need to be long-term and students need to work hard to master them in a year or
semester. Other goals, on the other hand, need to be completed in a relatively short period of time,
such as a week or a unit. A long-term goal taught for a year can be an effective goal, for example,
"students learn with compassion for others." On the other hand, the short-term goal may be "students
show an understanding of basic biological terms."

Unit coverage.

Building an accurate and practical course aims and Ejectives Ce6e is a challenge. Keep in mind that
simplicity is usually implemented by default. If you set your goals and objective plans

Example Goals can be written in different ways. Curry, most goals are written in behavioral terms.
Exile) avower purpose small use observableSky storyAnd can be divided into. ,'Can be divided into
specific coins (head), emotions (mind), and body (Hana)

Emotional ‘Sentience selects the most offensive terms from the list created by the class, "' Body:
Learning uses your favorite slang to create expressive gestures

Question 2 describes the process used in Pakistan's curriculum development. Which technology is
used to evaluate the course? Discuss



Pakistan Curriculum Development Process

Prior to 1972, Pakistan did not have a permanent institution responsible for curriculum development.

Question 2 describes the process used in Pakistan's curriculum development. Which technology is
used to evaluate the course? Discuss



Pakistan Curriculum Development Process

Prior to 1972, Pakistan did not have a permanent institution responsible for curriculum development.

Prior to this, Saeed (1977) pointed out that curriculum development was not considered an
independent and specialized function of its own. Thighs are done through course activities

Commission quad specifications created for a specific purpose lime

And it will be disbanded shortly after the end of Ule Mission Week ^% 0 Complete the huge task of
curriculum revision, but more action can be seen in the general and curriculum. "Pakistan, Parallel" in
all biological states
The Curriculum Bureau and Extension Wing were established independently in 1972 and aim to work
closely together to coordinate the school's curriculum.

With a central bow BF. Cul1 "icllluln and textbooks, Islamabad. But the role of the state's curriculum
bureau and expansion center is

Type] iniids'"' (Memon 1989). Current course process

Based on the development of notices around the public, it emphasizes the integration of "projections"
necessary to achieve the goals and objectives of the bureaucratic organization and the "tiles"-and
committed according to the instructions of the educational textbook g4 "grhepincisal curried". Not ",
his canoe level follow tea4: Hedy School, Teacher Target field experts and courses

Experts are working on these recommendations. Latest after long-term negotiations': Disaster draft
and trial draft and test arrangements

Textbooks for inscriptions and teacher training. as needed

Amendments and revised state drafts will be submitted to the National Curriculum Committee, which
is governed by the central government.

Create a unified national draft. In addition, the guidance and management organization of this case is
only the central government, and the final approval is limited to the consent of the central
government. Therefore, textbooks and related materials

Published jointly with the State Curriculum Promotion Agency.

Curriculum updates are based on the so-called "armchair studies" or "intuitive knowledge" of course
experts, or the introduction of innovations from Western countries. In some cases, donor-led
innovations have also been introduced and their impact on improving education needs to be
considered. In the current situation, schools do not recommend actually designing and using their own
courses. Teachers are legally binding us%

Teach and require all principals to learn Sawargents * See t2 Textbook Preparation

pubu61 ・ Fund management

Sind textbook board is sold separately. No other books were used in the class (Sindh Textbook
Committee, 1987). This is

Teachers have the right to use certain books for the following purposes:

To avoid execution. Students do not make any special preparations for all relevant exams based on the
official syllabus. Man

Secondary school fame and statistics are primarily based on the student's relevant success in the exam.

The pair course development process has been a common predicament in many elopement countries
since the course innovation.

With development, there is "direct" in the UK: "ritual-coelopid" introduction of the 4cou education
system! Innovations that haven't been introduced have produced the same changes that rarely face
classroom processes (Havelock). One Erma 77, Klein and Es "1980, Lewin 1981). Therefore, the
efficiency of the curriculum is written on paper, not in practice. Therefore, the ibex goals have not
been achieved. We pay a little attention to the participation of teachers. In fact.

The improvement of the course depends on the teacher paying more attention to his work. Tanner and
Tanner (1980) pointed out that the wise participation of teachers in curriculum improvement is
irreplaceable. They went on to say that curriculum development relies on teacher development and
teacher expertise. Theoretically, there are restrictions on teachers to participate in the curriculum,

Practical curriculum planning is primarily bureaucratic

And an educator who has never gained educational experience (Ghafoor1979).

Example: Sheikh (1970) stated that the committee is responsible for university teachers and that
school teachers who are ultimately responsible for implementing the classroom curriculum do not
have proportional representation. This dilemma exists not only in developing countries but also in
developed countries (Kelly1989). This shows that not only is curriculum development a practical
problem facing developing countries, but developed countries are also facing the same problem.
Generally speaking, the course is a sign of concierge and restricted activity, which is attribute 4 only,
“Bureaucrats who know nothing about it

I didn't participate. Does substantive evidence indicate "T at even" in countries where teachers do not
lack sul? They are laid, well-educated and trained

Unless they are really involved in the whole process, they are unlikely to accept an inanimate activity
that replicates the ulna, the process.

Consider the participation of teachers in curriculum development mj9htKeri "(1969) Chordae

tendineae are also an important part of the chordae tendineae process. Omission of courses and dives
cannot be performed unless the ketene is exhausted and participates. , Joint efforts and mutual
expansion between teachers and cultural diapers can be used as the basis for stability

Therapeutic target'Imipenem. , Many curium experts such as Tanner and Tanned. (1980) / She said,
"You can get professional help. Hoyle (980) is an extended professionalism that can also guide
teacher behavior at the classroom level while translating new courses into Bryce. According to him,
the individual is creative and the school can only adopt personal ideas.

Participate in sharing their educational issues with others and solve them through cooperation.
Therefore, they help overcome the problems of curriculum reform. In fact, course planning is

More complex activities than most amateur planners today are aware of. Education itself is
oversimplified because of curriculum issues

It is at risk and should result in concealment of education standards.

Raise the standards claimed by current policies (Kelly1989). Learn about McKinney and Westbury
course changes

(1975) References to the need to understand how to achieve curriculum reform appear powerless and
incomplete unless factors that tend to perpetuate existing practices are investigated. The decades of
the 1960s and the early 1970s were called the era of innervation education, especially in developing
countries, including Pakistan. Main purpose of start and promotion
The premise of innovation is to significantly improve the quality of management efficiency of
educated people... This reflects the industrial method of capric acid and inoculum

Possible. It is not a fuel, but the active use of resources

Head \ Reacher and teachers need to readjust the context. "

The term "adnation" generally applies to tea products.

Educational spirit and organization Nakfa. Citrus Dalmatia'. Check the impact

Implement "Citco studs (excellent grades, create an official curriculum" as needed and check
education and learning with "bd". Curriculum settings:

・ Specific advantages and disadvantages of the course and its implementation

· Cuka information for strategic changes and policy decisions.

· Improve citations needed for learning and education.

・ Monitoring index.

Course evaluations are internal activities and processes performed by different units of the education
system for their own purposes. These units may include the Ministry of National Education, Regional

Competent authorities, organizational oversight and reporting systems, education departments,

schools and communities.

Course evaluation can also be an external or outsourced review process.

These may be conducted on a regular basis by a special committee or working group of the course, or
they may be studies on the status and effectiveness of various aspects of the course and their
implementation. For example, these processes can verify the effectiveness of course content, existing
pedagogy and pedagogy, teacher training, textbooks, and materials. [2]

Pass high-risk tests and place great importance on accountability. Evaluation courses are an important
part of ensuring the normal operation of the school School year. There are two main types of
assessments for assessing the effectiveness of academic courses (landsom "aver). Each rack theory
has different models for guiding the scientific process.

Assess columbite using formative assessment. According to Mellon University, instead of waiting
until the end of the Schnouk grade to see if the course is effective, you can consistently resume using
forted education. Formative assessment may include performance dents. After class tin foil, medium
coyetalon or review "

According to education consultants and learning, these learning auctions for accountability are not
necessarily used to disrupt the education process. Judith Dodge, an expert on the Scholastic Teachers

Methods and models

In formative and comprehensive assessments, there are several models that teach you how to make a
personal assessment. Educational research and theory-based assessment models not only guide the
assessment process, but also provide a framework for the assessment process. For example, the goal-
centric model created by theorist Ralph Tyler is a type of systematic evaluation that begins with.

Set action goals, such as course content and learning behavior. In this model, the evaluator selects and
uses multiple rating tools to compare the results. In contrast, the goalless model treats the evaluator as
a fair observer in creating demand profiles. The assessment then compares the effectiveness of the
course with the needs of the student.

Choice considerations

Choosing a particular type of rating means reviewing many different models. Teachers and evaluators
may have personal preferences and policy requirements, or they may choose the type based on the
latest Resch.

Other considerations may include processes. Cost effector or actua1 suggested the rating. For
example, if you are attending a Yante Education eScience course, how can you help your students
learn through the O Child Sterilization Pie? Formative assessment is required. Pass the scam

Analyze teacher education courses in distance learning. Do you decide on the basic communication
skills of teachers who should participate in the curriculum and how to determine them?


Since its independence, the Government of Pakistan has recognized the importance of teacher
education, and each policy document proposes various measures to improve the quality of teacher
education. Simply

The Education Policy Document for Teacher Education in Pakistan is reviewed as follows: The 1st
National Conference on Education,”

Karachi became another country in Pakistan in November 1947. The main purpose of this conference:
"Guide to the Future Development of Education 6i9" The View of iii "" Society There is no doubt that
the future of q, Lour Stay air will have to rely heavily on the kind of dajon we give to cii7hen and how
to train them to Pakistan's stupid and technical editors.

Life in Pakistan "(Go). Nichisa Division), 1947. PS. In addition, "The Lorimar and Minor Action
Committee meeting emphasized theological training and barriers": d Education and recommendation
experts, Hannington's "Standard Wages (Go, MOI, meeting at the" Etna "level" By suggesting that the
plan was not implemented, the previous model of independent education "exceeded major strategic
and structural changes. In addition, until 1951, the Bu, Kiana development plan contained
recommendations. I did.

The conference was incorporated into the implementation of the National Development Plan. Federal
and state government plans reviewed and approved by the Central Government Development
Commission. However, these plans are not integrated into the achievement of policy objectives. In
1959, the National Board of Education conducted a comprehensive review of the entire education
system and made practical recommendations. The Commission stated that "no education system is
better than teachers" (Go, MOE, 1959, p.259).

The committee emphasized the characteristics of successful teachers, such as "he must be us
academically"] trained on the subject he teaches
Excellent professional training ...” (GOP, MOE, 1959, p.259) In addition, the Commission
recommended the minimum qualifications for admission to the Commission.

Duration of training courses for teachers and training courses at various educational levels. The theme
of the Commission's report is to recognize education funding as an essential national investment.

Prerequisites for the economic and social development of the country. This concept is recognized in
the 12th Five-Year Plan.

Contains basic recommendations for Commissio46umpleThin. Shahid (1985) believes that teacher
training entities are equipped with "overload weapons for equipment and staff" and arranges for a new
PhD. Teach a yak project or create a teacher's guide.

Course composition

Approaching curry

It is defined as "Experience as a whole training program"-96Rlj: Experience gained throughout the

training program: both within and within the organization.

Campus, and a simple trainee teacher. 0e was found. Jack course

Our ob'these scattered projections

which is the curriculum design model of us and the starting point of adytaal (1976)? Interrelationships
between goals, objectives, content, education / divine resources, pedagogy, and assessment: this pair

Eva] oat [a yellow far] this project reflects the actual content of a professional curriculum with a
consistent and consistent curriculum strategy.

This is more complex than this model allows, and includes the strategic balance of various academic
and practical components, and how to adapt them to the structure of time and place.

Changes in elementary school teacher education in elementary school

The last major comparative study of teacher education curriculum in low-income countries was
conducted in the 1980s (Dove 1985, Lockheed & Ver spoor 1991, Rust and Dallas 1990). These
studies gave the impression of stagnation and laziness. However,

There has been a lot of discussion about changes lately, and most courses

The case study website is currently in transition. Widen and Grimmest (1995) distinguished
"reorganization", where change is superficial, old practices persist under the surface, and
"reconceptualization" is the fundamental change in thinking. From the summary below, different
programs are being developed in different directions, with few common trends. Later analysis will try
to distinguish the basics of these changes. Ghana: A three-year diploma course from 1978. It has been
in constant change since 1997. The first major change is to focus on improving students' subject
knowledge each year. Students need to remark

Subject a before entering the contents of the second and third years ("Arhat was taught together
because it was decided to carry out curriculum research" " "In-in-Out" model, where the trainees are e
Anhinidid t? Emphasizes the development of long-term educational skills and enhances the outcome
of internships. (Akyeampog002) ・
On the one hand, Cre has a higher enrollment qualification, one semester of the bridging course?
Eleven ore subjects and learning skills, the overall "skateboarder" will be emphasized again. In a
disciplinary framework and a two-step internship, "Wujec is in a position to raise academic standards
and Raceland is in a position to midquel amojE Tef1ective, so they can'take over more yaw'. (Lafora

"Replaces the one-year, two-year resident tiger program

January 199 "", two-year mixed-mode Malawi integrated in-service teacher education "Essence
(MIITEP)", unqualified in-service teacher spends three

Menthol "} Self, then under the supervision of distance learning for 20 months

Their School: They return to college for a month's review and exams. Graduates will receive the same
teacher certificate as before. MIITEP is a streamlined curriculum, condensed from the old full-time
two-year version. It is primarily skill-based and is considered the minimum required to turn an
currently unqualified teacher into a more “effective teacher”. (Kunju & Chombo 1999); Stuart &
Kunju 2000; Kunju, Lewin and Stuart, 2002.

South Africa: The entire teacher development system has been transformed and transferred to the
higher education sector. This report briefly mentions

A new four-year Bachelor of General Education and Training (BAGET) degree program launched at
the University of KwaZulen Westville (UDW) in January 1999. It was designed from scratch with a
number of school-based training elements, using a new way of connecting content and methods
(Samuel and Pillay, 2002). This is not common in current South African practice, but is used as an
example of reconceptualization. This is in line with South Africa's new “Educator's Norms and
Standards” that academic, practical and flexible stimulating abilities require long-term provision in a
beloved form. It is stipulated (2002: see Robinson's "Reddy 20"). Virani & Sayed, 2002, Lewin,
Samujih ayed. , 2X) 03).

A proofreading of the Dima plan for hands-on teachers two years later has been announced. Hou aver,
Course I,'Slow development, mainly due to gradual progress in the direction of "more active practice"
brought about by the instructor himself. I want to connect it more closely and teach unqualified
ent2nts "ft for a longer period of time with closer training (Quamina-a" ell gyi999. George &

The eight obvious differences are in the recorded ones) Lesotho. South Africa-Akenadides is from
South Africa, does not have a full-time job for 3 or 4 years, and usually lives in places where nails are
pulled. Which one. 4 people 2 people? The one-year course is aimed at ascetic Alea students such as
McWanna, Trinidad and Tobago. This Form long-distance teams according to them, and finally there
is a short residential area. The curriculum Caliphate is bound and modified by this structure.

School-level specialty

This important issue does not always receive the attention it deserves. Internationally, teachers
typically prepare for infants / lower grades, upper grades, and secondary school according to (at least
in part) different courses, as each stage is suitable for different subject matter and different methods.
Is. In Ghana, the latest approach is to create only one plan to prepare teachers throughout the basic
school cycle.

Includes elementary and junior high school (JSS), where elementary school requires a principal, but
JSS requires specialists. In Trinidad and Tobago, Malawi, the program provided training to class
teachers throughout the primary school level. In Lesotho, the "early" electives have been abolished
with a new education diploma (elementary school). In South Africa, primary school teachers are
traditionally trained as partial professionals, which is reflected in their curriculum model. Some
people in Ghana suggested that universities could focus on elementary and junior high schools, but
few discussions were found on this issue. [2]

Teacher communication skills and importance. Communication is the key to the classroom. SingI
"Old knag% we can effectively use this ability in a school environment in seconds. * It turns out that
doing so will affect student learning success. Because it is close to the net of wisdom. The crowded
behavior itself needs them. You or Hata are responsible for understanding and disassembling the
complexity. Not compatible with conte1a: r Different learning styles, motives

Students use encouragement and empathy to build collaborative relationships, make tea bags in class,
provide feedback, and make the classroom a safe and collaborative learning environment. All these
things need to be good Communication skills.

Communicate with parents

As a teacher, you also need to communicate effectively with your parents. This can be done through a
variety of media, including phone calls, emails, and face-to-face meetings, so you need to be
proficient in spoken and written language. This is especially important because you often need to
discuss sensitive things.

Subject-Behavioral issues, learning issues, student strengths, etc.

And the weakness-it doesn't confuse or defend your parents. It is imperative that you stay clear and
witty at all times. I can't communicate well with other people

Parents can question your teaching ability, complain, and lack an understanding of your child's
performance and educational needs.

Communicate with colleagues

Teaching does not necessarily involve an independent job-it also requires cooperation. Whether you
plan the course together or not

Colleagues' progress towards a particular student. Or, sharing skills on how to solve problems in class
will bring good communication skills to York

You can also use these skills at staff meetings to schedule sassy®, host meetings, present in front of
your audience, and “Motif staff can represent your E. coli and natural size and highly developed
technology phone. Americans enjoy a high standard of living and are a leader in physical activity.
Indigenous people are made up of Indians and immigrants

England. Descendants of slaves imported from Germany, Scandinavia, South and Eastern Europe,
Latin America and post-colonial Africa. The combination of geographic and demographic
characteristics makes a big difference from one region of the country to another. Educational systems
and structures in different parts of the country are also very diverse.

Education system

All states offer a free public school system covering kindergartens and 12 Year. Laws vary from state
to state, but education is compulsory from 6 or 7 to 16 years old. Depending on the location, 1st to 8th
grades of kindergarten and elementary school, then 4th grade high school, 6th grade of kindergarten
and elementary school, 3rd grade middle school and 3rd grade high school (sometimes integrated into
6 year high school) Or a newly developed kindergarten plus

4th and 5th grades of elementary school, 4th grade of junior high school, 4th grade of high school. All
modes lead to high school graduation 1972. The federal government supports allele education for
female students, subsidizes the education of veterans, and rents a federal Ministry of Education
lounge *. Leading by Chief Cabinet Secretary

A small unit, the State of the House of Representatives and the Dirgit District, manages day-to-day
administrative administration and the anomalies and diversity of the "The Et% q" tradit4ywf region.

Very angry Shi unit "Course. Deer-Zhuo Official National Course. State. Lambs vary in degree of
specificity, leaving SCO, regional and individual differences. Subject-matter experts, school
managers, and teachers are all involved in the research and research-based curriculum development
process. The main subject to be taught is School systems at all levels include English, math, social
studies, science, music, arts and sports. Technological advances have introduced new teaching
methods such as teaching, program education, language laboratories, and computer-assisted

Current social criticism is in the curriculum through ethical research, especially at the junior high
school stage. Consumer and environmental education and substance and alcohol abuse

Procedure. The policy for moving from one grade to the next depends on the state or school district's
decision. Junior high school students need to repeat their grades after poor grades, but they are
automatically admitted to elementary school. Obtaining a high school diploma does not necessarily
require a formal exam, but attendance and satisfactory school records are considered sufficient for this
purpose. Without a national public examination system, each state has a different level of education.
Recently, there have been several initiatives to set national standards for high school diploma genes.

The format of the minimum capacity requirement. Activity Fb1. Discuss with your colleagues how
technogym's social interests and suggestions affect the development of Unamno's course, and discuss
with your colleague Hai to discuss the pinnacle of orcs in the Pakistani context.

Curriculum development i. Unhunted kingdom


Britain is on several islands in West Aquitaine Immigrants from the European continent from around
the world have had a significant impact on the seasonal system prevailing in British minorities.
YesConcentrate on dirty urban areas. You need to use the system especially in London, and in the
handbag area. Acknowledge their special needs. Especially. From the perspective of language and
cultural differences.

Education system

Education at u $ µ'is called the national system. Local management. Most of Morning Star's running
takes place at the tajins & Jo Dar Education Authority (LEA). Attendance 516 or 18, age is divided
into two levels or two levels of contractile "balance" Elementary school age is very bad Second, the
number of transfers may be 12 instead of 11 I have

Subdivide Jinan (5-7) and elementary school (7-1 I) schools, and selective or non-selective second
anethole (1-16 years or IB). The three-level system includes the first school (K. JJ 8 or 9 years old),
middle school (8-12 years old or 9-13 years old), and usually high school.
Non-selective (12 or 13-16 or 8 years old). Two-level systems are the most common. The 3-level
system is only visible in the UK and serves 15% of all students. Children over compulsory education
(16 years old) can continue to study at the same institution, such as high school, higher education,
continuing education colleges, and colleges of technology. Education for school learners can be
divided into two categories. Non-advanced Continuing Education (NFE) consisting of courses that
meet the criteria of the General Certificate of Education.

(GCE) and Higher Education (A) and Higher Education (including courses offered by universities,
self-governing bodies, and universities above this level) Maintained by LEAS.


Previously, there was no national curriculum, but the review committee governing general certificates
of education had a certain unified impact on school education. Your Majesty's school inspector is
responsible for the Minister of Education. They investigated and reported on all aspects of "education
includes curium."

But the government this the curriculum defines the core of three major subjects: math excitement and
language, with re-subject children grades 7 and 14 years. Other basic subjects include e µ Story.
Geography, ¢ tat and music. In addition, the usage of educational reform applies to secondary schools.
Progress, interesting schools mainly depend on age ratio rather than achievement. Without
Geraci-'stein, most children go through the system with other children of the same age. Still, teachers
use a variety of methods to test student rest. Until 1988. Second elementary school student can try v4
"o" us Take the exam in the subject and have a certificate of completion of secondary education
(CSE) or a certificate of completion of general education (D)

School year). 8. These systems have been deprecated and replaced by Genera]

Elan with Inn is one of England and Wales' organic "sedative indent groups" and N, a separate but
similar reform. GCE Alaseri Level (AI is unusually learned by the best ed21c students! Its ion and
professional training, but the government, along with the newly launched national curriculum, gave
birth and rating to all seven and 16 years old Students aged 11, and 14 discuss with colleagues their
superior features beyond the curriculum introduced in the UK in 1989.

Q.5 Please write a short note about the following.

A. Applying heuristic problem-solving methods


Heuristic technology is not a formal problem-solving model], but it can be used as a problem-solving
method. In this case, the solution does not produce a complete or optimal solution.

Heuristics are usually psychological shortcuts that support the thinking process of problem solving.
We were born to learn these techniques (usually informally) or to survive. We often use them
automatically problem.

Like Gulick repaired Oyen, it relies solely on heuristics to solve the problem Alternative solutions are
not practical. Problem solvers should pay attention to one or more heuli4 ¢ whenever they encounter
an obstacle. The basis of coke can limit creativity. If you can't find a solution, try it. Then ("work

· If the problem is abstract, check out a concrete example.

• First, try to solve the more general problem (“Inventor's Paradox”: the more ambitious the plan, the
more likely it is to succeed). [1]

B. Answers to a comprehensive approach to curriculum development

Comprehensive courses are described as courses that connect different research disciplines by
emphasizing unified concepts across disciplines.

Integration focuses on establishing student connections and allows students to participate in relevant
and meaningful activities that can connect with real life. The comprehensive curriculum aims to
combine the theory and practice learned in the classroom with real-life knowledge and experience.
Through service learning, we promote the practical and experiential learning aspects of integrated
courses. Extensive research is being conducted on integrated courses and what they look like in a
learning and educational space. From this survey:

Mainly focuses on "dead spies" and "mark stakes" Corn fusion skills, knowledge, and attitude themes
Nodding Spinary Am in Talc Skirt (Yacht t0 $ lruEgjtatlon, the teacher organizes me to calm and pay
attention. Students apply it!

Service-learning is used as a tool in each of these paradigms to create student interactions, enhance
learning experiences, and motivate learning.

Service interference as part of an integrated curriculum solves practical problems and community
needs. This will increase the number of participants and increase the likelihood that students will
spend their time and energy studying. 4.4. Support the development of future teaching materials

Continuous improvement.

5. Improve pedagogy and pedagogy. Course evaluation is an important aspect of the educational
process. Most schools need to evaluate the course at some point. In this article, we will share the
definition of assessment and insight into the difference between measurement and assessment.

The evaluation is about collecting data. This data can be collected in a variety of ways. The different
data collection methods are the same as we are.

Research. They include observations, interviews, surveys, and locations. Tea is usually aggregated
and used to determine if Akoya gals will meet.

Measurement and evaluation Quality is by quantitative or qualitative means. "'Trustable, fools'

explain the phenomenon, but it's important to'grow up and not go out of each other'. Ng remembers to
evaluate the Kanti Penchi Moon at different levels. Please.

Teacher Mn Consent Unit Plan. Departure Time-adjusted course performance when communicating
9Qµct the curriculum is a broad framework for education / school education. Creating a syllabus and
editing a textbook are all concrete manifestations of it. Education is a real course. Therefore, whether
teachers can or can expect to use the framework Maximum value. Therefore, it can be a personalized,
demand-based, universal method that is suitable for many, but not for some.

There is nothing wrong with having a national curriculum as it is based on the needs of the country. It
must have been developed and improved by educators. Curriculum experts have considered all the
important aspects of the needs of every child in the country. How the country must see

This course is implemented and understood by teachers and administrators.

And the nation as a niche in the national curriculum is

The true meaning of national culture, social needs, and what we call the national curriculum

Yes! Possible. The national curriculum, in a general non-binding sense, helps to set a general concept
of value and the ultimate goal to be taught. Then each teacher explained each child's lesson in a way

The greatest significance for the child. This was successful due to how they attended the course, the
level / difficulty of the concepts taught, the recognition and skill requirements of the assessment, and

Was he interested in most of the class wars in the classroom where 0 was offered when politics
removed the striping task for me for several years and allowed it to be tailored to each student? o
There is a general pelicaf teach. Only a few people need to do something the entrances are different
and some of them only require modified tasks If they work hard, it's a success. Most people did it!
The way to rent this nipple is pt many times. Political flexibility in education can be exported
"secretly"! Pig p5ogiEs', tenant c'('Wag'. Taonga, if successful, "Theil" students instead of
achievements they worked hard. A "personalized course" is certainly possible and no echo is needed.
Junto sets the u> apronitinposca parameter.

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