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Why is it important to know about our past history?

We can learn how past events were created, how they functioned, and how they lived by studying
history. Knowing the history of the world allows us to explore and gain a detailed understanding of what
people do in the fast-paced world we live in today. Because of history, people today have a better
understanding of the past by learning about their practices and tactics, which can aid in the
development of our societies and cultures today. As a result, history has made the greatest and most
significant contribution on what we are today.

What is/are the significance of “Banka, Kaluluwa at Katutubong paniniwala”.

The significance of “Banka, Kaluluwa at Katutubong paniniwala” in our history today is that they have
changed or formed many cultures that have greatly contributed to our beliefs, culture, language, and
many others. Many people have changed their minds about where we are now as a result of this
narrative. Because of this, the knowledge it leaves behind may impress manay people that we can
certainly use in our present time.

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