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Exercises No.

Classify the following propositions as singular, particular or universal.

SINGULAR 1. CPU is a Christian university.

SINGULAR 2. That woman is a mother.
PARTICULAR 3. Some students are self- supporting.
UNIVERSAL 4. Every cube of ice is cold.
PARTICULAR 5. A dog is barking outside the window.
SINGULAR 6. Saver is barking outside the window.
SINGULAR 7. Our neighbor’s dog is barking outside the window.
UNIVERSAL 8. All drivers are required to have driver’s license.
SINGULAR 9. Lucia Joaquin is a spinster .
PARTICULAR 10. Pigeons are eating up the newly planted seed.
UNIVERSAL 11. Pigeons are not mammals.
PARTICULAR 12. Adults are suffering from arthritis.
UNIVERSAL 13. All of the people in the Philippines are more than 92 million.
UNIVERSAL 14. Whatever is lighter than water floats on water.
SINGULAR 15. Winnie the Pooh is a girl.
UNIVERSAL 16. No Muslims are Christians.
PARTICULAR 17. Women are fickle.
SINGULAR 18. Taylor Swift is a singer.
PARTICULAR 19. Boys are polygamous.
SINGULAR 20. The Philippines is twelfth as the most populous country in the

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