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Learners draw meaning from what they have taught.

What philosophy is exemplified

1. The Filipino teacher is a professional.  What is/are expected of her/him?
I - Technically Competent
II -  Highly Ethical and moral
III - HAs Superior IQ
IV - Popular among learners
Answer; i and II
2. Reconstructionist focuses on a curriculum that highlights on___________.
Answer; social reform 
3. It is a philosophy that helps the learners to develop intrinsically and motivated.
Answer; Constructivism
4. Jean-Paul Sartre believed that" existence precedes essence" what does it mean? 
Answer; Our existence creates essence, and human nature itself is a product of existence. 
5. S=R Theory has deep roots in this philosophy
Answer; Behaviorism
6. What kind of educational philosophy that aims to help the students to be their authentic
Answer; Existentialism
7. Which of the following is NOT one of the five philosophies?
Answer; Careerism

8. Which of the following is not an element of non- verbal communication?

Answer; Name of the speaker
9. Teacher use rewards and incentives to motivate learners. What philosophy is
10. Do essentialist teachers frown on long academic calendar and core requirements? What
philosophy is exemplified?
Answer; No
11. Fundamental 3R’s are consist of the following words.
Answer; Reading; Riting; Rithmetic
12. Social Reconstructionism in education is a _____________ learning.
Answer; community based
13. One of the most significant disadvantages of social reconstructivism is that the
_____________ customized to the students' prior knowledge
Answer; curricula / all of the above
14. Listening more to dialogue is listening to meaning. What philosophy is exemplified?
Answer; Linguistic Philosophy
15.  Principal B tells her teacher that the training in the Humanities is most important. To
which educational philosophy does he adhere?
Answer; Existentialism
16. Which teacher's personal trait is demonstrated if he is gender-sensitive and inclusive in
his ways?
Answer; c.Fairness

17. If the teacher employs more cooperative learning in helping students develop social
virtues, then the teacher is governed by what philosophy?
Answer; Progressivism
18. It is a philosophy that emphasizes the addressing of social questions and a quest to
create a better society.
Answer; Social Reconstructionism
19. Principal A-shares this thought with his teachers.  That subject matter should help
students understand and appreciate themselves as unique individuals who accept
complete responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. From which philosophy
is this thought based?
Answer; Existentialism

20. Learners draw meaning from what they have taught. What philosophy is exemplified
Answer; Constructivism

21. During the class reunion of teacher Eloisa, she learned that most of her classmates are
successful in their fields. Also, she found out that most of them are wealthy because
they have chosen a lucrative profession. Confronted with this situation, how should
teacher Eloisa react?
Answer; Tell with pride that she is a teacher by profession
22.  Existentialism is concerned with finding the self through;
Answer; freewill, personality responsibility and choice
23. Who is the philosopher who believed that human beings learn through a 'hands-on'
Answer; John Dewey
24. A guest speaker in one graduation rites told his audience. "Reminder, you are what you
choose to be." The guest speaker is more of a/an _________.
Answer; Existentialist
25. “Once a teacher, forever a student.” What does the statement imply about quality
personal and professional development for teachers?
Answer; It is continuing
26. Teacher Mely, a neophyte in the field, experienced for the first time a complaint from the
mother of one of her students during the distribution of the report card. Which of the
following do you think must be the attitude of teacher Mely?
Answer; Listen to the complaint of the mother with sympathy
27. Teaching is a vocation.  What does this mean?
I - Teaching is a calling to serve.
II - Everyone is called to teach.
III - The response to the call is a must. 
Answer; I only
28. This theory focuses on an essential set of learning that prepares individuals for life by
concentrating on the culture and traditions of the past.
Answer; Esentialism
29. What is the role of the teacher in social reconstructionism philosophy?
Answer; all of the above
30. The essentialist teacher emphasizes the mastery of ________.
Answer; Subject Matter
31. This type of communication can convey entirely different meanings depending on the
emphasis on words and the tone of voice.
Answer; Paraverbal communication
32. In her class, Teacher Janis always presents principles and values so as to encourage
her students to examine them and decide for themselves whether to accept it or not.
What kind of philosophy does Teacher Janis practice?
33. In existentialism, they believe that humans have their free _______ and they should
accept responsibility for their thoughts, feelings, and actions. 
Answer; choice
34. If teaching is considered as your mission, which applies/apply?
I - You will be faithful to teaching no matter what.
II - You will teach for recognition of efforts.
III - You will be faithful to your mission and you want to succeed.
Answer; I and III
35. Teacher Marie, unlike other teachers in her school, practices the non-traditional method
of discussing the lessons using not only the book prescribed by the school as the main
source of information and knowledge. Instead, she went out of her way to devise other
means that will help her students to understand better their lessons. To what philosophy
does Teacher Marie submit to?
Answer; Progressivism
36. Teacher Nathan claims he cares for students.  Which is/are a manifestation of genuine

I - Knows students
II - Creates a favorable learning atmosphere.
III - Maintains professional distance with students.

Answer; I and II
37. Which philosophy is based on real-world experiences and John Dewey's work?
Answer; Progressivism
38. This philosophy places the highest priority on students directing their learning. Learning
is self-paced and includes a lot of individual contact with the teacher.
39. What is existentialism?
Answer; It is a philosophy concerned with the meaning of life
40. Who becomes the facilitator to the learners and encouraged them to interact?
Answer; Teacher
41. Principal Lourdes asks the assistance of teacher Elvie to prepare the report to be
presented to the District Supervisor. After the presentation, the District Supervisor
commended her for the excellent report. She even asks her to print the materials for the
distribution to other principals. In the printed work, principal Lourdes does not even
acknowledge teacher Elvie. Is this morally correct?
Answer; None of the choices is correct
42. It aims to develop learners into becoming enlightened and intelligent citizens of a
democratic society.

Answer; Progressivism

43. Teacher Angelita is not only a competent teacher but also a community teacher in their
place. Which of the following should teacher Angelita Not do as a teacher?
Answer; Always make herself unapproachable to every member of the community so that her
decisions will have no effect of community politics
44. This is the defining feature of essentialism?
Answer; Essence preceded existence   
45. The teacher asked the class about their thoughts and opinions on the issue of teenage
pregnancy in the community. The class was able to come up with their stands and
beliefs regarding the issue. This scenario manifests what kind of teaching philosophy?
Answer; Social Reconstructionism
46. Philippines’ Elementary Curriculum emphasizes on the development of the skill In
writing, counting and reading. This manifest the great consideration given to this
47. “Life is what you make it” the quotes exemplifies best in what philosophy?
Answer; Existentialism
48. Below are the main thoughts of social reconstructionism EXCEPT:
Answer; to explore and experience for one's growth. 
49. The following topics are being discussed in a Social Reconstructionism classroom,
which among the words below does NOT belong to the group:
Answer; experiences.
50. This is one of the concerns under Linguistic Philosophy, it is the study of words, and the
development of its meaning.

51. Which does basic education encompass?

I. Early childhood education
II.  Elementary Education 
III. Secondary education 
IV. Alternative  learning system
V.   Education for Children with Special Needs
Answer; I, II,III, IV and V   
52. Teacher Nathan is a handsome and intelligent high school teacher. Most of the time his
students have a crush on him. It so happens one day, he got attracted to a beautiful and
intelligent girl in his class. Should Teacher Nathan entertain his feelings toward his
Answer; No, he should not take advantage of his position as a teacher
53. Teacher S, a Science teacher has been accused of sexual harassment by one of her
students. What should the school Principal do?
Answer; Create a committee to investigate the accusation.
54. According to the Code of Ethics for Professional teachers, which of these is NOT  a
stated quality of a Professional teacher?
Answer; Has a passion for teaching.
55. A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been absent for the past three days. Considering
the teacher’s role and responsibilities what action will you take?
Answer;  Conduct home visitation 
56. The Code of Ethics stipulates the accountability of teachers includes his/her participation

Answer; continuing professional education

57. Teacher L does not agree with one legitimate school policy in a memorandum of the
school head. What is ethical for him to do?
Answer; Exert an honest effort to understand, support the legitimate policy and request for
an audience with the school head
58. Teacher T receives a love letter from one of her third-year high school students in
English. What should Teacher T do?
Answer; Return the letter to the student and tell her not to do it again.
59. Teacher Ivah is a SPED teacher of children with behavioral problem. One day, she
found one pupil disturbing the rest of the class. Furious of what she saw, she got her
eraser and threw it to her pupil who was hit in the forehead. Do you agree with teacher
Ivah's action to discipline her pupil?
Answer; No, because a more appropriate technique can be used to control the behavior.
60. Is there anything unbecoming when teachers sell all sorts of merchandise in school
during class hours?
I. No, there is none. Better to earn money from one’s honest labor
 II. Yes, there is. Every teacher should use class hours for teaching
 III. None, as long as classes are not disrupted
Answer; II only       
61. Which is unethical for teachers to do?
Answer; Refusing to serve in committees during community events
62. What norm of conduct is manifested by being loyal to the republic and to the Filipino
Answer; Nationalism & patriotism     
63. Mr. Nico, a Social Science teacher is advocating reforms which the principal failed to
recognize. What should the Principal do?
Answer; Call Mr. Nico in the office and clarify thing out with him.
64. Mr. Santos is a holder of a valid certificate of eligibility as a teacher issued by the Civil
Service Commissioner and the then DECS, while Mr. Cruz is a registered professional.
Who is allowed to practice the teaching profession in the Philippines?
Answer; Both of them because their credentials are both recognized by law.
65. A teacher may submit to the proper authority any justifiable activities against an
associate preferably in writing without violating any right of the individual concrned.
Which of the Code of Ethics referred to in the given situation?

Answer; Article V - Teacher and the Teaching Community

66. Miss Grace think that election did not improve her life as a teacher so he decided to stop
exercising her right to suffrage and did not voted in the last election. What provision in
the Code of Ethics did she fail to observe?
Answer; Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and
67. How do you know a program for teachers’ professional development that meets high
standard from one that does not? Quality professional development helps teachers to
Answer; Get intrinsically motivated to grow continuously
68. A Teacher shall behave with honor and dignity at all times. What activities shell he/she
refrain from indulging?
        I. Gambling
        II. Smoking
        III. Illicit relations
        IV. Lotto betting
Answer; I, II, III
67. Article VIII of the Code of Ethics stipulates that the evaluation of the learner's work
shoul be based on merit abd quality of academic_____.
Answer; performance
69. Teacher P the English coordinator, was assisted by Teacher Q throughout the
celebration of English Week. What should teacher P do to acknowledge Teacher Q’s
70. Answer; Make an announcement giving due recognition of the assistance received.
71. 68. A male teacher has photography as sideline. He offers his photography service with
discount during school functions like Intramurals. I this ethical?
Answer; No, he is a teacher during intramurals, not a photographer.

69. Which of the following is not true about the teacher as a person under the Code of Ethics
for Professional Teachers?
Answer; Be promoted according to merited with special favor from the authorities.
70. Teacher D shouts at Juanito: ‘For misbehaving, you get minus 10 from your score’! Which
provision/s in the Code of Ethics for Teachers did she violate?
I. No deductions shall be made from students’ scholastic ratings as a punishment for
II. Maintain a dignified personality at all times
 III.  Under no circumstances shall a teacher be prejudiced or discriminatory against any learner.
Answer; I
71. Teacher M suffers from hypertension and experiences difficulty in speech. Which
would be affected if he continues teaching?
Answer; Effectiveness
72. Treating students equally without regard to ability, race, or ethnicity represents this
aspect of the code of ethics for teachers:
Answer; Conduct with students
73. Which of the following is NOT true about the Code of Ethics for Professional
Answer; The Teacher must select which information to keep confidential
74. Who are not covered in the Code of Professional Ethics for Teachers
Answer; Teachers in the tertiary level

75. According to the Code of Ethics For Professional Teacher, upon which are
appointments/promotions/transfers made?
Answer; Merit and need
76. Which is NOT contained in the Code of Ethics for Teachers?
Answer; Exhibitions or prejudice or discrimination because of differences student’s
intellectual ability, social standing, favors received from them or their parents, should
have no place in relations between official or teacher and his pupils.
77. What disciplinary actions are imposed on teachers violating the provision of the Code
of Ethics?
I. Revocation of the Certificate of Registration and License.
II. Suspension from the practice of teaching.
III. Cancellation of a temporary or special permit.

Answer; I, II, III

78. Which of the following could be the reason for the teacher’s suspension from the
practice of the teaching profession?
Answer; Immoral, unprofessional or dishonorable conduct
79. Is holding a rally to protest the delay of benefits due to a person ethically acceptable?
Answer; Yes, when hold outside the official time.
80. Miss Gray Neira is newly appointed teacher. The principal handed a copy of the
Teacher’s Code of Ethics. Which could have been the motive of the principal?
Answer; Acquaint her with principles of moral behavior, conduct and relationship in the
practice of profession
81. A teacher has the right to engage in ligitimate income generation. Which is/are NOT
ligitimate on the following statements?
I. Tutoring one's own pupil in school for a fee.
II. Giving remedial teaching for a slow learner in class for a fee.
III. Selling books to parents of failing pupils for a commission.

Answer; I, II and III

82. Which of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?
Answer; to enhance the profits of the business of school continuously
83. Which is NOT a right of the student?
Answer; The right to form, establish and join any organizations without school limitations
and interventions
84. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982; how are the institutions of learning
encouraged setting highest standards of quality over the minimum required for state
Answer; Voluntary Accreditation
85. Which of these activities indicates that teachers value their status as role models?
Answer; Upholding the Code of Ethics
86. Many teachers complain that their numerous non-teaching assignments affect their
classroom chores. Should teachers be pre-occupied with classroom teaching only?
Answer; No, because teachers are expected to provide leadership and initiative in
activities for the betterment of communities.
87. The code of ethics stipulates that the accountability of teachers includes his/her
participation in _____________.
Answer; Continuing professional education
88. A school’s academic coordinator has been found to have engaged in gambling which
has cause him to be absent most of the time. Can his registration as a teacher be
 Answer; Yes, because habitual gambling is a dishonorable conduct and is against the
practice of teaching.
89. What does "Living with dignity in all places at all times" as provided by RA 4670 and
Article XI of the Code of Ethics.
Answer; Judicious disbursement of funds entrusted to the teacher and/or administrator.

90. Teacher Paz does NOT personally agree with one school policy. What is her
professional responsibility?
Answer; Make an honest effort to understand, support, and carry out the school policy
even if she does NOT personally agree.
91. After school hours, teacher Nick leaves school in a hurry to his tutorial work. One of his
tutees is a top ten student in his sclass. The teacher is paid Php 150.00 per hour for
his services. What is wrong with Teacher Nick's actions?
Answer; Tutoring his own pupil for a fee
92. What should a teacher BEST do when he/she falls in love with his/her student?
Answer;  Wait till the student is no longer under his/her tutelage.
93. Reconstructionism in education is a ___________ learning
Answer; Community Based
94. Which is NOT a right of the student?
Answer; The right to form, establish, and join any organizations WITHOUT school
limitations and interventions
95. The Code of Ethics stipulates that the accountability of teachers includes his/her
participation in _____.
Answer; continuing professional education
96. Which corresponds to the highest stage in the PPST?
Answer; Distinguished
97. A pupil whose mother is an OFW has been absent for the past three days. Considering
the teacher’s role and responsibilities what action will you take?
Answer; Conduct action research
98. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, otherwise known as the Education Act of 1982 is a
framework for the establishment of an integrated system of education relevant to the
goals of national development. Likewise, it declares the rights of the educational
community. Who comprises the educational community?
Answer; Parents, Student, Teachers, School Administrators
99. Teacher L does not agree with one legitimate school policy in a memorandum of the
school head. What is ethical for him to do?
Answer; Openly express his disagreement against that legitimate policy for he cannot be
100.  An Act providing for the establishment to maintain an integrated system of
Answer;  Batas Pambansa Blg. 232
101. Through the enactment of Republic Act 7836, the regulation and licensing of
teachers is now with the _________.
Answer;  Professional Regulation Commission
102. Which of the following is not usually the objective of a code of ethics?
Answer; to enhance the profits of the business of school continuously
103. Treating students equally without regard to ability, race, or ethnicity represents
this aspect of the code of ethics for teachers:
Answer; Commitment to the profession
104. Why should a teacher participate in the Continuing Professional Education
program of the PRC?
Answer; All the Above
105. Mr. Freud, an ineligible teacher as given a probionary appointment in davao
Answer; after he will be graduating in his MA education,
107. you are very much interested in quality professional development progress
teachers, what characteristics should you look for?
Answer; required for renewal for professional license.
108. Teacher Cris views his students as a unique, free choosing….
Answer existentialism
109. The following are the qualifications fo a person to tak the LET, R.A 9293
Answer; he/ she has a bachelor degree in arts and science with at least 10 units in….
110. Given the situation below, to which educational philosophy is Group 3
SITUATION : In a faculty development program, the teachers were asked what
schools should do to help develop the learners. The responses of the teachers
could be grouped into five:
GROUP 1- Schools should go back to the basics, they should teach the 3 R’s.
GROUP 2- Schools should develop in the students’ appreciation of the
humanities. This way, they become highly rational and moral.
GROUP 3- Schools should help develop students to become enlightened and
intelligent citizens of a democratic society.
GROUP 4- Schools should teach students to make responsible choices and be
made accountable for such choices.
GROUP 5- Schools should develop in the students the ability to adapt to a
changing world.
Answer; progressivism
111. Which of these statements regarding professionals teahers is the major
different, in the professionalization off teachers and teaching as promulgated in
presidential decree 1006 and r.a 7836?
Answer; holder of valid professional licensure and certificate of recognition.
112.Can Manny Pacquiao be given a special permit to teach boxing in a speiall school?
Answer; yes, he excelled and gained international recognition.
113.The following are standards on the domain on planning, assessing and reporting in the NCBTS ecept?
Anser; takes pride in the nobility of teaching profession.
114.What does the acronym EFA(Education for all) imply to school?
Answer; practice inclusive education/the promotion of alternative leaning system.
115.Which is not an objective of R.A 8980?
Anserr; to improve the quality standards of ECCCD programs applicable for public schools only.
116. Which of the following made teaching as a “profession” and teachers as “professionals”?
117. Alvin Toffer said: "The illiterate of 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write
but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn". Base on this statement, what are the
important responsibilities of a teacher?
Answer; I,II,II
118. Prof. John made sure that the community is involved in the accountability for the learner’s
achievement. He exemplifies what domain in the NCBTS?
Answer;community linkages
119.I is the abiity to identy what information is need, identify the best information for a given need, locate these
souces, evaluate the sources and share that information.
Answer; information literacy,
120.If teacher demobtte mastery of the subject mater….. what domain in the NCBTS?
Anser; curriculum
121.What should teacher do when he/ she falls in love with his/ her student?
Answer; Wait till the student is no longer under his/her tutelage.
122.A school academic coordinator has been found to he engaged in gambling whivch has cause him to
Answer; yes,, because habitual gambing is a dishonorable conduct and it against the pactice…
123.Who is directly responsible o the handling o sexual harassment happening in wok, education or training?
Anser; the victim itself is the major responsible.
124.Which domain in the national competency based standards upholds gender sensitivity.
Anser; diversity of leaners,
125.Which of the following is the strands of learning environment in the NCBTS?
Answer; makes the physical environment safe and conducive to leaning…
126. Teacher P the English coordinator, was assisted by Teacher Q throughout the celebration
of English Week. What should teacher P do to acknowledge Teacher Q’s assistance?
Answer; Make an announcement giving due recognition of the assistance received.
127. Under the educational service contract system implemented starting 1986- 87, students
not accommodated in public elementary and secondary schools because of lack of
classrooms, teachers and instructional materials, enroll in private schools in their
respective communities with the government paying for the student’s tuition and other fees
instead of constructing additional buildings, hiring new teachers, and purchasing more
teaching materials. This system is in line with which educational goals?
Answer; Access and equity
128.For quality professional development, teaches must consider the established standards for good teaching
in the Philippines,…
Annswe; national competency-based teacher standards.
129. Despite opposition from some school officials, DepEd has continuously enforced the “no
collection of fees” policy during enrolment period for public schools. Is this policy in
accordance with EFA goals?
Answer; Yes, it supports equitable access to basic education.
130. There is a high level of collaboration and communication in a school community when
Aswer; structure and time for collaboration are determined and allocated.
131. What is the penalty of a person who will use coercion, force, intimidation of a street
132. Answer; Prison Correctional to a medium period of reclusion perpetua
133. 132. Technological literacy is the ability to responsibility use appropriate
technology to..
134. Anser; acquire lifelong knowledge and skills in the 21st century.
135. 133. Teacher mae builds professional links with colleagues to enrich her
teaching practice. Which domain of the NCBTS did she exemplify?
136. Anse; personal growth and profesional development.
137. 134. As provided for in the Education Act of 1982; how are the institutions of learning
encouraged setting highest standards of quality over the minimum required for state
138. Answer; Voluntary Accreditation
135. Miss Tina is a public school teacher in University of Philippines who plan to pursue
Masters studies. When he is entitled to go on study leave?
Answer; If If there is already a substitute teacher
136. Through the enactment of Republic Act 7836, the regulation and licensing of teachers
is now with the _________.
137. which is not a domain of the NCBTS?
ANSWER; alternative learning
138.This domain in the NCBTS emphasizes the idea that teachers can facilitate the learning process in
diverse ways…
Answer; diversity of learners
139.This refer to the curriculum that is international…..
140.International education propose a definition of the teem global competence. Hat is the most
appropriate characteristics of a globally competent teacher?
Anser; having an open mind while actively seeking to understand the norms and works effectively
ones environment.
141.This is the ability to critically analyze the messages that inform entertain everyday..

Answer; media literacy.

142. Batas Pambansa Blg. 232, Sec. 13:2 provides institutions the freedom to determine on
academic grounds that shall be admitted to study, who shall teach, and what shall be the
subject and research. This statement means
Answer; Philippine education accord rights to and imposes duties and obligations
upon school administrators or managers.
145. o respond to the needs of the industry, which one do schools focus on?
Answer technical skills.
143. What is the Basic function of Tertiary Education?
Answer; To train the nation's manpower in the skill required for national development
144. Which of the following is NOT true about the Code of Ethics for Professional
Answer; The Teacher must select which information to keep confidential
145. You are very much interested in the quality professional development programs
for teachers. What characteristics should you look for.
Answer; Responsive to identify teachers’ needs
146. According to the 1987 Constitution, when should religion be taught to children
in public elementary and high schools?
Answer; Within the regular class hour

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