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Significance of the Study

This part of the study ponders the importance and purpose of the research. This

study will be beneficial to some sectors of the community and specific persons, such as:

Students. The students now are directly involved in modern technology, as they

become part of the 21st century. They are now really connected to different

gadgets that can sustain their social, information or even

entertainment needs. Thus, through this study we can evaluate the boon and

bane of technology to the said students. Help making them to become a more

responsible and productive individuals in the future.

Teachers. Teachers serve many other roles in the classroom. Teachers set the tone of

their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students,

become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble. With the help of the

findings of this study the teacher can evaluate the importance and disadvantages

of technology to the academic performance of a student.

Parents. Parental encouragement had played a crucial role in successful students.

Parents will know how focused are their children in school and how technology

affects their academic attainment through the findings of this study. They can

also be encouraged to support and motivate their children to be active in school.

Administrators. The outcome of this study can help the school administrators to add

more knowledge about the positive and negative effects of technology to the

students. The results of the study will help the school to discipline the students
about the different gadgets. Therefore, the participation of the teachers and

school heads can help discipline the learning of the students.

Future Researchers. The results of this study can serve as a bird’s eye view for those

who might want to delve deeper into the studies related topics. The findings of

this study may also serve as a reference to guide to those who may be interested

to engaged in the similar problem in their future researches. This insights

gained from this study will provide them similar aspect for further investigation.

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