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Submitted in the Fulfillment of Listening III

Arranged By:

Inten : (40117020)




No The Link of Video Interpretation
1. The Princess and The King Brisly
Beards : A long time ago, there lived a
great king and his daughter in a
Kingdom. The princess was beautiful
but she had a bad attitude. One day, the
princess will got married with one of
prince in the kingdom but she very
arrogant because she judges about
appearance, she didn't like a person
who had beard. The king was very
angry so he made a declaration that his
daughter will be married off to the first
person who enters a certain door. In
two days, a Fiddler came to the certain
door. So, the princess would be marry
with the fiddler. Aftter marry, they
went to a lonely cottage. The princess
couldn't do anything but one day the
fiddler arranged pots and pans and a
shop for his wife to sell. A drunk
soldier destroys the pots and pans so
her husband was very angry. Finally,
the princess became a kithcen maid in
a kingdom. In a few days, she learned
from all of she did that it wasn't good
and she hears that The King Brisly
beard would be married. Actually the
fiddler is The King Brisly beard who
marriedher. He pretended to be a
fiddler because he wants the princess
learned about her fault.
2. The secret santa story : There lived a
man named Christoper Smith and his
family. He is a rich bussiness man.
One night, while he came to his home,
he found a small house. He knock the
door and an old lady open the door.
The old lady took Christoper inside.
The name of the old lady is Lyly. In
the small house there were many small
bed with orphan children sleeping in
quitely. Lady Lyly look after the
children by sewing the clothes.
Chistoper ask to the lady why she look
so worried? The old lady told that the
chrismast is in weeks time and she
wanted to give the children a gift for
every orphan child but she didn't have
enough money to buy it. In the
morning Christopper left the small
house. Before the Chrismast day come,
suddenly, someone with a carriage
come to the small house and brought a
lot of gifts. The oldlady was surprise
with it she didin't know who is he. But
she also happy because she got many
gifts to the orphans children to given.

3. The River and The Mountain : One

day, the river tought to herself that
should she have to keep flowinng all
her life because she felt so tired. She
asked to the mountain about her
thoughts. The mountain said that he
have been stand in the same place for
ages he wanted to move to the other
place like the river. The mountain just
saw the same tree in everyday. Moral
value : be thankful for who you are.
4. Bad Habbits : There lived a rich
bussiness man and his son. The father
loved his son but his son had some bad
habits. One day the father went to a
wise master and told about his son. In
the next morning, the father brought
his son to a wise master and they went
to the garden. The wise master asks
son to pull out a little sapling, a small
plant, a bush and a small tree, he did
easily. After that the wise master asks
him to pull out the big tree but the boy
couldn't pull out the tree because it is
old and strong. So the wise master
gave an advide to the boy about bad
habits, when they are new they like the
sapling you can get rid of them easily,
but if you let them grow, they grow
strong like a big tree that cannot be
removed. Now the boy understand
about his advice and now he woldn't do
the bad habits again
5. The Monkey and Crocodile : Once
upon a time there lived a large
crocodile and a smart monkey they
were good friends. One day, the
crocodile met a lady crocodile. When
the wife crocodile heard that the
husband crocodile she became so
greedy she wants to eat the monkey but
the crocodile was very confused
beacuse the monkey is hs friend. In the
next day the crocodile met the monkey
and bring him to the river and the
crocodile told about his wife that he
wants to eat the heart monkey. The
monkey was very upset and he said
that his heart was left in the apple so
they back to the bank of river and he
jumped of the crocodile back and said
that the crocodille was foolish not truly
believe him and the monkey left the
crocodile and let him back to the river.
6. A villages of fools : it was a fine
morning, a horse rider was passing
through a village. He saw a man
walking along who was countng the
time in the road. The horserider was
surprised and said the he was a fool
and must be quite mad. The horse rider
went ahead. He saw 4 mans lying on
their backs under the thick branches of
the tree. All their legs seemed to be
joined together. Like the branches of
the tree. The horse rider broke off a
thick branch from the tree and hit all
the legs. They sprang up at once. The
road to the village took the rider up a
high hill. He saw an old man he was
carrying a big bagjust the rider came
up to him, the old man took out the
large round cheese from his bag and
began to roll it down the hill. Then the
old man ran off. There was a rider
crossed the river to the other side. A
number of man were standing in a line.
The horse rider counted them all there
were indeed twelve persons. The horse
rider got on his horse again and run as
fast as he could.
7. The Magic Mirror : Once upon a time,
in a kingdom, The king wants to marry
with a princess who kind and have a
good heart. But the servant didn't know
about the woman who have those
characters and they need a thing
magical to help them. The king called
the trusted barber that he have a magic
mirror. Everyone who look at the
mirror they would appeared their spots.
No one of woman to look into the
magic. But one day, a shepherdess girl
dared to look into the mirror and she
know that everyone has made mistakes
but she have learnt from her mistakes.
The shepherdess was looking into the
mirror and those blue eyes and fair
skin of her looked absolutely flawless
in the reflection. Finally the King get
his perfect queen and they were got
married and live happily
8. The White Snake story : A long time
ago there lived the king, the princess
and the servant. Everyday the servant
prepared the dish for the king but he
didn't even know about the this. One
day the servant opened the dish and ate
a pieces of it. Actually, the dish was
the white snake that killed and cooked.
Then he hears chattering outside the
window. He hears sparrows talk about
the queen lost the ring which the duck
by pond ate. Then he killed the duck
and got the ring then he gave to the
queen. The king asks the reward to the
servant. The servant replied that he
wants a horse and some travelling
money. He wants to travel some
distance. The servant happily gooing to
the jungle and he helps sme animals
that need a help. He help the fish, the
ants, and the ravens, they will help
back the servant if he need a helped.
Then the servant reaches a large city
where the king rider makes an
announcement to the crowd, the
announcemet is the queen wants a
husband but whoever seeks her hand
must perform a hard task and if he does
not succeed he will forfeit his life. The
servant heads to the palace garden and
sees the daughter and falls in love. He
goes to the king and announces that he
wants to marry his daughter. The first
challenge is the servant is put on the
boat and taken to the middle of the sea.
Then the king throws the ring into the
sea and ask the servant to take it, when
the three fishes come to the surface and
they bring the ring. The second, the
princess and the servant go to the
garden when she spreads ten sacks of
millet grains. Tomorrow morning
before sunrise these must be picked up,
hopeless and the servant closes his
eyes until the night passes. When he
opens the eyes to the sight often full
sacks of millet with thousands ants
present. There is one more task for the
servant that the princess wants the
golden apples but the servant was give
up. He rest under the tree and closes
his eyes and suddenly he find the three
revans sitting on his knees with the
golden apple. With happiness he takes
the apple back to the princess and they
got married and live happily ever after.
9. The fisherman : A Kind Fisherman :
There lived a fisherman and his wife
on a cliff. The fisherman was very kind
but but his wife was not. Everyday the
fisherman go the sea and hook the
fishes for living. His wife have many
wishes that must be real. One day, he
went to the sea and he got a flounder
and the flounder can speak. The
fisherman told to his wife what
happend. Then the wife asked him to
go back and asked to the flounder that
he wants a cottage and his wish was be
real. In the next morning the wife
wants a palace and become a queen
that have several servants. She also
wants to control the sun and the moon,
she wants to become the almighty and
the unknown. The flounder granted all
of the wishes. When the wife have
been an unknown the fisherman thinks
that she was gone. He go back to the
fish and he want to make his wife be
back and living happy. The flounder
grants his wish and now the wife have
realised that the palace and thrones can
buy happiness. After that they were
live happily ever after.
10. The honest girl : Sumiti was a good
and polite student, but she was
pampered. Her mother was work in the
bank and her fayher was a doctor. One
day in the school, everybody was
admiring Tina's new pen. The bell rang
and everybody rushed downstairs for
assembly. A teacher ask Sumiti to
bring some chalk from the class. When
she entered the class, she took Tina's
new pen but suddenly she heard
footsteps she quickly put the pen to her
pocket. Vibha entering the class
because she felt no well to join the
assembly. After the assembly Tina
looking for new pen. The teacher
scolding Vibha for stealing. Vibha
started crying. In the next day Sumiti
decided to give back the pen to Tina
because she feel guuilty and she says
sorry to everyone and she will never do
it again. And the teacher says to Sumiti
that she was a brave and hinest student.
11. The princess and the pea : There lived
the prince and his mother in a palace.
They were talking about the true
princess. The prince wants a true
prince. Suddenly, a girl came to their
house and she wants to sleep for night
in their house. Firsly, the prince didn't
want the girl to visit their house but his
mother gave a permission. The prince
and his mother had an idea that they
will out a pea under the girl's sleep so
they can know that the girl is a princess
or not. If the girl was a princess so she
will couldn't sleep for night. In next
morning, the prince asked to the girl
what did she sleep well last night. And
the girl replied tht she couldn't sleep at
all. So nw the prince and his mother
know that she was a true princess and
will got marry with him. But the
princess knows about that she was so
very angry and she left the house
hurry. The princess felt so angry and
disappointed to them because she used
to be trial thing for their purposed.
12. Clever fish : One day a fisherman went
to the river to catch the fishes. But,
suddenly he got the tiny fish that can
talk. The fish asked to the fisherman
that if he let go the fish and the fish
will tell to the other fishes that he will
bring the others fish to go to the bank
of river tomorrow. The fisherman
tought that if he let go a tiny fish today
so he will get a lot of fishes tomorrow.
Finally, the fisherman let go the tiny
fish. In next day, the fisherman back to
the river and he didn't get anything of
fish because the fish and his friends
will never go to the bank of river

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