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M6 A1

TAMAYO, Julia Francine P.

2 CED 1

Activity 2 Comprehension Check-up

General Instruction: Read the entire content of Module 6. Watch all the videos.
These will provide lectures and guidance for you to have deep understanding
about the topic. Just research further for more information.

Answer briefly the following questions (25 points):

1. Why transcreation matters? When should it be used?

- Transcreation is much more than translation. It takes the original message
conveys it to another language making sure that the text in the target language
keeps the original style

2. How do artists recreate, transform, or translate one artform into another work?
- With the right transcreation service, you can access global audiences by
outputting high quality localized content. In order for any global content to be
effective, it needs to be made relevant and developed with the end user in mind.
This related to the text and images being placed in the correct context.

3. What language is communicated thru elements of art?

- We all live in a visual environment in which graphics, unspoken codes, and
symbolism seem to take precedence over spoken words in a digital society.
Since 2010, Instagram has received over 20 billion photos, and it appears that
visual language is maintaining its dominance as a vital means of
communication. Fluency in the visual language, according to various artists,
filmmakers, museum professionals, and educators, not only enriches one's
entire comprehension of art and the world, but also has a significant impact on
creativity, empathy, and critical thinking. The mind is engaged when we try to
reflect and comprehend the world through what we observe rather than what
we have to communicate with words. It engages the mind in a more powerful

4. Concerning the principles of design, how would it give importance to the work
of art?
- If you're a designer who creates artwork, the principle of design becomes
extremely crucial. They are the devices that you must use and will
unintentionally employ since they enhance the appearance of your
photographs and make them more aesthetically appealing to those who view
your work.

5. What is art fusion? How does fusion in art take place? What is the importance
of art fusion?
- When an artist combines with a brand to produce a new product, this is
known as art fusion. A well-executed cooperation can have a variety of good
consequences on a brand, including adding freshness and value, instilling a
sense of creativity and excitement, and generating genuine interest in
traditional or even forgotten names. Art fusion can enhance a cooperation
with a brand, allowing an artist to create work that will appeal to a new,
larger audience.

Activity 3 Video Analysis

Examine this video, Live Forever in a House the Price of a Car. Write a well thought response
paper by discussing the elements of art and the principles of design you observed involved in the
construction of a tiny house. Do you consider this as the best way to save money or a
minimalist's smart move? Do you like to live in a tiny house or maybe dream to have one? Why?
Why not? Also, simply illustrate the possible advantages and disadvantages you think involving
constructing, living in or having a tiny house of your own. (15 points.)

- According to the video, the aspects of art and design principles that I see involved
in the construction of a tiny house are its shape, color, and texture, as well as the
form of each individual object. The diverse design principles regulate the organizing
of the various parts of the visual arts. It's a fantastic opportunity to get rid of
needless items and reconnect with your minimalist side, which I regard to be a
sensible move. As a result, your stuff will be more orderly and harmonious when
you arrive at your new house.


- Less space means less Clean - Less Living Space

- Less Space means less consumption - Less Storage Space

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