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Name: Marielle F.

Date: September 27, 2021
Teacher: Junley Lazaga Illicit Recordings
Class: BLL 199.1 C Recording people without their knowledge is quite tempting
because it aids in gaining data for your research. However, this
act is deemed unethical. It can diminish the trust of your
respondents on you as a researcher.

General Permissions
As a researcher, one must know how the culture they are studying
deals with permissions. Although generally, it is right to give
everyone a say. But there are cultures that have certain people to
seek permission for.

ethical Secondary Use of Materials
standards in The data collected for research must be solely used in the research
research alone and should not be used in further projects. This will protect
research participants. The researcher must collect the data for the
specific purpose, and should be prohibited to be used in futre

Researcher Intrusion
As a researcher, your presence in the community might lead to your
interference in their affairs. Remember that you are there to observe
for your research, avoid intruding in the community to avoid causing
tensions within the people in that community.
B. What you think would emerge as major ethical implications in a research project that you are likely to work on (for this, you may
revisit your personal profile form).


Since I am planning to use resources such as songs or folklore from

Pangasinan, the ethical dilemma of my research could be archiving.

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