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The effects of online education:

Hi, I’m Nouf and I’m going to be discussing the reality of online learning in Oman
the average person spends 12 years in school and from 5 to 10 in university in this
time is spent building knowledge skills and experience to help one in both their
future careers and overall life. Over the past two years, online education has
become of great popularity after the hit of the covid 19 pandemic the majority of
schools/university’s went online bringing an obstacle no one anticipated each one
of you is most likely experiencing online learning to some degree whether it's in
one or all of your classes. Today I will discuss the effects of online education has
on adolescents I will first discuss multitasking then I will touch on the rise in
cheating and lastly I will talk about the lack of fundamental skills and their futures.
This case is very risky in an article on the downside of online learning James
McWilliams discusses how in a survey of 452 undergraduates at public universities
in the American Midwest, researchers confirmed "significantly greater
multitasking behavior in online versus face-to-face courses."
We’ve all experienced it sitting at a desk trying to get an assignment done by
finding ourselves getting a snack or checking our phone every five minutes at this
rate a 30-minute assignment turns into two hours always having the temptation
of distractions can lead to extreme procrastination and missing assignments start
to pile up. with traditional education there is a sense of discipline where students
are forced to sit in a classroom setting for a certain period of time without such
distractions also attending classes ensures the teachers are checking up on you
and your progress in the class this is beneficial to students who aren't naturally
motivated and provides them with extra support.
The rise in cheating:
another one of the biggest issues with online education is academic integrity in
both traditional and online systems cheating remains one of the major issues
when measuring retained information although the problem resides within both
systems there is a big difference in their abilities to prevent it traditional tests are
proctored by teachers they are able to walk around monitor the room while
students engage in paper-based exams it is a lot harder to figure out ways to
cheat on paper exams on the other hand in online learning it's as simple as
switching tabs and looking up the exact question present in front of you ninety-
three percent of instructors think students are more likely to cheat online than in
person, according to a survey conducted in May by the publishing and digital
education company Wiley. I’m sure most of you are sitting right here right now
noting all the times you've cheated on an exam for the past two years knowing
the resources to get good grades are provided in the simple tap of our keyboard.
Lack of fundamental skills
Another issue commonly discussed if online schooling can provide social skills
needed to be successful in the future? For me I think it is very difficult for online
learning to mimic the face-to-face interactions that traditional education's offers
there aren't opportunities to join clubs there isn't even the opportunity to talk to
your friends in the hallway or at lunch missing out on these social interaction can
cause a sense of social isolation and have a negative effect on an individual
And since the majority of teenagers and young adults will have a job that requires
interacting with customers it is also necessary to communicate and get along with
other members of your work team first before having a job such as the basic
interview skills when it comes to interviews studies have shown that about 80
percent of employers look for communication skills if these skills aren't being built
from a young age it will be hard to compensate for them in the future having
group discussions to improve thinking learning listening and speaking skills is a big
part of traditional schooling this is an effective tool for problem-solving decision
making and learning to confidently share ideas.
as the technological world is growing online learning is becoming increasingly
popular a lot of time has been spent trying to promote it as an effective route for
one's education but the facts remain that it simply can't provide some crucial
aspects, to take another look at the main points i touched on today I first talked
about the self-distraction of studying online secondly I talked about a rise in
cheating and lastly I discuss the losing the fundamental social skills.
Education is a major part of one's life and sets us up for our entire future online
education doesn't provide an adequate learning environment which can
dramatically affect one when trying to pursue a future job traditional education is
absolutely fundamental to gaining skills needed to survive in the real world.

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