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1.1) Transcreation The discipline of The purpose of

Translation is combined transcreation,
with the art of which was initially
interpretation. created by
Transcreation means marketing and
"translation and re- promotional
creation" it is the process experts, is to
of re-evaluating and re- reproduce the
configuring message
communications created deliberately and
for a local market to attract flawlessly, without
a culturally diverse target the audience
audience. noticing a The brand Puma transcreation of
translation has shoes using the flag of the United
taken place. The Arab Emirates.
final result should
have the same
emotional impact
on the audience as
the original
1.2.) Translation Translation is the process It is an art since
of interpreting a work the translator
written in one language and attempts to
transmitting all of its ideas decipher what is
to some other languages. intended in one
language or image
and then visualize
a picture of what is
designed in the
other. The painting gives a translation of
the color used in the first painting.
1.3.) Localization The art of translating the The technique of
written text into several designing a
target languages is known product or piece of
as Translation. information for a
Localization entails a lot particular market
more. Cultural nuance is or location. One of
fully incorporated into the parts of the
truly localized material. entire localization
The process of adjusting a process is
brand or content to a Translation.
particular area or market is Graphic material
known as Localization. may be aligned to
the appropriate
target audience and
needs as part of the
overall localization
process. KFC is known for its
"Kentucky Fried Chicken," but
they incorporated local dishes
to blend in with the rest of the
world in China.
1.4.)Improvisation defined as an activity that Improvisation
is not prepared, designed, improves one's
or scripted in advance. creativity, flexible
Improvisation is done in thinking, and
real-time and is unique to problem-solving
each occasion. Acting, abilities in a
writing, dancing, variety of ways.
architecture, and other The benefits of
fields can all benefit from Improvisation
improvisation. improves one's
ability to
Imagine and the
ability to come up 2016 Joker, mixed media art -
with new concepts. the result of very intuitive and
Ability to present fast improvisation
without prior
preconceptions and
1.5.) Installation The phrase "installation Installation art
art" refers to large-scale, seeks to obtain
mixed-media structures emotion and
often created for a specific conversation while
location or for a limited also bringing
time. attention to issues
that are significant
to the artist.
This paper cave is a fantastic
example of contemporary
installation art. Wendy Plomp
and Edhv partnered to create
this 3D Paper Cave exhibit in
Milan's Verger shop.

1.6.)Appropriation The act of adopting or The goal of

reusing previous parts appropriation
inside a new work is artists is for the
referred to as audience to
appropriation. Famous and identify the images
recognizable pieces of art, they are copying.
well-known literature, and They aim that the
easily accessible pictures audience will bring
from the media are among all of their Here is a contemporary
the most regularly previous example of appropriation, a
appropriated images and connections with painting that takes its narrative
components of culture. the picture to the and composition from Picasso's
artist's new setting, infamous Les Demoiselles
whether it be a d'Avignon.
sculpture, a
painting, a collage,
a combination, or a

Temple, E. (2011), 10 Literary Translators on the Art of Translation, Literary Hub,
Zeveloff, J. (2011), The United Arab Emirates Is Up In Arms Over This Pair Of Puma Sneakers,
Mikola, K. (2016), Intuitive improvisation of visual art, Behance,
Lee, L. (2018), 20+ Creative Installation Art Examples, Hative,
Rowe, H. (2011), Appropriation in Contemporary Art, Inquiries,

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