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Dear Valued Community Member,

Re : Protection from Covid-19 Infection

I am a retired Consultant surgeon and, like you, I have been troubled by the disruption to all our
lives by the restrictions imposed to control the spread of the disease. There have also been so
many tragic deaths, many of which have specifically affected Indian families. The greater tragedy,
however, is that these deaths were potentially avoidable.

Ever since the start of the pandemic, I have been researching why some people are susceptible to
the virus, whereas other people of similar age are able to remain completely asymptomatic or
suffer mild symptoms. Some people who become infected continue to have residual symptoms.
(so-called "late Covid"). Obviously, the immune systems of those who remain asymptomatic or who
have mild symptoms must be more active. Also, have you not wondered why people with dark skin
are particularly vulnerable to the disease. I have found that there are things we can do to protect

To summarize briefly, we are lacking the following nutrients :

• Vitamin D
• Zinc
• Vitamin C and
• Iodine.

Most importantly, fear has a potent effect in reducing your immune response. A group of
medical students had some blood taken. They were then told they would be facing a surprise
examination that afternoon which would count towards their final examination results. After the
examination, another blood sample was taken. The immune response, as measured by the
number of white blood cells, had gone down by 25%. This was for something that was a short-term
stressor. Can you imagine what the constant barrage of fear transmitted every day by the media
has done to your immunity? Do not buy into this fear-mongering! By all means continue to take
precautions, but if you take the supplements above, and avoid thinking of yourself or your loved
ones as potential victims, this will not affect you.

I do not expect you to take my word for this. You should take everything you hear (particularly on
the media) with healthy scepticism. Below, I direct you to published information and videos from
leading scientists and doctors. Please look at this and make your own considered judgement. If
you would like a summary of what to do to enhance your immunity, please turn to the last
page. But I would encourage you to look through the following discussion first. We will start our
discussion with the most important contributor to our immunity :

Vitamin D
Regrettably, the medical authorities have not been totally truthful with us. Medical education
globally is now controlled by the pharmaceutical industry. The industry exists to make profits, and
any information which may reduce their profits is ruthlessly suppressed. They lobby and pay
politicians to make laws that suit their purpose. David Davis MP is a notable exception. He has
asked questions in parliament as to why Vitamin D has not been distributed countrywide. He was
told that this would be done in January to vulnerable groups. This has still not been carried out. He
also questioned a NICE doctor about the same topic
He was told "there was insufficient evidence for its effectiveness, but more clinical trials were under
way". This is a blatant lie. There have been over 100 clinical trials proving the efficacy of Vitamin D.
You will learn about some of these below. The only reason for more clinical trials is to use
progressively smaller doses, until there is no significant effect. They then publish this saying
“Vitamin D does not work”.

I would suggest that you first look at this video where Prof Seheult is being interviewed about
vitamin D and Covid :

It is important to realize that Vitamin D is not strictly speaking a Vitamin. Instead it is a very
important hormone.

Dr. Anthony Fauci has become perhaps the most famous and trusted doctor in America during
the pandemic. He is director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID).
He recently revealed that he is taking vitamin D supplements. “If you are deficient in vitamin D, that
does have an impact on your susceptibility to infection,” Dr. Fauci said. “So I would not mind
recommending, and I do it myself, taking vitamin D supplements.

Vitamin D3 is an ancient molecule that is produced from the direct cholesterol precursor (7-
dehydrocholesterol) which is normally present in your skin using energy provided by the UV-B
(Ultraviolet-b) component of sunlight in a reaction that does not require any enzyme assistance. In
its classical pathway, vitamin D3 is converted to its single hydroxy form (25-hydroxyvitamin D) in
your liver and then to its double hydroxy form (1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D) in your kidneys and even
in your immune cells that fight infection.

Vitamin D differs from most vitamins, in that your body can produce it on its own with exposure to
sunlight, and that its primary active metabolite is a steroid hormone. Unlike most vitamins, which
act as antioxidants or enzyme co-factors, the 1,25(OH)2D form of vitamin D works by binding to
the vitamin D receptor that is present in the cell membrane, or the nucleus. Once vitamin D
activates the receptor it becomes a master regulator of cell function.

This is the first reason why people with pigmented skin are more vulnerable. If someone with white
skin were to lie in tropical sunlight at noon, with arms, legs and midriff exposed to the sun, that
person would produce about 20,000 to 25,000 IU (International Units) within about half hour. A
person with black skin would require 6 times as much exposure to produce the same amount of the

 You have to expose arms, legs and midriff - When did you see any Indian do this?!
 You have to do this in tropical sunlight - not what passes for sunlight in the UK for most of
the year! You may get enough over just a couple of months in summer.
 If you put ANY sunscreen on your skin, you block UVB. So even if you sat outside in ideal
conditions for 4 hours, you would be wasting your time as far as Vitamin D production was
 You NEED Cholesterol. This has become one of the most maligned molecules according to
doctors. However, it is actually one of the most essential molecules in the human body. It is
the source from which most of the important hormones of the body are manufactured
(including Aldosterone, corticosterone, Cortisol, Progesterone, Pregnenolone, Oestrone,
Oestradiol, Testosterone, Androstenedione and Dehydroepiandrosterone - DHEA). The
synthesis of ALL these hormones requires Cholesterol as the base molecule. Perhaps this
is why people with a low cholesterol have a higher death rate

How much vitamin D do you need?

Let’s look at some of the recent studies that support a higher dose of vitamin D. One was done
in a psychiatric hospital in Cincinnati, Ohio. The age range was from 18 to 90 years. Half of the
patients were black, and nearly half were white.

All patients entering since 2011 were offered supplementation of 5000 or 10,000 IU/d vitamin D3.
For 36 patients who received 5000 IU/d for 12 months or longer. Vitamin D levels rose from 24 to
68 ng/ml, whereas for the 78 patients who received 10,000 IU/d, mean concentrations increased
from 25 to 96 ng/ml. No cases of vitamin D–induced hypercalcemia were reported.

Another recent study used 10,000 IU/day of vitamin D for 8–12 weeks and 93% of the subjects
had vitamin D blood levels ≥30 ng/ml after the first month and in two months the percentage
increased to 100%. They also had no cases of hypercalcemia occur.

Although doses of 15,000 IU/day are rarely needed or recommended, they were found to be
safe. Data was collected for 3,882 participants in a community program blood vitamin D were
measured at program entry and at follow-up within 6–18 months between 2013 and 2015.
Participants supplemented with a wide range of vitamin D doses (1,000 – 15,000 IU/d).

To achieve vitamin D levels >40 ng/ml on average they needed vitamin D intakes of 6,000 IU/d for
normal Body Mass Index (BMI), 7,000 IU/d for overweight and 8,000 IU/d for obese. They found
no evidence of elevated calcium levels in the blood or urine at any vitamin D dose.

About 60-80% of the population of the UK is deficient in Vitamin D. Ideally, you should have a
minimum intake of about 2000 IU per day. But the government's RDA (which should really stand for
Ridiculous Daily Amount!) is only 600 to 800 IU per day. This is barely enough to prevent rickets.
Doctors will try and frighten you that you will get hypercalcaemia. In fact this may just be a sign of
Vitamin K2 deficiency. As you can see above, doses up to 15,000 IU per day are safe.

Functions of vitamin D in the Body

So what is the function of Vitamin D in the body? The following are just SOME of the functions :

 Reduces DNA damage and protects the cell

 Improves CNS (Central Nervous System) function. Improves memory and reduces
 Reduces cardiovascular disorders. So helps prevent Peripheral Vascular Disease,
Myocardial Infarcts (heart Attacks) and Strokes.
 Prevents pulmonary disease, cancer, Sarcopaenia (muscle wasting), and helps prevent
 Reduces obesity, metabolic syndrome and diabetes.
 Improves mitochondrial function (mitochondria are the powerhouses that make energy
inside each cell).
 It is a potent immuno-modulator. It boost immune response when required, but also
regulates it down if it becomes over-active. This helps prevent auto-immune diseases. (It
would also have likely prevented all those unnecessary deaths from patients with Covid
who developed Cytokine storm in hospital)
 It helps with the production of surfactant in the lungs. This is important in reducing surface
tension, and helps to keep the lung sacs open
( Lack of this was probably responsible
for many deaths from Covid.
 It regulates gene expression. Anyone who told you that you would develop some specific
disease because you had this particular gene did not know what they were talking about.
Genes do not determine outcome. It would appear that genes can be switched on and off.
This has come to be called the science of Epigenetics. And Vitamin D is currently known to
be responsible for controlling the expression of over 300 genes.

You can understand why the pharmaceutical industry is so keen that you do not find out about
Vitamin D. If it can help prevent heart attacks, strokes, obesity, diabetes, depression, auto-immune
diseases and infection, why would you require their drugs any more? In the past, they have been
ruthless in suppressing any information that could impact their profits.

However, sticking with Covid prevention, just look at these pictures to see what a difference your
Vitamin D level makes to your chances of survival from Covid.
Your Immune System
This may be a good time to talk about how your immune system works. The immune system is not
one organ like your liver or kidney, but is composed of a group of organs, tissues and cells that
work together to defend the body from invaders. There are several levels of this complex system
that interact to protect you. (I apologise if some of these paragraphs are a bit complex. Feel free to
skip over them. I simply want to provide as much information as possible to help you to make an
informed decision.)

The first line of defence, the “innate” system, forms a protective barrier around the body and
includes immediate non-specific defence mechanisms. Immune cells are constantly roaming
around the body looking for pathogens and checking in on other cells to make sure that they are
not infected.

The second line of defence, the “adaptive” system, is more specific and produces a response, such
as making antibodies against a specific virus, that targets the invaders that make it past that first
line of defence.

The innate immune system provides the first line of defence and is made up of many parts:

 Physical barriers: the skin provides a barrier that prevents entry, and mucus membranes
produce mucus that prevent pathogens from being able to attach to surfaces and gain
access through the gut or gastrointestinal tract
 Chemical barriers: acidity of the stomach kills some pathogens
 Biological barriers: we have a whole bunch of bugs that live on our skin and in our
gastrointestinal tract (called our “microbiome”) that compete for space and prevent
pathogens from being able to take up residence and cause problems
 Non-specific immune cells: “Phagocytes” like neutrophils and monocytes that engulf (or eat)
and kill some pathogens; natural killer cells release toxic chemicals that kill some
pathogens; and mast cells cause inflammation that attracts help from other immune cells
 Inflammatory signals: chemical signals are released by immune cells (eicosanoids and
cytokines) to talk to other cells
 Complement proteins: can attach to and destroy some pathogens

The adaptive immune system is made up of:

 B lymphocytes (B cells): produce proteins (called “antibodies”) that bind to specific proteins
on the pathogen
 Antibodies: special proteins (immunoglobulins, e.g. IgE) that bind to the surface of the
pathogen and mark it (like a flag) for destruction
 Antigen presenting cells (APCs): immune cells (like macrophages) that digest and present
bits of pathogen proteins to T cells
 T lymphocytes (T cells): T helper cells and cytotoxic T cells sample protein pieces
presented by APCs to determine if they are from a pathogen; when pathogen proteins are
detected by T cells they release chemical signals (cytokines) to launch a full attack on the
pathogen and target it for destruction
 Complement proteins: attach to antibodies marking a pathogen and destroy it (complement
proteins work in both the innate and adaptive immune systems)
 Immune “Memory”

As you can imagine, because the adaptive system has to process, sample and then launch the
destruction sequence, it takes a lot longer to take effect than the immediate and non-specific
responses of the innate immune system. A third subtype of T cells acts to speed up the specific
immune response when a pathogen is encountered a second, third or ‘n’th time. Memory T cells
are a special subtype that serve to “remember” the specific pathogen involved in this encounter, so
that should this pathogen enter the body again, the T helper cells would be able to activate B cells
much faster, thus leading to rapid antigen-specific antibody production and a larger number of
antibodies are produced. The pathogen is cleared from the body much quicker when encountered

Memory against one virus or bacterial pathogen can also cross-react with other similar viruses.
This is the reason why some people who have been exposed to a different coronavirus may have
some protection against COVID-19 and may not get sick or as sick as others who get the virus.

Vitamin D and the immune system

Vitamin D is a well-known regulator of the physical barrier portion of your innate immune system
and is responsible for improving the epithelial cells that line your intestines. It also modulates
your bowel’s immune system. Low levels of vitamin D will increase your gut permeability and
allow pathogens to sneak into your blood stream causing low-grade inflammation.

Vitamin D receptors have been identified in nearly all of your immune cells, including
monocytes, B and T lymphocytes, white blood cells, macrophages and dendritic cells, as well as
the epithelial cells in your lungs. This is important because if you have sufficient vitamin D in
your blood it can activate these cells to create what researchers call antimicrobial peptides

Many studies have shown that vitamin D activates your immune cells to produce AMPs. AMPs
have a broad spectrum of activity, not only microbial but also antiviral, and have been shown to
inactivate the influenza virus. The antiviral effects of AMPs are the result of, among other effects,
the destruction of viral and bacterial envelope proteins by cathelicidin.

Cytokines and the Cytokine Storm

The SARS-CoV-2 viral infection-related inflammation and the subsequent cytokine storm in
severe cases plays a crucial role in patient survival. The extensive and uncontrolled release of
pro-inflammatory cytokines is termed the cytokine storm. Clinically, the cytokine storm commonly
presents as systemic inflammation and multiple organ failure.

The inflammatory cytokines that mediate this response are TNFα and interleukins, and are
produced at an early stage of your innate immune response to the virus. These cytokines, among
others, contribute to the recruitment and activation of cells of your adaptive immune response.

There is compelling research demonstrating that vitamin D can improve endothelial stability
even in cytokine storms. This may be due to vitamin D’s role in modulating your T helper cell
and cytokine production, but also through promoting T regulatory cells, which are responsible
for anti-infectious action, for suppressing immune responses, and for limiting inflammatory
processes for which vitamin D may play an important role.

Vitamin D helps to down-regulate the immune responses mediated by your T helper cells, thus
inhibiting the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as type 1 interferon gamma and,
interleukins like IL-6, IL-2, along with tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α)

Vitamin D and risk of viral Infections

There are many reviews that consider the ways in which vitamin D reduces the risk of
viral infections. Vitamin D likely reduces the risk of viral respiratory infections because it influences
several of your immune pathways, with the net effect of boosting your mucosal barrier defences
while simultaneously dampening excessive inflammation. Vitamin D appears to decrease the risk
of respiratory tract infections by three main mechanisms:

 It helps maintain tight junctions in the epithelial cells of the lungs and gut to prevent the
infiltration of immune cells in lungs and other respiratory tissues,
 Inactivates some viruses through the stimulation of antiviral mechanisms such as
antimicrobial peptides as discussed in the section above.
 Reduces pro-inflammatory cytokines through the modulation of the immune system as
discussed in the section above.

Vitamin D and risk of Covid Infections

The type-II pneumocytes in your lungs are the primary target for coronaviruses because the
ACE2 receptors to which the virus binds are highly expressed on these cells. One of the
problems with COVID-19 infections is that it impairs the function of your type-II pneumocytes
which then decreases the surfactant level in your lungs.

This is important because surfactant prevents the collapse of the alveoli in your lungs. Surfactant
allows your alveoli to stay open and compliant during both inspiration and expiration. During
inspiration, your alveoli may collapse if they do not contain surfactant. If they collapse, then gas
exchange across the alveoli wall cannot occur. Simply put, sufficient surfactant is necessary for
your alveoli to stay open and gas exchange to occur. Fortunately vitamin D comes to the rescue for
this problem produced by COVID-19 as it is able to stimulate the production of surfactant in
alveolar type-II cells.

Vitamin D and Obesity

Your Vitamin D dose also depends upon your body weight. The heavier you are, the more Vitamin
D you need. Why? Because Vitamin D is fat soluble and gets trapped in fat. Consequently, less is
available for the rest of the body. For this reason, obese people require a larger dose compared to
thin people. Effectively, obese people develop Vitamin D resistance, much like people with Type 2
diabetes develop insulin resistance. There is also a “chicken and egg” type situation, where a
Vitamin D deficiency can predispose to the accumulation of more weight.

As a guide, add 1000 I.U. for each 20 Lbs. above 150 Lbs. And subtract 1000 I.U. for each 20 lbs.
below 150 Lbs. For some reason, if you cannot get your vitamin D level checked, then here is the
formula you can use to calculate the daily dose of vitamin D3. Use 1000 I.U. for every 20 lbs. of
your body weight.

Vitamin D And the Angiotensin system

Cell cultures of human alveolar type-II cells with vitamin D have shown that the SARS-CoV-2
virus interacts with the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) 2 receptor expressed on the
surface of your lung epithelial cells. Once the virus binds to the ACE2 receptor, it reduces its
activity and, in turn, promotes ACE1 activity forming more angiotensin II, which increases the
severity of COVID-19 infection. This may also be related to the vitamin D binding protein.

Angiotensin II is a natural peptide hormone in the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. It is

best known for increasing blood pressure through stimulating aldosterone. ACE2 normally
consumes Angiotensin II, thereby lowering its levels. However, COVID-19 infection
downregulates ACE2, which in turn leads to excessive accumulation of Angiotensin II.

High levels of Angiotensin II may cause acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) or heart
injury. Renin, on the other hand, is a proteolytic enzyme and a positive regulator of Angiotensin II.
Vitamin D is a potent inhibitor of renin.

Vitamin D supplementation has been shown to prevent Angiotensin II accumulation and to

decrease pro-inflammatory activity of Angiotensin II by suppressing the release of renin in
patients infected with COVID, thus reducing the risk of ARDS, myocarditis, or cardiac injury.

Vitamin D may protect against symptoms of the COVID-19 infection by increasing the expression
of ACE2 receptors on cells. These ACE2 receptors that are expressed as a consequence of
vitamin D supplementation reduce lung injury and promote binding of the virus to the lining of
the lung.

Additionally, vitamin D may suppress renin activity. That in turn may generate less angiotensin II
resulting in less lung blood vessel constriction. Although vitamin D causes the expression of
ACE2, which indeed promotes the binding of the virus, it prevents the lung blood vessel
constriction response in COVID-19 as illustrated in Figure 13 below.

Everyone needs to make up their own minds as to whether they take a vaccine or not. However,
remember that a vaccine is not a medicine. A vaccine is like an irritant that is injected in the hope
that your OWN immune system will make antibodies to the virus. However, if your immune system
is compromised because of a lack of Vitamin D, it may not be as effective as hoped. Also, with all
these new mutations appearing, it is important that that your immune system is performing at peak
efficiency. Under the circumstances, it would be prudent to start with ascertaining that your Vitamin
D status is optimal.

Interestingly, some doctors in America have acknowledged the importance of Vitamin, and are
administering large doses (100,000 IU per day for 3 days) as prophylaxis, as well as treatment for
those infected.
Vitamin D, other everyday vitamins could counter coronavirus effects: report | Fox News

When Dr. Ananda Prasad and his wife Aryabala became infected with the coronavirus, friends and
family of the couple were devastated. Dr. Prasad is 92. Aryabala, also a doctor, is 93. For people
that old, COVID-19 can be a death sentence. But Dr. Prasad is no ordinary 92-year-old.
He is considered the world’s foremost authority on zinc’s role in human health. It is largely because
of his pioneering work that you can buy zinc supplement lozenges to help treat colds.
He suffered overwhelming fatigue and lost his appetite. “I felt so weak,” he said. His family urged
him to check into the hospital immediately. “They were very worried. After all, I’m 92. They all
wanted me to go to the hospital.”
But he wouldn’t budge. “I knew that if I went into the hospital, I wouldn’t get the treatment that I
wanted,” he said. “They would give me an antiviral drug and who knows what else. They wouldn’t
let me take zinc. I also knew that no one would be able to visit me. If the worst happened, I would
have to die alone. That was unacceptable to me. So I decided to stay home and treat myself.”
He would put his life’s work to the ultimate test. He would try to save himself—and his wife—by
using zinc. He did not arrive at this decision lightly. And we certainly don’t recommend that the
average person refuse hospitalization for COVID-19. But Dr. Prasad’s choice was the culmination
of a lifetime of medical research and many dozens of studies…
Nobody is more familiar with the immune effects of zinc than the man who discovered them. When
Dr. Prasad became infected with COVID-19, he was willing to bet his life on his life’s work. After
refusing to go into the hospital, he and Aryabala began taking 50 mg of zinc a day.
At first, Dr. Prasad wondered if he had made a terrible mistake by not going to the hospital. He felt
awful. “For the first five days, I didn’t get any better. But I decided to continue the treatment,” he
said. “On the seventh day, it was like a miracle. I got my energy back. My appetite came back. I
came back to life.” Today, he feels fully recovered. So does Aryabala.
At age 92, he is still working and has an office at Wayne State University. He has applied to the
FDA to start on a clinical trial testing zinc in coronavirus patients. But the FDA has still not
responded to his application.

Zinc’s Effect on the Immune System

Other researchers have examined the immune effects of zinc. They confirmed his findings that zinc
effectively fights the cold virus.
And after the coronavirus pandemic spread, they began to look at whether zinc might be used to
combat it. In its July 2020 issue, the journal Frontiers in Immunology published a comprehensive
review of research on zinc’s immune effects and its potential use against coronavirus. The article
cited more than 150 studies, including six by Dr. Prasad.
It concluded that zinc:
• Helps prevent viruses from entering the body by strengthening mucus membranes and the
lining of the respiratory tract.
• Inhibits viral replication inside the body. It helps prevent viruses from reproducing.
• Balances the immune response to reduce inflammation. Zinc helps prevent the so-called
“cytokine storm” caused when the immune system overreacts to the coronavirus.
This out-of-control inflammation is fatal in some COVID patients.
Dr. June McKoy is a professor at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine. She
said that zinc helps in another important way. It enables your body to produce more infection-
fighting white blood cells. “If your zinc levels are low or insufficient, you won’t have sufficient white
blood cells to fight your infection,” Dr. McKoy said.
Dr. David Hafler is a professor of neurology and immunology at the Yale School of Medicine. “It’s
very clear,” he said. “If you are zinc-deficient, your immune system will not function as well.”

Low Zinc Doubles COVID-19 Death Risk

It’s settled science that zinc provides immune support. But does it actually prevent and/or treat
COVID-19? At this point, there is no way to know for sure. That’s because zinc has not yet been
tested in clinical trials against the coronavirus. However, several recent studies shed some light on
the question.
They show that COVID patients with higher levels of zinc do better than those with lower levels.
Researchers in Spain presented one such study at the European Society of Clinical Microbiology
and Infectious Diseases conference on September 23.
The scientists tested the zinc levels of 249 hospitalized coronavirus patients. The researchers
found that patients with low blood levels of zinc had a 2.3 times greater risk of dying than those
with higher levels. The study concluded that each unit increase in zinc reduces the risk of death in
COVID patients by 7%. Two other recent studies—one in Japan and the other in India—had similar
Researchers at New York University looked at what happens when COVID patients are actually
treated with zinc. The scientists examined the medical records of 962 patients hospitalized with
COVID-19 in the New York area. Their findings were published in the September 2020 issue of the
Journal of Medical Microbiology.
• 521 of the patients received standard care. At the time, this consisted of the malaria drug
hydroxychloroquine and the antibiotic azithromycin.
• 441 of the patients got the same care, plus they took zinc sulfate supplements.
The scientists found that the zinc group had a 44% lower chance of dying.

Zinc Deficiency Is Surprisingly Common

Lack of zinc is not just a problem in developing countries. About 12% of adults in the U.S. don’t get
enough of the mineral. But seniors are far more likely to be deficient. One study found that about
40% of older Americans lack zinc. And of course, older people are exactly the group most at risk
from coronavirus.
Why are so many seniors deficient? It’s because as you get older, your body loses the ability to
absorb zinc. So as you age, you need more of it to avoid a deficiency. You can get zinc from a wide
variety of foods, mostly meats and seafood. Here are some food sources of zinc:
• Lentils, 3 mg per cup
• Oatmeal, 2 mg per cup
• Shiitake mushrooms, 2 mg per cup
But the most reliable way to make sure you get enough zinc is to take a supplement. This is
especially true for vegetarians because foods highest in zinc come from animal sources.
Look for supplements that contain the zinc gluconate form. It is more active than other zinc
compounds. Typical doses are up to 50 mg a day for immune support.

Vitamin C
Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant. All infections are characterized by the production of Reactive
Oxidative Species (ROS), which are responsible for the inflammation. Note that ROS occur
naturally during normal cell metabolism.
Examples of ROS are superoxide, hydrogen peroxide, and hydroxyl radical. At low levels, these
species may function in cell signalling processes. At higher levels, these species may damage
cellular macromolecules (such as DNA and RNA) and participate in apoptosis (programmed cell
death). Anti-oxidants counter the harmful effects of ROS.
Human beings are one of the few species that cannot synthesize Vitamin C. Most other animal
species are able to make their own vitamin C. For instance, dogs produce 5,000 milligrams (mg)
daily. Health authorities maintain that humans need only 80-90 mg. But if a dog gets an infection, it
will automatically produce up to 20,000 mg daily.
One of the strongest proponents of Vitamin C was Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling. In 1973, with
Arthur B. Robinson and another colleague, Pauling founded the Institute of Orthomolecular
Medicine in Menlo Park, California, which was soon renamed the Linus Pauling Institute of Science
and Medicine. Pauling directed research on vitamin C, but also continued his theoretical work in
chemistry and physics until his death. In his last years, he became especially interested in the
possible role of vitamin C in preventing atherosclerosis and published three case reports on the
use of lysine and vitamin C to relieve angina pectoris. During the 1990s, Pauling put forward a
comprehensive plan for the treatment of heart disease using lysine and vitamin C. In 1996, a
website was created expounding Pauling's treatment which it referred to as Pauling Therapy.
Proponents of Pauling Therapy believe that heart disease can be treated and even cured using
only lysine and Vitamin C and without drugs or heart operations.
Pauling's work on vitamin C in his later years generated much controversy. He was first introduced
to the concept of high-dose vitamin C by biochemist Irwin Stone in 1966. After becoming convinced
of its worth, Pauling took 3 grams of vitamin C every day to prevent colds. Excited by his own
perceived results, he researched the clinical literature and published Vitamin C and the Common
Cold in 1970. He began a long clinical collaboration with the British cancer surgeon Ewan
Cameron in 1971 on the use of intravenous and oral vitamin C as cancer therapy for terminal
patients. Cameron and Pauling wrote many technical papers and a popular book, Cancer and
Vitamin C, that discussed their observations. Pauling made vitamin C popular with the public and
eventually published two studies of a group of 100 allegedly terminal patients that claimed vitamin
C increased survival by as much as four times compared to untreated patients.
As is common with anything that threatens the pharmaceutical industry, clinical trials were
undertaken to disprove this hypothesis. Instead of using intravenous Vitamin C, the Mayo Clinic
used oral Vitamin C. One can never give sufficiently high dosages orally, as this results in
diarrhoea. The results obviously showed that there was no significant difference between the trial
group and the control group. The trial was also unethical as it was noted subsequently that the
control groups had also been taking Vitamin C!
Some doctors have tried (unsuccessfully) to persuade the authorities to administer high dose
Vitamin C to patients with Covid. An example is this letter in the British Medical Journal.
Life saving high dose Vitamin D and Vitamin C Re: Covid-19’s known unknowns | The BMJ
Global campaign makes plea for vitamin C and COVID-19 (
Clearly, there is benefit in taking Vitamin C, both as a preventative measure and if you develop
Covid infection. As a preventative measure, a minimum of 2 grams per day would be advisable. If
you were to develop Covid infection, the ideal treatment would be high doses of intravenous
Vitamin C. However, it is very unlikely that you will find any doctor willing to treat you in this way.
The next best option is to take 2 grams of oral Vitamin C every 2 hours, and continue unless you
develop diarrhoea. Together with the other supplements already mentioned, the infection should
subside in a few days.
For over 100 years, iodine has been known as the element that is necessary for thyroid hormone
production. However, it is rare to see any further mention of iodine’s other effects in the body.
Iodine is found in each of the trillions of cells in the body. Until the introduction of antibiotics in the
early 1940s, iodine was widely used against all manner of infections. With the increasing bacterial
antibiotic resistance globally, it may well be iodine’s turn to shine again. Note that antibiotics are
not active against viruses, whereas iodine is lethal.
Without adequate iodine levels, life itself is not possible. Iodine is not only necessary for the
production of thyroid hormone, it is also responsible for the production of all of the other hormones
in the body. Adequate iodine levels are necessary for proper immune system function. Iodine
contains potent antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, and anticancer properties. Iodine is also
effective for treating fibrocystic breasts and ovarian cysts.
Approximately 1.5 billion people, about one-third of the earth’s population, live in an area of iodine
deficiency as defined by the World Health Organization. Iodine deficiency disorder can result in
mental retardation, goitre, increased child and infant mortality, infertility, and socio-economic
Iodine deficiency disorder is the most common preventable form of mental retardation known.
Every cell in the body contains and utilizes iodine. Iodine is concentrated in the glandular system of
the body. The thyroid gland contains a higher concentration of iodine than any other organ of the
body. Large amounts of iodine are also stored in many other areas of the body including the
salivary glands, cerebrospinal fluid and the brain3, gastric mucosa, choroid plexus, breasts,
ovaries, and the ciliary body of the eye. In the brain, iodine concentrates in the substantia nigra, an
area of the brain that has been associated with Parkinson’s disease.
Iodine is a relatively rare element, ranking 62nd in abundance of the elements of the earth. Iodine
is primarily found in seawater in very small quantities and solid rocks (usually near the ocean) that
form when seawater evaporates. Iodine can also be found in sea organisms, such as seaweed. In
fact, seaweed is one of the most abundant sources of iodine because seaweed has the ability to
concentrate a large amount of iodine from the ocean water.
Iodine is not very abundant in the earth’s crust. It is estimated to be about 0.3-0.5 parts per million.
In fact, it is in the bottom third of the elements in terms of abundance.
If the soil has adequate iodine levels, the crops grown on that soil will contain adequate iodine
levels. Conversely, deficient iodine levels will be found in crops grown on iodine-deficient soil.
Regrettably, with the modern intensive farming methods, soils globally have become depleted of
iodine. It is estimated that over 80% of the population in the Western hemisphere is now deficient
in iodine.
This is a huge threat to our health, particularly in these days of the Covid pandemic. As mentioned
above, iodine is vital in fighting infections. White blood cells cannot effectively guard against
infection without adequate amounts of iodine. Your immune system is also responsible for guarding
against cancer. Everybody forms some cancer cells every day. Not surprising when a typical
person will form an average of 180,000 new cells every day. However, a vigilant immune system
picks these up, and destroys them before any further harm can occur. The female breast soaks up
iodine like a sponge, and it is entirely possible that the explosion in breast cancer cases over the
last 20 years is actually a manifestation of severe iodine deficiency.
There is now ample evidence that iodine can be a potent agent in the fight against Covid.
Molecular iodine as a new front-line defence against COVID-19 in the dental office
Iodine: An Elemental Force Against Infection (
Could a cheap iodine mouthwash really help to beat Covid? (
Nasal Povidone-Iodine Solutions Effectively Inactivate SARS-CoV-2 In Vitro

Swabbing coronavirus with iodine for 15 seconds completely kills it in the lab  | Daily Mail Online

Povidone-iodine solution as SARS-CoV-2 prophylaxis for procedures of the upper aerodigestive

tract a theoretical framework | Journal of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck Surgery | Full Text
Iodine is one of the halides, which lie in the penultimate column of the periodic table. These
elements comprise fluorine, chlorine, bromine and iodine. As mentioned above, iodine is
absolutely essential for life. Chlorine is used to make hydrochloric acid in the stomach, apart from
other functions within the body. However, fluorine and bromine are toxic, and should never be
In 1960, iodine was added to baking products as a dough conditioner. This provided a good source
of iodine, as a single slice provided about 150 micrograms. Unfortunately, ten years later, this was
replaced by bromine. There is no therapeutic use for bromine, and it competes for the receptor
sites with iodine, and therefore interferes with iodine utilisation.
Bromine is a known breast carcinogen (i.e. it causes breast cancer). Fortunately, the UK banned
bromine in baking goods in 1990, but it is still used in the USA.
However, do not think you have escaped the dangers of bromine if you live in the UK. It is far more
widely distributed in our lives. It is present in some commercial drinks, personal care products, and
even in cars. See this report from the Huffington Post :
Avoid This If You Want To Keep Your Thyroid Healthy | HuffPost Life
Incidentally, one reason why the USA has been more severely affected by the pandemic is that the
authorities there favour corporations over consumers. Have a look at this site to see which poisons
are perfectly legal in the USA :
Foods that will kill you – Food24
Fluorine (and Fluoride) is another halide that competes for iodine receptor sites. Fluoride has
been extensively promoted by the dental industry as it does slightly reduce the rate of dental
decay. As a result, many water authorities now add fluoride to drinking water. This is effectively
mass medication without your consent. Unfortunately, this comes at a significant cost. Long term
ingestion results in a condition called skeletal fluorosis, where fluoride builds up in the bones. This
results in joint stiffness and pain, and can cause weakening of the bones leading to fractures. It is
also implicated in a type of bone cancer.
Water Fluoridation and Cancer Risk
Interestingly, it is important to realize that fluoridation was first promoted by the Aluminium
company Alcoa. Fluoride is a toxic by-product of aluminium production, requiring careful disposal at
great cost. It was much cheaper for them to dispose of it by diluting it in the nation’s water supply
(and actually getting paid for it!) then to pay to dispose of it safely. Unfortunately, the dental
profession became cheer leaders for this mass medication experiment. Even with the numerous
studies available demonstrating fluoride toxicity, it is difficult for them to reverse their advice without
them losing face and authority.
In addition to the cancer risk, it may be toxic to babies brains. An increase of 1mg of fluoride per
day was associated with a reduction in IQ of 3.7
Is fluoride in water toxic to babies’ brains? A rigorous study raises alarms. (
However, in the context of this article it is the potential impact of fluorine in displacing iodine from
cells that is of concern. Iodine is essential for fighting infection. As the following article shows,
respiratory mucosa without iodine were not able to inactivate viruses, but with iodide, both types of
viruses tested were inactivated.
Enhancement of Respiratory Mucosal Antiviral Defenses by the Oxidation of Iodide
Circulating white blood cells also contain iodine in the form of hypoiodous acid. The white cells
engulf the virus, and physically dissolve it using this acid (as well as hypochlorous acid).
Nature's own powerful, non-toxic disinfectant | British Dental Journal
It is therefore not a surprise that researchers are asking if fluoride is implicated in the spread of the
pandemic. Could areas of high Fluoride ingestion be more susceptible to Coronavirus outbreaks?

Fear And Stress

As mentioned in the introduction, fear and stress compromise the function of the immune system. If
a simple unannounced examination can reduce your immune response by 25%, just image what
eighteen months of persistent fear about your and your loved ones’ survival has done to your
immunity. If the authorities wanted to condemn as much of their population to an early death as
they could, they could not have done much better! Or perhaps this is what they had in mind – to kill
off the elderly so they did not have to continue paying their pensions. Perhaps this is being a bit too
The following study is a large meta-analysis over 30 years looking at the effects of stress on the
various parts of the immune system. Chronic stressors were associated with suppression of both
cellular and humoral immunity. The article also gives a good overview of the different components
of the immune system.
Psychological Stress and the Human Immune System: A Meta-Analytic Study of 30 Years of Inquiry
Other articles confirm the findings.
Stress Weakens the Immune System (
Stress, Illness and the Immune System | Simply Psychology
It is difficult to understand why the authorities have resorted to false mortality figures. If you recall,
for virtually every other disease, we are given figures for mortality for that particular disease. With
Covid, the mortality figures are for those who “died within 28 days of a positive Covid test”. It does
not matter if the actual cause of death was something different : if they had a positive Covid test
within the previous 28 days, they are automatically counted as having died from Covid.
So, for example, if someone has a positive Covid test, and then dies of blood loss following an
accident, they will still be counted as a Covid death! Consider also, that there have been numerous
cancellations of pre-booked treatments for potentially life-threatening conditions, such as cancer or
heart disease. It is entirely possible that the delay in treatment will result in a number of deaths in
this group of patients. However, if they have tested positive for Covid (even if they were completely
asymptomatic) they will have been classed as a Covid death.
On average, about 17,000 people die of flu every year in the UK. I wonder how many people within
the Covid count actually died of flu? The lock-down was initially instigated at the behest of Prof Neil
Ferguson, of Imperial College London. This is the same Neil Ferguson who has made egregious
errors in his forecasts on several occasions.
Insight: "Slaughtered on Suspicion" - Foot and Mouth 2001 & role of Prof. Neil Ferguson - YouTube
So why have the authorities resorted to false reporting to exaggerate the numbers? Is there a
hidden agenda to increase surveillance on the population? This report certainly makes a
persuasive case for this.
Who controls the British Government response to Covid–19? | UK Column
COVID–19: The Big Pharma players behind UK Government lockdown | UK Column
While I do not necessarily subscribe to any conspiracy theories, it is worth bearing in mind that the
third leading cause of death in America is medical errors. Some suspect the number is even higher,
if one takes into account deaths from side effects of properly dispensed medication.
Medical errors third-leading cause of death in America (
As such, it behoves us to be critical in looking at the evidence before accepting any claims made
by so-called “experts”. Certainly, one can have very little faith in any statement made by Prof
Ferguson of Imperial, given his appalling track record.
I hope that the extensive evidence in favour of taking the supplements described above is
persuasive. If so, one does wonder why the government and the health authorities have failed to
recommend these supplements. It is certainly not because of any danger from their consumption.
Even if there was a slight chance that these supplements would help, they should have been
recommended, since they are relatively cheap. The only explanation is that they are too heavily
invested in promoting vaccines to the exclusion of everything else.
The tragedy is that by frightening everyone, they have effectively destroyed everybody’s immunity,
and are probably directly responsible for the horrendous death toll to date. The biggest difference
you can make to your and your loved one’s health is to banish fear. Taking these supplements is
one of the best ways to protect yourself from the ravages of infections.
I say infections in general, rather than Covid, as it is unlikely that the current pandemic is going to
be the last infection. Already, there is evidence of different mutations of the virus, some of which
may not be addressed by the current vaccines. The medical authorities blithely pronounce that
they will be able to manufacture different vaccines against the new strains. How many vaccines are
you going to allow yourself to be injected with? Wouldn’t you rather bolster your immune system
which will deal with ALL infections? The decision is yours.
Recommended Doses of Supplements
For Prophylaxis Against Covid
Vitamin D : The evidence points to 30 ng/ml (75 nmol/L) as the lower limit of normal vitamin D.
Even at a microscopic level, the bone mineral defect diseases rickets and osteomalacia don’t occur
in a person with adequate vitamin D levels. No harmful effects are observed up to a level of 130ng/
ml. The ideal level is 40-60 ng/ml. In people who have a vitamin D level of less than 30, the risk of
type 2 diabetes, colon cancer, cardiovascular events, and death from all causes rises dramatically.
If you are unable to get your Vitamin D level measured, then on average you should take about 35
IU per pound of body weight. Add 1000 I.U. for each 20 Lbs. above 150 Lbs. And subtract 1000
I.U. for each 20 lbs. below 150 Lbs. So an average 140 lb person needs about 4000 to 5000 IU per
day. However, given that most people are deficient in Vitamin D, it may be advisable to take 10,000
IU per day for at least a week. Note that it would be prudent to also take Vitamin K2 to help move
calcium into bones, and reduce the possibility of soft tissue calcification. A dose of 75-100
micrograms for every 4000 IU would be reasonable.
Zinc : An intake of 15 to 30 mg per day is reasonable. For those deemed to be at particular risk, a
higher dose of 30 to 40 mg may be appropriate.
Vitamin C : A minimum of 2 grams (2,000mg) is reasonable. Again, those deemed to be at
particular risk should consider taking 4 grams per day. Note : ignore this if you have sickle cell
anaemia or G6PD enzyme deficiency.
Iodine : The government’s RDA (Ridiculous Daily Amount!) is 150 micrograms. Japanese people
routinely consume almost 100 times this level, with no ill effects, and a generally healthier
population. So a 12.5 mg dose would seem a good prophylactic. However, given that most people
are grossly deficient in the mineral, it may be worth considering a loading dose of 50 mg for one or
two weeks. (This dosage is available as “Iodoral” commercially)
It is also worth gargling with Lugol’s Iodine solution. Dissolve 2 to 3 drops in a glass of water, swish
it about your mouth, gargle and spit out. Drink a glass of water to get rid of the taste.

For Treatment of Covid

Vitamin D : Susceptibility to Covid is almost a symptom of gross deficiency of Vitamin D. That
being the case, you need to build up reserves quickly. It would therefore be advisable to take at
least 10,000 IU per day for about two weeks, before reducing to a maintenance dose. Do not forget
to take Vitamin K2 in dose shown above.
Zinc : Start taking 50 mg per day and continue until your symptoms abate.
Vitamin C : A minimum of 2 grams (2,000mg) should be taken every 2 hours, unless you start to
experience diarrhoea. If your Vitamin C level are low it is very unlikely that you will develop
diarrhoea, as the body utilizes every bit of Vitamin C that it can in fighting the infection. Please
avoid if you have sickle cell anaemia of G6PD deficiency.
Iodine : A dose of 50 mg for one or two weeks. By this time, the infection should have responded,
and a maintenance dose of 12.5 mg would be appropriate.

Most importantly, maintain a positive, optimistic attitude throughout this trying time. If you
follow the guidelines, you are NOT helpless, and you WILL beat Covid.

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