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1. What is the significant impact of outsourcing on the organization of HR Department?

According to Chopra (2018), human resources is a critical strategic department that is now

viewed as a strategic business partner who is committed to the company's strategic

objectives. A company's aims, perspective, ideals, and objectives are all driven by the HR

department. Outsourcing has a number of key effects, including supporting firms in focusing

internal skills on what they do best while also assisting in the management of bottom lines.

HR outsourcing helps a firm to save money and time while also gaining a competitive edge

in human resource initiatives and offering greater support to its employees.

2. Globalization has opened doors for new markets, new products, new mindsets, new

competencies, and new ways of thinking about business.  Do you think HR function needs to

create new ways and means for attaining global agility, effectiveness, and competitiveness?

Justify your answer.

A driven workforce that aspires to exceed the competition keeps a business on track to

become a market leader. The hiring process and general operating practices of the human

resources department have a significant impact on the formation of a workforce that helps the

company achieve global agility, effectiveness, and competitiveness. Assessing the operations

of the HR department at a firm includes finding methods to enhance or modify how efficient

the company is in its market. A company that provides competitive perks and versatility to its

employees is more inclined to hire the best qualified personnel, remaining competitive.

Chopra, H. (2019). Impact of HR Outsourcing on an Organization’s Functioning. People

Matters. Retrieved from:


Frost, S. (n.d.). How HR Can Contribute to Creating Competitiveness. Retrieved from:

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