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Why do you need natto?

Grammar beginner 4
Note: if the student mispronounce the word you can say “very
good! But before we move on, let us repeat this word okay? I
will type it in the chat box please repeat after me”
Note: if the student is grammatically wrong you can say “ hmm
are sure? Let’s practice this sentence one more time, you said
(answer of the student) but it’s better to say ….
1. Warm-Up
 Greetings!
Hi! Welcome to native camp!
 Audio/ video check
Can you see and hear me okay?
 Short self-introduction
My name is Hannah, what’s your name?
 Ow, nice to meet you (name of the student)
 Speech Rate
By the way, (name of the student) am I speaking to fast of
just okay?
 Lesson style
Alright, I can see here you choose (grammar beginner 4).
Am I right?
2. Lesson Proper
- okay let’s start our lesson
Today’s phrases
*Are you familiar with natto?
NATTO-A traditional Japanese side dish made from fermented
beans. It has a very strong and unpleasant smell
- I have here a link if you’re interested to see what natto
looks like
New word and Expressions
Because- When we use because, we are focusing on the reason
No way! - saying you will definitely not do something or you
will disagree
Ask- make a request or demand for something to somebody
- plural form of ask is asks
- the past tense of ask is asked
- The third person singular present indicative form of ask is
- the present participle of ask is asking
- the past participle of ask is asked
Anyway- used to end a conversation, to change the subject
Too bad- An expression of sympathy,
By the way- You say by the way when you add something to
what you are saying
1. Does Charlotte like natto?
*admins possible answer: (no, she dont like natto) (No, she
didn't like natto)
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (no she, dont like natto) (No, she didn't like natto) but it’s
better to say (no she doesnt like natto) because we have here
the pronoun “she" right? We can use does or does not with the
third person person singular pronouns when the subject is HE,
- In the word do, do not we can use that when the subject is I,
2. Why does james need natto for the barbecue?
*admins possible answer: (because he cook it with meat and
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct answer)
because in the subject verb agreement rules that if the subject
is singular the verb must be singular too. But there’s an
exception if we use the singular "they", use plural verb forms
such as knows, pays, springs, cooks, and writes

singular plural
cooks cook
3. Does charlotte want more snacks?
*admins possible answer: (Yes, she dont) (yes, she do) (yes she
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct answer)
Yes she does- does is used for singular subjects like he, she, it,
this, that
Yes, she dont- dont is used when speaking in the first and
secod person plural and singular and the third person plural
such as I, YOU, WE, and THEY. it can used to make a negative
statement: I dont like natto
Yes, she do- do is used for plural subjects like YOU, WE, THEY,
Yes, she did- did is used with regular and irregular verbs
1. Teacher: Why does he need another slice of pizza?
*admins possible answer: (because he was hungry) (because
is he hungry)
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct answer)
Because he is hungry- the simple is that "is" is present tense
and "was" is past tense. If it’s happening now, you use "is”. If it
happened in the past, you use "was"
Because is he hungry- why? -because a grammar rule in
English, in learning the English language you will have the
subject and verb agreement. In subject verb agreement rule,
whenever you make a sentence it must be the subject first then
the verb
2. Teacher: Why do they need a new car?
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct answer)
*admins possible answer: (because the new design they like)
Good job! Now let’s try to change okay? Or let’s go back to our
subject. So what is our subject? Or who is our subject? (They)
and what is the verb (like) okay so the subject is they and our
verb is like so we have to follow the subject verb agreement.
The subject could come first before the verb. Can you answer it
one more time?
Correct answer: (Because they like the new design.)

3. Why do you need more beer?

- *admins possible answer: (because am I thirsty)
- Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time,
you said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct
- “I am or I'm” is used when we're answering any
question, or telling something to someone, or
introducing ourselves. 
- “am I“ is only used as a question
Okay very good. You did well in the exercise/s. So now let’s look
at the yellow part for the review, listen carefully.
REVIEW (Repeat 3 times)
Three new words and phrases
1. Natto
2. Vegetables
3. barbecue
Three difficult- to pronounce words
1. Barbecue
2. Snacks
3. Because
-very good. Were done with this lesson for today and you did
very well. i am so happy because you answered the exercises
well and don't forget your subject verb agreement and some
pronunciation with constant practice. Thank you so much! I am
looking forward to see you soon.

Would you mind me closing the windows?

Grammar Middle 32
1. Warm-Up
 Greetings!
Hi! Welcome to native camp!
 Audio/ video check
Can you see and hear me okay?
 Short self-introduction
My name is Gwyneth but you can call me gwen, what’s
your name?
 Ow, nice to meet you (name of the student)
 Speech Rate
By the way, (name of the student) am I speaking to fast of
just okay?
 Lesson style
Alright, I can see here you choose (grammar middle 32).
Am I right?
2. Lesson Proper
- Okay let’s start our lesson
Today’s phrases
Would you mind me closing the windows- means asking
PERMISSION or giving emphasis to myself.
Would you mind my closing the windows- means giving
emphasis to the ACTION which is closing the windows.
Would you mind closing the door- means you are asking
someone a favour to close the door.
Would you mind my closing the door- means you are asking
the other person if it is okay for them for you to close the door.
CLOSE- As a verb to close means to shut.
CLOSED- is an adjective that means not open.
Noise- a sound that causes disturbance.
1. Why is it there my/my?
- You can use either of the two. In fact, they are
grammatically correct.
2. Difference between me/my
Me- you are giving emphasis to yourself to do the action
My- you are giving emphasis to the action which is closing
the door
CLOSED -add "-ed" to a verb to change it to the past
tense. For example, "talk + ed = talked". When the verb
ends in "e", add only "d." For example, "arrive + d =
arrived". When the verb ends in consonant + "y," change
the "y" to "i" and add "-ed".
- Okay so let’s read the given example. Please repeat
after me once.
- And there is another way of saying it "would you mind if I
asked to close the door?'
- There are also two ways of how to answer this question
and these are:
No, I wouldn't- means I’ll close the door for you (means it
is okay for you to close the door)
Yes, I would- means I won't close the door for you
(means it’s not okay for you to close the door)
I can't stand - We use Can when we have the ability, time
or will to do something.
- We use cannot (or can’t) when we don't have the
ability, the time or the will to do something. For
example: I cannot sing. (I do not have the ability or
the skill).
Words/ expressions
Rub- move one's hand 
Jaw- (jaa)
Mind- to be upset, annoyed, worried by something
Attract- cause to come to a place (tempt)
Tease- to laugh at someone, say unkind things about
them. Either because you are joking or because you want
to upset that person:

1. What was daniels suggestion to ease the noise?

Ease- means to lessen or release

*admins possible answer: (He like to close the windows
to ease the noise)
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time,
you said HE like to close the windows to ease the
noise. But it’s better to say "He’d like to close the
windows to ease the noise" that’s because the question
is asking WAS and that is past tense form. Right? So it
should be like this. He’d like to close the windows to ease
the noise. So, the answer should be in past tense form
2. Did Olivia mind the suggestion? What kind of
comment did he make about the noise?
*admins possible answer: (No, she don’t) (yes, she did)
(She wonder what attract the noise)
Very good. But let’s practice this sentence one more time, you
said (students answer) but it’s better to say (correct answer)
Don't- is used when speaking I the first and second person
plural and singular and the third person plural like I, you,
we, and they)
Did- is used with regular and irregular verbs such as hand-
handed, join-joined.
The past tense refers to things that happened in the past.
To make the past tense of regular verbs, the ending -ed is
added to the infinitive ('I asked her a question').

1. Would you mind? Me/my (permission / borrow)
-ask permission with the use of the word/verb borrow
My borrowing your phone?
2. 2. Would you mind? _____ (favour/ contact)
-ask a favour with the use of the word/verb contact
Contacting our clients about tomorrow?
3. Would you mind? Me/my (permission / sweep)
My sweeping the floor now?
4. Would you mind? ____ ( favour / print)
printing this document for me?
5. Would you mind ?me/my ( permission / date)
my dating your cousin?
1. No, you can call him
2. Yes, please don't call him
3. No, I'll email her (for you)
4. Yes, I won't email her
REVIEW (Repeat 3 times)
Three new words and phrases
1. Noise
2. Tease
3. attract
Three difficult- to pronounce words
1. tease
2. jaw
3. closed
-very good. Were done with this lesson for today and you did
very well. i am so happy because you answered the exercises
well and don't forget your subject verb agreement and some
pronunciation with constant practice. Thank you so much! I am
looking forward to see you soon.

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