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Answer Sheet

Name: Krizzle Jane B. Paguel

Group: La Union
Cluster: 2-3

Identify 3 of your priority among the different traits of a highly successful curriculum leader and
explain how these traits can help a curriculum implementer succeed in his/her endeavor to
enhance the quality of curriculum and instruction in his/her school.


Educational leaders play a pivotal role in affecting the climate, attitude and reputation of
their schools. They are the cornerstone on which learning communities function and grow. With
successful school leadership, schools become effective incubators of learning, places where
students are not only educated but challenged, nurtured and encouraged.
On the other hand, poor or absent school leadership can undermine the goals of an educational
system. When schools lack a strong foundation and direction, learning is compromised, and
students suffer. While there is no one solution to successful school leadership, there are certain
strategies, skills, traits and beliefs that many of the most effective school leaders share.

A leader is a person who manages those employees who physically produce an

organization’s services. He or She promoted from the ranks of operative employees (good
technical skills and good work records). For me the leader must have the quality attitude and role
in order for them to be succeed in enhancing the quality of curriculum and instruction in the
school. A leader must be the key Person in Management because he/she makes decisions,
interprets policies and controls work. A leader must be caught in the middle because he/she is
caught between management and workers, who could have contrasting views and goals. Also a
leader is the Managerial Supervisor and just another worker because He/she is obligated to act
like a manager but does not receive full participation in management and they often lack
authority, perform operating work and they lack management status.

A leader is representing as a coach because, He or She develops his staff so that they
acquire competencies necessary for the job. A leader is also a great counselor because they are
responsible with assisting staff in seeking solutions, within their own pool of available resources,
to problems that impact on his performance. A curriculum leader is also an evaluator, because
they analyzes and assesses staff performance and communicate results to improve future staff
performance. An effective curriculum leader of instruction is one of the most critical functions of
the administrator because administrators must hold teachers accountable for providing an
appropriate and well-planned program. Curriculum leaders must ensure that teachers are utilizing
information from a variety of valid and appropriate sources in teaching (formative and
summative diagnostic processes).They should also evaluate and assess is the teacher's ability to
adhere to curricular objectives. They develop and implement clear classroom routines and
appropriate standards to insure the health, safety, and welfare of their students.
Effective school leaders build and sustain reciprocal family and community partnerships
and leverage those partnerships to cultivate inclusive, caring and culturally responsive school
communities. To build these community networks it is essential that school leaders are visible in
their schools and community, develop trust and create a sense of transparency and shared
purpose with parents, staff, community members and students. Great school leaders know that
they are not running a one-man show; that they cannot do it all alone. They know that they must
surround themselves with great teachers and colleagues and, not only that, they must fully
support teachers and staff by encouraging them to continually learn, develop and, perhaps most
important, become leaders themselves.

The very best leaders are also visionaries. They have a goal that they can unite a team
around and a plan to help them get there. Not just that, but they are able to clearly articulate their
school vision and goals.

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