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SUSTAINABILITY MSc Sustainable Rural

MSc Ecology Society and
Sustainable Development

TRANSFORM MPH Masters in Public Health

YOUR WORLD... BA Social Sciences

FSS Faculty of Sustainability Studies

About Faculty of Sustainability Studies

Humans are a part of natural ecosystems on the building partnerships with the government, NGOs
earth, alongwith several other species. MIT – WPU and voluntary agencies to offer this program. The
has established its Faculty of Sustainability Studies faculty’s teaching, training, and social engagement
that addresses the needs of sustainable will be focusing on social innovation and creating
management of complex natural and social values to promote sustainable and inclusive
ecosystems. development.
MIT – WPU has already pledged itself to upholding
the Sustainable Development Goals as laid down by
the United Nations. The Faculty of Sustainability
Studies is an interdisciplinary- higher education Msc
response to the global commitment of sustainable Ÿ Sustainable Rural Development
development. It envisages to promote “a world of
universal respect for human rights and human
dignity, the rule of law, justice, equality and non- Ÿ Ecology Society and Sustainable Development
discrimination”. MPH
The Faculty of Sustainability Studies has created an Ÿ Masters in Public Health
undergraduate program, five postgraduate
programs, and a Ph.D. Program. The faculty is
Duration 2 yrs
Trimesters 6
Intake 30
MIT-WPU Philosophy
Ÿ Partner with all individuals and organizations who BA
can help students realize their fullest potential. Ÿ Social Science
Duration 3 yrs
Social Innovations Trimesters 9
Ÿ Inspire students to come up with innovative Intake 30
solutions for our world family.

Ÿ Foster the spirit of scientific inquiry in students, to
push the envelope of human knowledge and

Ÿ Nurture the ability of students to apply scientific
knowledge for the well-being of the world.

MIT-WPU Methodology
Ÿ Peace Studies and Yoga
Ÿ Global Pedagogy
Ÿ Continuously Updated Education Method
Ÿ Guest Lectures
Ÿ Team Teaching
Ÿ Value Added Certification
Ÿ Nation Study Tour
Ÿ International Credit Program
Ÿ Mentor-Mentee
Ÿ Biography Studies
Ÿ Film Appreciation
Ÿ Trekking
Ÿ Rural Immersion Program
Sustainable development is defined as "Development
Ÿ Internships
that meets the needs of the present without
Ÿ Live Projects compromising the ability of future generations to
meet their own needs."
The goal of sustainable inclusive development is to
strike a balance between economic and sustainable
development. This approach was developed after the
tidal wave of globalization swept the world. Only
Nature of Work inclusive growth can address the root of global
This program will help students to look at society challenges and maintain the social order.
through the perspective of Gender, Development It focuses more on the relationship between man and
and Environment. Students will learn man, or man and nature, instead of capital growth
documentation, analysis and written and oral and accumulation.
communication skills and make connections
The programme attempts to fill the need of human
between theory and practices of social science
resources of development agencies and market
subjects. This program will also enhance student’s
agents working for and in the area inclusiveness and
motivation for working for the betterment of the
sustainable development.
MSc Sustainable Rural Development


About MSc in Sustainable Rural Development

As per census 2011, around 65% population resides in s p e c i a l i z e d i n t e r ve n t i o n o f t ra i n e d R u ra l
rural areas. The 2010 Agricultural Census data Development Practitioners with in-depth knowledge
informs us that 85% of the operational holdings are of rural society, development process and rural
with marginal and small farmers. The issue of management, and who can work in collaboration
sustainability is of prime importance as it is plaguing with government and corporate bodies.
many regions as they are becoming inhospitable due The programme will provide a blend of rural
to land degradation, diminishing & poor development and management with ethics, values,
management of natural livelihood resources like and the rights of the most vulnerable.
water, forests etc. Addressing the situation requires

Career Prospects
There has emerged a high demand for rural Development and Employment Missions, etc., have
development practitioners in recent years. The rural great demand for rural sector managers who can
sector development projects are high on the agenda play an important role in efficiently delivering key
of the central and state governments. results in time.
The flagship programmes of the central government, There is an emerging role of the private key players
lead sector development projects of the state and corporate sectors in developing our rural areas.
governments, and many bi-lateral projects are being Many of these private bodies and the corporates are
implemented in many underdeveloped and getting more and more involved in the development
backward regions of the country. Most of these process. Among others, many of them have got
projects require development project managers and engaged in building the skills, capacities of the rural
rural development planners. youths, develop rural infrastructure, farming and
The ongoing programmes like NREGS, NRHM, financial sectors.
Watershed Mission, Rural Livelihood Mission, Skill



Ÿ Understanding Indian Society Ÿ Introduction to Sustainable Ÿ Sustainable Rural Development –
Ÿ Introduction to Political Economy Development Sectoral Perspective – I
Ÿ India’s Development Experience Ÿ Social Aspects of Poverty and Ÿ Climate Change and Natural
Ÿ Understanding India’s Political
Theories of Justice Resource Management
Structures Ÿ Understanding and working with Ÿ Quantitative Research Methods
Ÿ Mini Project
Rural Communities and rural Ÿ Sustainable Agriculture and Rural
development livelihood - Food Security and
Ÿ Peace Course
Ÿ Indian Constitution and Right to Food
Decentralized Rural Development Ÿ Field Work –Research proposal
Ÿ Qualitative Research Methods and proposal presentation
Ÿ Field Work – Introduction to Ÿ Peace Course
Rural Society


Rural Development Policies, Ÿ Rural Development Policy Ÿ Planning for sustainable Rural
Programmes and Institutions Analysis Development in a local context-
Gender and Rural Development Ÿ Financial Inclusion and Micro- (MNREGA, Eco-development
Project Planning, Management and Finance plans, Tribal Sub Plan, Hill Area
Evaluation Ÿ Data management and analysis - plans, Forest development Plans)
SPSS, GIS and Remote Sensing, Ÿ Technology and Sustainable Rural
Farm, Non-farm Linkages and
Livelihood issues EIA and SIA Development
Ÿ Rural Development & CSR Ÿ Dissertation and Viva
NRM, Watershed Management and
Sustainable Livelihoods Ÿ Peace Course Ÿ Internship (at the end of 6th
Dissertation – Review of Literature Ÿ Field Work trimester) MSc

About MSc in Ecology, Society and Sustainable Development

Conservation and protection of the environment c h a l l e n g e s o f e co l o g i c a l co n s e r va t i o n ,
assume critical importance in current times. sustainability and development confronting the
Irreversible degradation of natural resources world today and India in particular.
coupled with the unpredictable implications of Ÿ Imparting interdisciplinary knowledge for
climate change has compelled society to look into understanding natural resource management
these issues with urgency. practices and sustainable utilization of
This program aims to equip students with an biodiversity
understanding of the intertwined challenges of Ÿ Discussing the influence of environmental,
environmental protection, sustainability and economic and social policies, laws and
development confronting the world today. Students institutions of governance on sustainability.
will also gain an understanding of the role of law and Ÿ Linking with national and global goals of
institutions of governance at multiple levels. The sustainable development and understanding
program provides an opportunity for theoretical their international dimensions
and practical engagement with issues related to
ecology sustainability in a critical framework based Ÿ Developing critical thinking, analytical skills, and
on values of equity and social justice. The program technical knowledge necessary for planning and
aims at: i m p l e m e n t i n g s u st a i n a b l e d eve l o p m e n t
Ÿ Familiarizing the students with intertwined

Career Prospects
Ÿ The increasing degradation of natural resources for prospective students of this Program to
and destruction of unique ecosystems demands launch their professional careers. Pursuing
interventions at multiple levels- at the individual, higher (doctoral) studies in this field is also a
collective and community level, as well as at the promising option.
level of local, national and international
Ÿ There is a great need for young professionals
who can work with multi-disciplinary teams to
engage in policy, planning, implementation and
monitoring levels.
Ÿ The demand for such young professionals is
evident in non-governmental organizations,
government and quasi-government agencies,
international agencies, consultancy firms,
philanthropic foundations and corporations.
Ÿ All of the above have created a reliable platform


Ÿ Understanding Indian Society Ÿ Understanding Eco-systems Ÿ Environmental Policy and Law
Ÿ Introduction to Political Ÿ Introduction to Socio-Ecological Ÿ Climate Change & Natural resource
Economy Perspectives Management
Ÿ India’s Development Experience Ÿ Introduction to Policy, Ÿ GIS and Remote Sensing
Ÿ Understanding India's Political Institutions and Governance Ÿ Quantitative Research Methods-II
Structures Ÿ Qualitative Research Methods- I Ÿ Field Work
Ÿ Peace Course Ÿ Field Work (3 weeks) Ÿ Self-Study
Ÿ Mini Project Ÿ Foundations and Critical Ÿ Peace Course
Perspectives on Environment
and Development
Ÿ Economics and the Environment


Ÿ Landscape Ecology: Concepts Ÿ Industrial Development and Ÿ Localizing Sustainable
and Perspectives Sustainability Development Goals
Ÿ Ecosystems & Livelihoods Ÿ Environmental and Social Ÿ Community Organization and
Resilience Monitoring, Management & Social Action
Ÿ Landscape Ethno-ecology : Compliance Ÿ Dissertation Project
Management & Conservation Ÿ Dissertation Project
Ÿ Environmentalism in India Ÿ Peace Course
Ÿ Project Management and
Participatory Planning MPH

About Masters in Public Health Program

Public Health studies play a significant role in campaigns and through influencing government
protecting the health and well being of the human policies. Today, Public Health is important because
population. The fundamental quality of Public Health you are continually striving to close the health
is its preventative nature. Prevention is far more inequality gap between people and encourage equal
effective and far less expensive than cure. Public opportunities for marginalised and vulnerable
health address the complexity of the health of the populations, children, all ethnicities and genders and
whole population, rather than focusing on health at an ensuring that no one is disadvantaged, and left behind
individual level and it ensures everyone is aware of regardless of their socioeconomic background.
health hazards through educational programmes,

Nature of Work for MPH Post Graduates

The MPH course reflects the need to create a the consequences of health inequity, promoting
competent and productive public health workforce, equitable health financing, SDG related health
contributing significantly towards the delivery of challenges, ensuring access to Universal Health Care,
essential public health services. They will be able to the nutritional and environmental implications of
face the public health challenges effectively, including health

Career Opportunities

Increasingly, positions in the National Health Mission, graduates in industries such as pharmaceuticals,
such as state program managers, district program insurance and information technology are also
managers and block program managers, are drawn increasing. MPH graduates with strong quantitative
from candidates with a public health qualification like abilities are suited to work in health-related “big data”
MPH. Opportunities are emerging for MPH graduates initiatives. More MPH graduates with Public Health
in the private sector as well, which has witnessed a program management and policy analysis and skills
growth in public health activities through corporate are needed within the development sector, which is
social responsibility program. Opportunities for MPH increasingly involved in the public health arena.

Our Emphasis
The Students of public health program can opt for population issues, including population size,
several areas as their area of focus composition, distribution, and change.
Food Safety – Focuses on identification and reducing Ageing and Intergenerational health – Focuses on
the foodborne risk illness by surveillance, monitoring ageing-related challenges, promoting active and
occurrences of bacterial pathogens, zoonotic healthy ageing, longevity, disability prevention, and
infection and response to public complaints. the relationship between environmental health and
Nutrition - SDG 2 deals with zero hunger. Proper ageing. Among older adults, intergenerational
nutrition is an essential part of health and well being. support can help to improve wellbeing
Combined with physical activity, diet can help the Biostatistics - Study theories and and methods of
people to maintain a healthy weight, reduce the risk collecting, analysing, and interpreting quantitative
of chronic non-communicable diseases (like diabetes, data relevant to public health issues.
heart disease and cancer), and promote overall health. Chronic Disease – Focuses on the aetiology and
However, a combination of economic expansion, a prevention of chronic disease, while addressing
large number of people living in poverty in India has interventions such as policy change, education, and
led to the co-emergence of two types of malnutrition: various services to reduce chronic disease morbidity
undernutrition and overnutrition. In India, 44% of and mortality at the level of community and individual
children under the age of 5 are underweight. 72% of behaviour.
infants and 52% of married women have anaemia A non-communicable disease (NCD) is a disease that
Demographic transition and Health: Population is not transmissible directly from one person to
science Study about the changes in the demographic a n o t h e r. N C D s i n c l u d e Pa r k i n s o n ' s d i s e a s e,
structure. Demographic transition presents with autoimmune diseases, strokes, heart diseases,
improvements in health, reduction in mortality rates c a n ce r s , d i a b e te s , c h ro n i c k i d n ey d i s e a s e ,
faster than fertility rates. However, health care needs osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, Alzheimer's disease,
also change accordingly. cataracts, and others. The demographic transition
Population Sciences – Study of the science of impacts the NCD burden, with significant Public
demography and health implications of major Health Implications.
Curriculum Master in Public Health


Ÿ Principles and practice Ÿ Health Management Ÿ Reproductive, Maternal,
of Public Health Principles and practices Neonatal, Child Health and
Ÿ Introduction to SDGs Ÿ Basic Epidemiology Adolescent Health
and Health Ÿ Basic Biostatistics (RMNCH+A) also to
Ÿ Introduction to health Ÿ Demographic Transition, include Family Planning
policymaking in population sciences and Ÿ Introduction to health
developing countries its implications for Public program evaluation
Ÿ Introduction to Social Health Ÿ Principles of social
Determinants of Health Ÿ Introduction to health research methods
and Health in all policies economics Ÿ Environmental crisis and
Ÿ Peace Course Ÿ Health promotions health
Ÿ Mini Project/ Write an approaches and Ÿ Field Project (4 weeks)
essay on “Nutrition: A methods and evaluation Related to a selected
Public Health Challenges Ÿ Introduction to financial Public Health Challenge
in India”- followed by management and Ÿ Law and ethics in public
Individual Classroom budgeting in Health health
presentation Ÿ Peace Course


Ÿ Communicable and non- Ÿ Advanced Health Ÿ Information, Education
communicable Burden of Informatics and Communication
Diseases Ÿ Critical public health Strategies for Health
Ÿ Health Security, Global Information systems Promotion
Health and Health Ÿ Advanced Health Ÿ Introduction to Global
Diplomacy Promotion, theory and Health and Global health
Ÿ Public Health Nutrition methods Institutions
Ÿ Advanced Epidemiology Ÿ Interventions to Reduce Ÿ Internship and Research
Ÿ Advanced Operational Risk Factors of Non- Project (On a significant
research Communicable Diseases public health challenge)
Ÿ Effective advocacy and and Communicable Ÿ Report of the Internship
communication in Public Diseases and Dissertation (With
Health Ÿ Health in Disaster Nutrition Focused)
Ÿ Gender, Equity, Rights Management
and health (As Ÿ Food Safety, Food Security,
significant determinants Food Policies and Nutrition
of health) Ÿ Advanced Survey design
Ÿ Peace Course and methods BA Social Sciences

About BA Social Sciences Program

Social science is the study of human societies and a environment, development and gender are taught to
Bachelors in Social Science program is an form a bridge between undergraduate and post-
interdisciplinary program which aims to provide graduate courses. The program develops critical
holistic understanding to a student interested in thinking and analytical abilities to understand
pursuing studies in the discipline. It builds a changes in society and provides knowledge of
foundation in core social science subjects – policies and laws that influence the society. It also
Sociology, History, Economics, Psychology and inculcates social values to work towards a sustainable
Political sciences, and introduces basic sciences such and just society and builds student’s capacity to
as Life Science, Mathematical, Chemical and Physical communicate effectively and lead in various
sciences which play a major role in societal disciplines.
development. Interdisciplinary subjects like

Career Opportunities
BA in Social Sciences graduates can go for higher Service Commission (UPSC). The course syllabus is
studies in disciplinary as well as interdisciplinary helpful in student’s preparation for such examination.
MA/ MSc Programmes. They can undertake
assignments in NGOs, government and corporate Armed/Para-Military Forces
agencies to practice the skills learned during the
program. Entry to armed services through Combined Defence
Services (CDS) and Central Para Military Forces
Corporate Field
The area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), is Unique Features
opening up as a promising sector. The nature of job
profile ranges from creating proposals for Ÿ exposing students to the transdisciplinary social
entrepreneurial ventures where the CSR funds can sciences perspective
be employed. Ÿ enhancing scientific thinking and logical
Ÿ Subject basket with optional subjects
Civil Services Ÿ strong mentor-mentee engagement
A career in civil services is a dream career for youths, Ÿ student-centered learning
the examination is conducted by Union Public Ÿ industry driven program

Faculty of Sustainability Studies

Dr. S. Parasuraman Dr. Dnyanesh Limaye Dr. Joe Thomas Dr Vilas Balgaonkar Dr Prasad Kulkarni
Principle Advisor Professor & Dean, FSS Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Dr Pankaj Koparde Prof M. V. Ashok Kiran Johnson Neelam Pandit Nupur Kulkarni
Assistant Professor Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Program Manager


Ÿ Sociological and Ÿ Politics and Governance Ÿ Theories of Economic
Anthropological in India Development
Concepts Ÿ Conceptual Groundings Ÿ Political Sciences and its
Ÿ History: Nature and in Economics Concerns
Purpose Ÿ Insights from Indian Ÿ Experiential Learning/
Ÿ Mathematics- Basic/ History Internship
Advanced Ÿ An introductory course World Peace Programme
Ÿ English Communication in life Sciences Ÿ Business Communication
Ÿ World Peace Programme Ÿ Yoga-For Winning


Ÿ Environment Ÿ Human Behaviour: Ÿ Classical Political
Ÿ Development Biopsychosocial Economy
Ÿ The State and the People Perspectives Ÿ Social Psychology
Ÿ Literature I Ÿ International Relations and Ÿ Introductory Course in
Indian Foreign Policy Physical and Chemical
Ÿ Mathematics Basic/ Sciences
Advanced Ÿ Theories of Social
Ÿ Literature II Anthropology and
Ÿ World Peace Programme Sociology


Ÿ Indian Society Ÿ Taught Course (Research Ÿ Basic Statistics
Ÿ Understanding Mental Methods skills) Ÿ Introduction to
Health Ÿ Guided Field Study & Report Qualitative Research
Ÿ Gender: Writing Ÿ Media &
Interdisciplinary Ÿ World Peace Programme Communication Skills
Perspectives Ÿ Open elective
Ÿ World Peace Ÿ Elective
Programme Course contents are subjected to change

Student testimonials

Journey in BA Social Sciences has been really great till now. The subjects are really
interesting and the faculty is supportive too. This course has a wide range of learning
which could help you to achieve great heights!
Arjun Argarey
[current BASS student- 2020-23 batch]
It’s my honour to be part of BASS program with knowledge flowing in from each
directions through different means
Biswadeep Ramchiary
[current BASS student- 2020-23 batch]

BA Social Sciences has been one of the most amazing experiences so far. Though the
semesters until now have been online and challenging (due to Covid-19), but making the
best of it, I have learned a lot and the teachers have helped us get through most of it.
Shalini Randhir Singh
[current BASS student- 2020- 23 batch] A unique initiative by MIT World Peace University

ready to serve those industry needs. CIAP as a

Centre for
catalyst plays an important role in creating more and
Industry-Academia Partnerships
more opportunities and make student equip with the
The objective of this initiative is to build a strong skills that are needed to be served.
collaboration between university and industry The key functions like Industry Partnerships, Career
partners. CIAP believes that the collaboration between Services, Internships and Alumni Engagement are
industry and academia is fundamental in catalysing forefront in serving the ongoing needs of our
the innovation and growth in technology. While students and alumni. These functions not only
industry partners quite often focus on providing engage the students in improving their skills through
solutions that have greater impact on businesses, the structured assessments, training and grooming
educational institutions focus on building new activities, they also help students gain the strength
knowledge through research and imparting education to get best of the job opportunities by collaborating
to students which make them world class employers.

Eligibility & Selection Process

Sustainable Rural Development
Ecology Society and Sustainable Developement
Ÿ Candidates having a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline with a minimum 50% marks (45%
for reserved category candidates) of 3 years’ duration or its equivalent are eligible to apply.
Ÿ Preference for those having work experience in the social sector.
Masters in Public Health
Ÿ Both sciences, as well as non-science Bachelor's degree graduates – with a
minimum three years duration- with minimum 50% marks (45% for reserved category
candidates) , are eligible for admission to the MPH program.
Ÿ Any Graduates including Medicine, AYUSH, Dentistry, Veterinary Sciences, Allied
and Health Sciences, Life Sciences, Statistics, Biostatistics, Demography,
Population Studies, Nutrition, Sociology, Psychology, Anthropology, political
science and Social Work are eligible for admission. Work experience in a health-
related field is desirable.
Ÿ Non-Medical graduates are welcome.

BA Social Sciences
Ÿ HSC from any stream with minimum 50% marks (45% for reserved category candidates) .

Selection Criteria : Personal Interview (PI). (50 Marks)


MSc Masters in Public Health

Ÿ Sustainable Rural Development Ÿ Rs. 1,50,000/- per annum
Ÿ Ecology Society and Sustainable Ÿ Intake: 30
Developement BA Social Sciences
Ÿ Rs. 1,50,000/- per annum Ÿ Rs. 1,00,000/- per annum
Ÿ Intake: 30 Each Ÿ Intake: 30

Merit scholarships are proposed to reward and Ÿ Scholarship to Rank Holders AY 2021-22
motivate the meritorious students with financial Ÿ Scholarships to Elite Sportsperson AY 2021-22
assistance based on their academic performance, Ÿ Scholarship Awarded to Wards of MIT-WPU/
the performance in proposed National Level tests MAEER’s Staff Members
and based on MIT – WPU internal tests (UGPET &
PGPET) for the A.Y.2021-22. Ÿ Other Scholarships
The categories of Merit Scholarships are detailed below. Ÿ Wards of Personnel working in / retired from
Defence/ Paramilitary Services
Ÿ Dr. Vishwanath Karad Merit Scholarship AY
2021-22 Ÿ Students taken Admission under Jammu &
Kashmir Quota
Ÿ MIT-WPU Merit Scholarship AY 2021-22
Ÿ Candidates with a disability of 40% and more.

Ÿ Note:
• Student should meet any one of the entrance exam score criteria to be eligible for
• MIT-WPU reserves the right to modify the fee structure.
• MIT-WPU reserves the right to modify scholarship policy without any notice.

Please refer to the website for more details

The MIT-WPU Academic framework focusses on working of noted Industry, Organisations,

delivering Academic and Practical Knowledge to Government bodies and Universities relevant to
match Global Industry Requirements through their field of specialisation. The students attain
highly engaged International Study Credits. This specified course and receive Joint certificates
involves 2-4 weeks of planned International tour*, from affiliate Institutions of repute at the end of
whereby Students study and experience actual this program.
*Condition applied.

Corporate Relations & Placements

` 37.26
lakhs p.a
` 6.5
lakhs p.a
180 +
Average number
Highest Salary Average Salary of companies visited

Candidates having a Bachelor's degree in any discipline (with a minimum of 3 years duration) or its
equivalent are eligible to apply.
Candidates with experience of working with the social and environmental sector, corporate
organizations, civil society institutions, in livelihood programmes, conservation programmes, on
policy advocacy, project planning and monitoring will be given due weightage.

Selection process
Candidates with a minimum of 40% aggregate mark at the graduate level
Selection will be based upon online application and Statement of Purpose regarding the candidate's
interest in joining the course.

Mode of Selection
Selection based on percentage at the graduate level
Online application forms are available on the MIT WPU Website
Applications Open: 24 April 2021
Last date of application and submission of Statement of Purpose: 30 June 2021

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