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Name : Salsabilla Nur Fitrinnisa

NIM : 221006020

1. Introduce my name is salsabilla nur fitrinnisa, i am a student at sumbawa university of

technology, with a biotechnology study program, i live in sumbawa besar, i am the

third child of four siblings. my father is a civil servant and my mother is a

housewife,I’m 19 years old, I am active in the DPM organization in the secretary and

treasurer department, besides that I am also active in mentoring activities.

2. I did head biotechnology from my father,because my father became a lecturer at the

sumbawa university of technology.Apart from that,this major was in line with my

major when I was in hight school.

3. I like studying with my friends by repeating the lesson tahta the lecturer has given.

4. The way I deal with stressful situations is by drawing closer to Allah for guidance.

5. I prefer to study in a team or study together because I understand more easily from the

many explanations my friends give.

6. Pocusing on completing importaint task first and do not delay job.

7. I did in the last year I Will be reading a lot and asking my seniors who know more

about this knowledge.

8. My hope is that when I enter biotechnology, I will be able to make beauty products

using natural ingredient.

9. Before I took the test at the Sumbawa University of Technology and majored in

biotechnology, before that I also took the medical test at Unram.

10. When I entered biotechnology there was a slight increase in my studies, because

biotechnology courses can be quite difficult and require repeated understanding.

11. Of course I Will stay in biotechnology because is my future.

12. Because biotechnology was in line with my major when I was in high school, namely

the department of natural sciences.

13. I don't have a favorite subject because in my opinion when the teacher explains in

detail and is easy to understand, then the lesson will be easy and fun.

14. Favorite subject in biotechnology is genetics even though it's difficult but I'm trying

to understand it.

15. I Will be research that usefull.

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