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Lea Fe Comilang Arcilla


The role of the teacher in the school is very complex. Teachers do a series of
interrelated actions about curriculum, instruction, assessment, evaluation,
teaching and learning. A classroom teacher is involved with curriculum
continuously all day. But very seldom has a teacher been described as
curricularist. The curricularist teachers do initiates
in order to improve the learning process. They are the teachers who are
exciting, facilitate students learning effectively and always having a plan how
to create a conjucive learning environment. In order to identify if teachers
are curricularist, I conducted a survey with a ten (10) teachers as a
respondent in different schools that will correspond to their self-assessment.

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Presentation Table

As a school teacher… YES NO
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1. I master the subject matter that I have to 10 0

2. I implement what I have planned for my 10 0

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3. I monitor and assess if my student are 10 0

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4. I modify my activity to suit my learners in 10 0

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my classroom.

5. I lead in the implementation of a new 1 9


curriculum in my

6. I write instructional materials based on the 10 0


school curriculum.

7. I look for other ways of doing to improve 10 0

teaching and
learning in my classroom.

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Interpretation of the data
Through the survey being conducted, it was being found out that all the
teachers were doing their best how to improve the learning process of the
learners. It was also found out that all the teachers answered that they
implement of what they have planned for their teaching. All respondents
teachers were monitored and assessed it their students are learning and

they also modified their activity to suit their learners in their classrooms.

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Nine (9) teachers admit that they did not lead in the implementation of a

new curriculum in their school and only one teacher answered yes, that she

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lead in the implementation of curriculum in her school. All the teachers

answered that they did write instructional materials based on the
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recommended school curriculum. All the teachers in the survey look for other
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ways of doing to improve teaching and learning in their school.

Analysis/Learning Insights
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As a curricularist a teacher will be knowing, writing, planning, implementing,

innovating, initiating and evaluating the curriculum in the school and
classrooms just like the role models and advocates in curriculum and
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curriculum development who have shown the way. In the presentation of

data, it was being observed that mostly of the teachers are curricularist.
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They mastered their subject matter, they initiate to writes the curriculum in
order to implement what they have planned. The teachers also trying their
best how to get the attention of the learners by modifying their activities in

order to suit the interests of their learners. The teachers also engage

themselves how to improve the curriculum in their school and write

instructional materials based in the recommended school curriculum. And
the most important is the teachers were monitored it their learners were

learning and look for others ways how to improve teaching and learning in
their classroom. Number of years of teaching is also vary in the expertise of
the teacher, they can plan well how to improve the curriculum because of
their experiences. Passion and enthusiasm is the teachers heart of teaching
because if they are not being motivated to teach then it is very hard for them
to look for alternatives how to improve learning process of the learners and

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create a conjucive learning environment and memorable and meaningful
learning opportunities learners are the center of the learning process
because they come to school to learn something that is why it is very
important for the teachers to exert more effort in order to met the center of
the learning process because they come to school to learn something that is
why it is very important for the teachers to exert more effort in order to met
the goals and objectives. Though students are the center of the learning
process but the teachers also learn from their learners at the same time
because learners are unique, they might have ideas and knowledge that the
teacher might don’t have, and this is the teachers guide how to implement a
curriculum. A teacher may be “challenge” to handle a class with students so
diverse. There may be students having different cultural background,
different language abilities, different attitudes and aptitudes and behaviors.
Some teachers might see this diversity as a difficult predicament, really a
hassle! Yet more effective teacher may see a diverse classroom as an

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exciting place to learn not just for her students, but for herself, as well. A

curricularist teacher always challenge herself and always aim for her learners

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for the best learning experiences.

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I am Teacher! Who Am I as a Curricularist?

Instructions: Identify on the blanks provided who am I as a Curricularist


based on the cases presented.

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Case 1 : I have a good idea on how to make my learners pay attention to

the lesson. I will use the new idea and find out if it will work. INNOVATOR

Case 2 : DepE d Sent the standards, competencies and guidelines in

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teaching the Mother Tongue in Grade 1 in our school. I will study and use it in
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the coming school year. IMPLEMENTER

Case 3: There is so much to do in one school day. I seem not able to do all,

but I have to accomplish something for my learners. I have made a daily

activity plan to guide me. PLANNER

Case 4: I need a poem to celebrate the World Teacher’s Day. I composed one
to be used in my class in Literature. WRITER

Case 5: My class is composed of learners from different home background

and culture. I cannot use a “one-size-fits all strategy” in teaching so I can
respond to the diverse background. In my readings, I discovered that there
are ways of teaching. I tried one myself and it worked. INNOVATOR

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Case 6: Knowledge is limitless: what I learned in college is not enough. I
need to know more, so I enrolled in the graduate school to advance my
learning. KNOWER

Case 7: at the end of the year, my performance as a teacher is reflected in

the school performance of my students. So I need to provide a monitoring
tool a measure how they are progressing. The result will inform me how. I will
address my learners’ weakness and enhance their strengths. EVALUATOR

Case 8: I am teaching in a very far away barangay with no electricity yet.

Many of the instructional aids for teaching sent to our school are films and
video types which need power. I cannot use them, but the lessons are very
important. So I thought of making an alternative activity. I took my class to
the river and waterfall instead of doing the lesson. INNOVATOR

Case 9: my principal asked me to attend a write shop to make the lesson

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exemplars in the teaching of science in grade 7. In the workshop, I used my
experiences as a science teacher for ten years, and my knowledge of the

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subject matter. At the end I am proud of. KNOWER

Case 10: in Grade 7 to Grade 10 of the K to 12 Enhanced Curriculum,
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science as subject is presented, taught and learned is a spiral manner. This is
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part of the Deped implementing guidelines of the curriculum. I am a Biology
major, and I have insufficient knowledge about the other areas of science
such as Physics and Earth Science. Because of this dilemma, I have to

request the principal that we have team teaching. Which role of the
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curricularist, am I trying to do? INITIATOR

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Did you learn more from the cases?

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Yes, I learn that as a future educator/curricularist, you are a planner, knower, innovator, writer, initiator,
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implementer and evaluator. You study the curriculum as you take your profession.


Name: Lea Fe Comilang Arcilla Case No. 1


A. My Reflections on Case No. 1

As future teacher, I will be an innovator to make my learners pay more
attention to my lessons. And as Innovator you have to come up to a new
ideas and concepts. Some of the teachers are already exposed in
technologies, and there are some teachers who are still on the use of

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traditional technologies. Now a days the students should expose to the
technology like computer because it helps them a lot to pay attention to
the lesson. Teacher need to change the traditional teaching to a
modernize teaching process. By using technology like the PowerPoint
presentation, movies, and many more. This is how a teacher also to
change her strategy in teaching so that students don’t feel bored. Teacher
should be innovator, to do something new in the class, this will help
students to extract ideas and thoughts. As an innovator you should be
prepared and skilled in the teaching process because a good teacher
therefore innovates the curriculum. Innovations can lead to the
improvement of each and everyone of us and that can make nations be
filled with success.

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B. What my partner said about my reflections:

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Sir Rex Max Gomez said about my reflection in case no. 1 as innovator,
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agreed on what I’ve written. He added that creativity and innovation are
trademarks of an excellent teacher.
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Name of Partner: Rex Max Gomez

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