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Table of Content

Chapter 1:- Introduction

Chapter 2:- Research Methodology

 Objective of Study
 Scope and Rationale of Study
 Methodology
 Limitation of Study
Chapter 3:- Theoretical Background

Chapter 4:- Case Study –

Introduction of Company profile and Product

Chapter 5:- Data Analysis

Chapter 6:- Findings




Chapter 1:- Introduction
Objective of Study is to conduct a study on Dainik Bhaskar and to analyze the Customer
satisfaction on service delivered by Dainik Bhaskar. The Research will be Exploratory
Research. In the present Research I will collect data through Survey of 100 respondents.
Descriptive research studies are used in this study which are concerned with describing the
character. It is move valuable because researcher has no control over the variables what has
happened or what is happening is considered so it is very accurate so we can say it is more

This research combines both secondary and primary data to achieve research objectives.
Collection of Primary Data

In descriptive type of research the data is collected through surveys, whether sample surveys
or census surveys. In this research the researcher has resorted to sample survey. Then the
researcher can obtain primary data either through observation or through direct
communication with respondents in one form or another or through personal interviews.

Customer satisfaction, a business term, is a measure of how products and services

supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. It is seen as a key performance
indicator within business and is part of the four perspectives of a Balanced Scorecard. In a
competitive marketplace where businesses compete for customers, customer satisfaction is
seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has become a key element of business strategy.

In order to understand satisfaction we need to determine the functional or performance

demands involved in the purchase, the desired emotive outcomes, and the subjective norms
consumers use to determine their desire for one product or service over another. For this we
have conducted the study of customer satisfaction of the Net guru solution which is located in

Customer loyalty is a major contributor to sustainable profit growth. To achieve success, one
must make superior service second nature of oner organization. A seamless integration of all
components in the service-profit chain – employee satisfaction, value creation, customer
satisfaction, customer loyalty, and profit and growth – links all the critical dynamics of top
customer service. Sadly, mature companies often forget or forsake the thing that made them
successful in the first place: a customer-centric business model. They lose focus on the

customer and start focusing on the bottom line and quarterly results. They look for ways to
cut costs or increase revenues, often at the expense of the customer.

They forget that satisfying customer needs and continuous value innovation is the only path
to sustainable growth. This creates opportunities for new, smaller companies to emulate and
improve upon what made their bigger competitors successful in the first place and steal their
customers. Customer expectations are continuously increasing. Brand loyalty is a thing of the
past. Customers seek out products and producers that are best able to satisfy their
requirements. A product does not need to be rated highest by customers on all dimensions,
only on those they think are important. To execute a successful client satisfaction survey,
build one that oner customers have the time and inclination to respond to, and that delves into
the types of information that will truly help enhance oner performance. By carefully
constructing a brief, yet strong, survey,

The theory of reasoned action represents a comprehensive integration of the attitude

components that ultimately are the building blocks of preference. The model is designed to
provide a better understanding of how consumer preference is formed and, correspondingly,
to provide the means to accurately predict consumer preference behavior. Figure one
provides an overview of Customer satisfaction formation from the theory of reasoned action
point of view.
In Service Segment DAINIK BHASKAR is better than other consultants. Most preferred
service is Dainik Bhaskar. Promotional offers are the main source of attraction. Most of the
respondents prefer Local products in market. Price is the main criteria for Services. Most of
the people prefer a particular service due to its service delivery.


Chapter 2:- Research Methodology
 Objective of Study
 To conduct a study on Dainik Bhaskar.
 To analyze the Customer satisfaction on service delivered by Dainik Bhaskar.
 To know the reasons for preference.
 To analyze the factors influencing the customers preference on service delivered by
Dainik Bhaskar.

 Scope and Rationale of Study

Many companies are aiming for high satisfaction because customers who are just
satisfied still find it easy to switch when a better comes along. Those who are highly
satisfied are much less ready to switch. High satisfaction or delight creates an
emotional bond with the brand, not just a rational performance. The result is high
customer loyalty. A very customer is likely to stay with Xerox many more years and
buy more than a satisfied customer will.

 Methodology
The Research will be Exploratory Research. In the present Research I will collect data
through Survey of respondents.

Research Design
According to Aaker, Kumar & Day (2001) descriptive research covers a large proportion of
marketing research. This being a quantitative research which is to decide of how one variable
affects another variable, there are three basic types of research design that is exploratory,
casual and descriptive research design. A descriptive research design is the one that describes
something such as demographic characteristics of consumers who uses a product or a service.
The descriptive study is typically concerned with determining frequency with which
something occurs or how two variables vary. Aaker and George (2000), a descriptive study
establishes only associations between variables. The purpose is to provide an accurate
snapshot of some aspect of the market environment.

There are three types of research designs, namely:

(a) Exploratory

(b) Descriptive,

(c) Causative

Exploratory Research:

According to Rajan Saxena, Exploratory research is conducted when the researcher does not
know how and why a certain phenomenon occurs. In doing so, they used focus groups. Since
the prime goal of an exploratory research is to know the unknown, this research is
unstructured. Focus groups, interviewing key customer groups, experts and even search for
printed or published information are some common techniques.

Descriptive Research:

Descriptive research is carried out to describe a phenomenon or market characteristic.

Generally, descriptive research is carried out only when the researcher understands the
phenomena or behavioral characteristics.

Causative Research:

Causative research is done to establish a cause and effective relationship. Here the researcher
may like to see the effect of rising income and changing life style on consumption of select
products. In a causative research, unlike exploratory or descriptive, hypotheses are tested.
Hypothesis is a statement of predicted outcomes of the research. In building up a hypothesis,
it is important that the researcher understands the phenomena thoroughly, or a body of
research that exists on the subject matter

Descriptive research studies are those study which are concerned with describing the
character. It is move valuable because researcher has no control over the variables what has
happened or what is happening is considered so it is very accurate so we can say it is more

In this study, for practical reasons, a descriptive approach would be used, considering the
proposed study would embrace the above characteristics of a descriptive study.

Types of Research

In a research when we talk of research methodology, we not only take Research

methodology, but also considered the logic behind the method we used in the contest of our

research study and explain why we are using a particular method. This way we can be stated
as under.

1. It relies on empirical evidence

2. it utilize relevant concepts

3. it is committed to only objective consideration

4. it result into probabilistic prediction

In a method particular research problem involve usually the consideration of the followings

means of obtaining the information

Explanation of the way in which related means of obtaining information will be organized
and the reasoning leading to the selection Investing the reasons for human behavior i.e.
people thinks or do certain thinks so we comes for quantitative reaches

Types of research are generally classified into two methodologies, qualitative and
quantitative. Malhotra (2004) defines qualitative research as “An unstructured, exploratory
research methodology based on small samples that provides insights and understanding of the
problem setting” and quantitative research as “a research methodology that seeks to

Quantify the data and, typically applies some form of statistical analysis”. There are merits
and demerits of both methodologies (illustrated in following Table4.1).

TABLE 5.1 – Qualitative versus Quantitative Research

Qualitative Research Quantitative Research

"All research ultimately has "There's no such thing as

qualitative data.
a qualitative grounding" Everything is either 1 or 0"
- Donald Campbell - Fred Kerlinger

complete, detailed The is to classify

description. features, count them, and
construct statistical
models in an attempt to
explain what is observed.

Researcher may only know roughly May clearly in advance


Recommended Initially of research Lastphases of research

process projects.

Design Come out in later stage All aspects of the study

of dissertation. are carefully designed
before data is collected.

Researcher is the data Researcher uses tools,

gathering instrument. such as questionnaires or
equipment to collect
numerical data.

Data is in the form of Data is in the form of

words, pictures or numbers and statistics.

Subjective - individuals’ Objective – seeks precise

interpretation of events measurement & analysis of
is important ,e.g., uses target concepts, e.g., uses
participant observation, surveys, questionnaires etc
in-depth interviews etc.

Qualitative data is more Quantitative data is more

'rich', time consuming, efficient, able to test
and less able to be hypotheses, but may
generalized.  miss contextual detail.

Researcher tends to Researcher tends to

become subjectively remain objectively
immersed in the subject separated from the
matter. subject matter.

Descriptive research studies are those study which are concerned with describing the
character. It is move valuable because researcher has no control over the variables what has
happened or what is happening is considered so it is very accurate so we can say it is more

. In a research when we talk of research methodology, we not only take Research

methodology, but also considered the logic behind the method we used in the contest of ou


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