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Nama : habil al fariz

Nim : 484011200091


Prodi : Farmasi

Mata kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Semester : 2

Dosen pengampu : apt.Nazhipah Isnani,.S.Farm,.M.Sc

My story about studying in polanka

Hello everyone, my name is habil al fariz. I will tell you about my experiences and activities studying
at Polanka. My experience in Polanka. So the first thing I got from studying at Polanka was knowing
how to use zoom meetings or anything that related with studying online, even now we have to study
online because the impact of the pandemic. And I have to choose in pharmacy in this campus
because I came from pharmacy high school

My online lessons usually run from morning to noon or even late in the evening. And even when
studying online there are still many tasks that must be done such as practicum reports and
assignments given by the lecturer himself, and there are also some lessons that require several
people to be fulfilled such as assignments given as group assignments, and on this campus there are
a lot of organizations and are always active, because besides being busy because of the many
assignments of the lecturers there are also assignments given by the organizations that are being

In my opinion, learning online is more difficult than studying offline, there are several things that
must be prepared first, and I hope that this pandemic will end quickly so that we can learn face-to-
face together again, and it is easier for us to get to know each other

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