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The K-12 education system is the public education system compromised by 13 grades,

indicating the scope of years of open support for elementary and secondary education found in

the United States. Several countries that use this education system are the USA, Australia,

Singapore, Canada, India, Japan, China, Germany, and the Philippines.

Most high schools in the USA offer a range of general academic courses. Other high

schools are known as comprehensive secondary schools. High schools offer a broad field of

subjects from which students can choose, leading them to the career they want to pursue. The

Philippines is the last country in Asia with a 10-year pre-university cycle (SEAMEO &

INNOTECH, 2012). In the year 2011, the Department of Education (DepEd) implemented a

program covering kindergarten and 12 years of basic education, making it 13 years of primary

education. The implemented curriculum offers an opportunity specialization in Academic,

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood, Sports, and Arts Field. Majority of the students tend to choose

the Academic Track because it aims to prepare students for more advanced university courses.

In choosing a track, there are many circumstances that students should look at and take

consider, which can impact their track of choice. The reason for conducting this study is to learn

about how and what influenced these students to decide what they would take. The researchers

want to provide awareness and let others know how such factors can affect one's decision.

Consequently, the researchers wish to conduct a research study on: “Factors that Affect the

Students in choosing their Academic Track for Senior High School.”

Statement of the Problem

This study investigates the “Factors that Affect the Students in choosing their Academic

Track for Senior High School.”

Specifically this aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age:

1.2 Sex:

1.3 Grade Level:

2. What are the factors that affect the students’ choice?

3. What output can be derived from the results of the study?

Theoretical Framework

According to Super's (1990) Developmental Theory of Career Development, high school

students are in the phase of exploring career development, which entails forming and defining

their job preferences while also making preceding decisions regarding their chosen career. The

theory explained that despite having the privilege to choose a career path, there are still factors

that may affect the decisions, plans, and judgments that the students made.

The said theory relates to the objectives of the study, given that it both tackles career

choices. In addition, it also deals with the factors influencing their decisions and plans on

choosing a path for Academicals means. The researchers selected this theory due to its accuracy

and relevance to the study.

Conceptual Paradigm

The schematic diagram below shows the assumed factors that are affecting the students'

choice in choosing their academic track for Senior High School. Presented is an input-Process-

Output (IPO) process that would facilitate better understanding of the undertaken study.


Demographic An infographic
Profile of the which contains the
Survey, Tabulation
factors that affect
respondents; of data and Analysis
the students in
of Responses on the
Factors that Affect choosing their
the Students in academic track for
choosing their senior high school.
Academic Track for
Senior High School

Figure 1: Conceptual Paradigm of the research entitled “Factors that Affect the Students

in choosing their Academic Track for Senior High School”

The input will be the Demographic Profile of the respondents in terms of their age,

gender, grade level, and the factors that are affecting the students' decision in choosing an

academic track for senior high school. The process would be the administration of questionnaires

for a survey, the analysis, and tabulation per the responses of the grade ten and grade 11 students.

The output would be an infographic, containing the gathered data regarding the factors that affect

students' choice in choosing their academic track for senior high school.
Scope and Limitation

This study focuses primarily on the factors that affect the students in choosing their

academic track for Senior High School. The study will be conducted through the utilization of a

questionnaire to the students as a survey and reference. By this strategy, the researchers will be

able to know and gather the factors that affect the students in choosing their academic track for

Senior High School. The researchers limit this study only to the Grade 10 and 11 students of

Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation, and do not cover other departments of the institution.

The gathered data will be confidential and exclusive only between the researchers and the


Significance of the Study

The study entitled “Factors that Affect the Students in choosing their Academic Track

for Senior High School.” will be significant to the following:

To the Students..

This study will show the importance of good decision making and know the factors that

could affect their decision. Also, this will help the students in determining the academic track

that suits them.

To the Parents..

With enough knowledge, this can be use by the parents to help their children in deciding

and choosing that is fitted for them.

To the Teachers..

The study will help teachers educate students about different academic tracks. Also, this

contains some things to follow in choosing the right academic track for them.

To the School Administrators..

The school administrators will have an idea regarding these factors and provide guidance

to the students. They can use the study as a guide or basis for informing students about

determining the academic track they would like to pursue.

Definition of Terms

The researchers provided the operational definition of several terms used for better and

definite perception or understanding:

Academic Track. It is a track that prepares and develops the students' knowledge and

capacity for the common courses in college, such as business management, engineering, and


Affect. It refers to something that is changed or influenced by another thing; Have an

impact on something or someone.

Factors. It refers to the circumstances or conditions that affect an event or situation.

K-12. The “K” stands for kindergarten and, the “12” is the span of years that the students

will spend in the basic education before proceeding to college. (Meaning, six years of

elementary, four years of Junior High School, and two years of Senior High School)
Senior High. It refers to the last two years (Grade 11 and Grade 12) of the K-12 program,

wherein the students will go through a core curriculum and specialized subjects depending upon

the track of their choice.



This chapter presents the various related literatures and studies to support the researchers’

study. These literatures and studies serve as foundations of the present study and were gathered

from published and unpublished materials such as textbooks, magazines, journals, and websites.

Related Literature

Related Studies


This chapter describes the research methods and procedures which will be used in the

conduct of the study. Specifically, it tackles the research design, locale, population and sampling,

data gathering procedure, instrumentation.


The study is a descriptive type of research which will utilize quantitative approach that

determined the factors that affect the students in choosing academic track. Quantitative research

is used to determine the factors that are affecting the students’ decision. This method would be

used as it involves the survey, tabulation, analysis and interpretation of the present nature,

composition and process of phenomena.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted in the premises/vicinity of Manuel S. Enverga University

Foundation. Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation is a holistic private non-sectarian

university that operates a trilogy of function or a three-fold function namely: instruction, research

and, community service. Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation proves its academic worth

and quality to the society, particularly in its own locality, having the second-highest number of

accredited academic college degrees and programs offered. The researchers will be conducting

this study to inform the students on what are the factors that can affect or help them in choosing

the right and suited academic track for them.

Population and Sampling

The researchers will be using a simple random sampling method. Simple Random

Sampling is a subset of a population wherein the researchers randomly select a respondent. Also,

in this sampling, each individual in the population has an equal chance of being chosen. The

researchers will conduct the sampling method in selecting the respondents among the population

of students in grades ten and 11 of Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation.

Research Instrumentation

Data Gathering Procedure

The researcher will construct and submit the survey questions to the adviser for

validation. Permission was secured from the respective administrations and teachers to conduct

the approval of the survey questions. The researchers will seek permission to Principal or person-

in-charge. The survey questions will be used as a tool by the researchers, every participant

is requested to answer honestly every question and assured them of high confidentially.

The responses of the participants to each item in the given questions served as the gathered

data which will be analyzed and interpreted.

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