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NAME:__________________________________ YR/SEC______________DATE:____________SCORE:__________
Multiple Choice select the correct answer. ( STRICLY NO ERASURES )
_____1. The most valuable feature of an ARPA is:
a. Light touch features b. acquisition c. modern features d. plotter
_____2. The form of acquisition where specified areas for detection is used:
a. Automatic acquisition by area c. Fully automatic acquisition
b. Manual acquisition d. Semi automatic acquisition
_____3. Another term given to the graphic symbol in an ARPA display is:
a. Display marker b. acquire marker c. graphic marker d. screen marker
_____4. The area where targets are highlighted on the screen is:
a. area of highlight b. tracking gate c. visible area d. enabled angle
_____5. The protuberance of an acquired target points to the direction is called:
a. True direction in a relative display c. Relative motion in a relative display
b. Relative direction in a true display d. True direction only
_____6. The type of acquisition useful in narrow channels and dense traffic:
a. Fully automatic b. manual c. automatic d. semi automatic
_____7. The type of acquisition that is seldom used due to its sensitivity to clutter is:
a. manual b. automatic c. fully automatic d. semi automatic
_____8. The type of acquisition that allows are rejection boundaries is:
a. manual b. automatic c. semi automatic d. fully automatic
_____9. The type of acquisition that allows the operator to preset areas is:
a. fully automatic b. manual c. semi-automatic d. automatic
_____10. IMO performance standards requires a manual acquisition type would a maximum of:
a. 12 targets b. 10 targets c. 20 targets d. 5 targets
_____11. What capability must an ARPA have to enable it to acquire targets?
a. tracking b. modulate c. swooping d. setting
_____12. The theoretical chance of determining accurate data is due to ;
a. minimal swoop b. larger modulation c. larger setting d. larger tracking gate
_____13. The larger tracking gate main problem lies in the :
a. Setting of target b. tracking c. target swoop d. target image
_____14. The solution in solving the main problem of a larger tracking gate is by:
a. rate aiding b. swoop corrector c. tracker switch d. setting verifier
_____15. The three kinds of displays of an ARPA are:
a. Stabilize, destabilize, and relative motion c. Relative motion vectors and stabilized
b. North up, head up, and true motion d. North up , south down and true motion
_____16.Switching from relative to true motion display is very important during:
a. Trial maneuver b. anchor watch c. no ships within the vicinity d. steering problem
_____17. PPC stands for:
a. Potential parameters of collision c. Potential points of collision
b. Preferential points of concern d. Probable parameters of collision
_____18. It is defined as “ the point towards which the observing ship should steer at her present
speed in order for a collision to occur:
_____19. PAD stands for:
a. Protection against danger c. Protection against damage
b. Predicted areas of damage d. Predicted areas of danger
._____20. Sperry marine developed “ PAD” due to some inability of the:
a. Radar b. ARPA c. PPC d. scanner
_____21The ARPA feature that is helpful in preventing collision would be:
a. Speed acquisition b. Swoop c. Trial maneuver d. Alarm
_____22. In the trial maneuver feature it is advisable to use the vector called:
a. True motion vector c. Compass vector
b. Relative motion vector d. Stabilized vector
_____23. The ARPA feature known as safeguards of the vessel is:
a. Swoop b. marker c. acquisition d. guard rings
____24. The type of ARPA tha incorporates the old radar type and modern one is called the:
a. Dual ARPA b. integral ARPA c. integrated ARPA d. stand alone ARPA
_____25. ARB stands for:
a. Available rejection base c. Automatic rejection boundaries
b. Area rejection boundaries d. Area retracting boundaries
A. At 0000H a contact bears 310 ° range 12.5 miles . At 0020H the same contact bears 335° range 7.5 miles .
The DRM of problem A is:
a. 103° b. 104° c. 101° d. 105°
The SRM of problem A is :
a. 22kts. b. 18kts. c. 23kts. d. 20 kts.
The CPA B of problem A is:
a. 013° b. 014° c. 015° d. 011°
The CPA T of problem A is :
a. 0033 H b. 0043H c. 0023 H d. 0035H
The range and time when the contact bearing 070°
a. 12miles/0103 H b. 12miles/ 0106H c. 12miles/ 0110H d. 12miles /0107Hwn
B. Own course is 287° true speed 10 kts. At 1400H a contact bears 260° range 8.8 miles . A t 1404H the same contact
bears 270°range 7.6 miles.
The DRM of problem B is :
a. 045° b. 025° c. 035° d. 030°
The SRM of problem B is :
a. 30 kts. b. 33 kts. c. 28kts. d. 35 kts.
The CPA B of problem B is :
a. 300 ° b. 305° c. 302° d. 301°
The Ct of problem B is :
a. 010 ° b. 015° c. 020° d. 017°
The St of problem B is:
a. 30 kts. b. 31kts. c. 28kts. d. 26 kts.
The TA at CPA of problem B is :
a. 110° R b. 115° R c. 108° R d. 106° R

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