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B: Bad times don’t last

1. List 3 bad times that can happen at
2. With a buddy, explain why these times
don’t last.

Falling over = It hurts for a little while but
then your knees will heal

O: Other people can help
1. List 2-3 people at school or family.
members that you can speak to when
you’re having a difficult time.
2. With your buddy, write 2 ideas about how
you could ask for help.

“Hey Mum, can I talk to you about…”

U: Unhelpful thinking makes you feel more
1. Brainstorm some positive things you
can do when you are feeling upset.
2. Look around the classroom, where
might you find some positivity?
3. Spread some positivity to a classmate
and draw them a happy picture/card.

N: Nobody is perfect
1. With your buddy, talk about how
nobody is perfect.
2. In your book, write 2 - 3 sentences
about what makes you unique
3. Draw a picture of yourself with lots
of hearts and stars!

C: Concentrate on the positives
1. With your buddy, write down 2 - 5
positive phrases we can tell our friends
when they’re going through a difficult
2. Design a poster reminds others to be
a. Colour
b. Title
c. Pictures
d. Positive phrases

E: Everybody experiences sadness
1. What are some ways people show that
they are sad? List these in your book.
2. Write down 2-3 ideas of how you can
get through your sadness and feel
happy instead!

B: Blame fairly
1. Write about why it is important to
be honest when something bad
2. Explain why blaming others doesn’t
help us get through bad times

A: Accept what can’t be changed

1. Write a list of 10 things that make

you happy.
2. Draw a picture of yourself in your
dream job.

C: Catastrophizing
Sometimes we make a big deal about
something small.
1. Draw two pictures:
a. a character making a big deal
about something small
b. a character dealing with
small problem and getting
past it

K: Keep things in perspective
Answer these questions in your book:

1. What is going well for you?

2. What can we do when
something goes wrong?
3. What is a positive phrase you can
say to yourself?

With your buddy, choose one of the following activities to summarise
your learning about bounce back:

⊳ Design a Bounce Back poster

⊳ Type up the Bounce Back acronym on a doc (ask your teacher to
print out)
⊳ Write a script about one of the Bounce Back topics
⊳ Create a comic strip about someone bouncing back from a bad


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