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Week no.

1. A=B: If and B= 1+2+3+...+101. Prove that A=B.
2. Clocks: I've got 3 clocks and their alarm start in different moments like: first starts the at every 30 minutes, the secon at 40 and the 3 th 45
minutes. If all alarm starts at 10:00, what is the next hour when the all alarm starts togheater.
3. The 2004th zecimals: If a = 0,1234567891011121314...999. What is the 2004 th zecimals ?

Week no.2:
1. Function:If f((x*x+1)/x) =x*x +x - 3+1/x + 1/(x*x) => f(x) = ?
2. Function again:If f(x)=1/(x*x + 9x+20) => f(1) + f(2) + f(3) + f(4) + .... + f(2004)=?
3. If a isn't 0: and (a-b-c)/(b+c) = (2a -3)/3. Then b+c = ?.

Week no.3:
1. u and v: If u, v E Z and u*u*v + u*v*v = 2*u*u + 2*v*v -40 then u*u=? and v*v=?
2. 3333...333: Prove that if n E N and 2, 5 don't divide n then n admite a multiple witch can be write using only digit 3. Like if n=11, a multiple
is 33 witch can be write using only digit 3.
3. p and numbers: If p and q are prime numbers and p*p +q =37*q*q + p then p=? q=?

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