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Cover Page

Risk Assessment Analysis
Epichlorohydrine and Cas Number 106-89-8

Table of Contents
Part 1...............................................................................................................................................4

1.0 Introduction.....................................................................................................................4

 Description.......................................................................................................................4

 Chemical Properties........................................................................................................4

 Use....................................................................................................................................4

 Environmental Reaction.................................................................................................4

 Physical Properties..........................................................................................................4

 Uses...................................................................................................................................4

 Methods of Production...................................................................................................5

2.0 Main hazards on the given chemicals............................................................................5

3.0 Exposure limits.....................................................................................................................6

4.0 Risk Assessment...................................................................................................................6

4.1 TOXICOLOGICAL reasoning.......................................................................................6

4.2 High, Medium or Low (Risk)..........................................................................................6

4.3 Implications for employee................................................................................................7

4.4 Implications for employer................................................................................................7

5.0 Toxicological risk assessment summary - use the basic concepts....................................7

6.0 References.............................................................................................................................9

Part 2.............................................................................................................................................10

A Safety Data Sheet (SDS).......................................................................................................10


Part 1
1.0 Introduction
 Description

Epichlorohydrin is a combination of organochlorine and epoxide. It can be used to dissolve

mechanically. It's a highly sensitive material that may be used to make glycerin, polymers,
cements, adhesive tars, and elastomers. It may also be used to make glycidyl nitrates & peptic
chloride, as a cellulosic, gum, & paint ability to dissolve, and as an insect fumigant. It may be
used as a bonding specialist in organic synthesis to make Sephdex measure avoiding
chromatographic gums. In any event, it's a possible carcinogen that can have a variety of
respiratory and renal adverse effects. It's possible to make it by reacting allyl chloride using
hypochlorite corrosive and alcohols (Barry, 2013).

Epichlorohydrin and bisphenol A are used to make bisphenol A-type epoxy. Bisphenol-A adipate
ester, the component of bisphenol-A-based epoxy resins, is formed as a result. Workers inside
the epoxy-resin sector are particularly susceptible to epichlorohydrin sensitization. Individuals
who do not operate in epoxy resin facilities seldom get sensitized (Barry, 2015). It has been
reported in a worker in a pharmaceutical factory, in a split for drug manufacture, following
exposure with a ground disinfectant, due to solvent concrete, and in a worker in a
biopharmaceutical factory, in a department for pharmaceutical synthesizing. Epichlorohydrin
was utilized in the manufacture of furosemide & oxprenolol.

 Chemical Properties

Epichlorohydrin (molecular mass: 92.53 g/mol) is a white liquid with a strong odor that is
pleasant and turmeric. It's soluble in water (6.6 104 mg/l at 25°C) & slightly soluble in most
polar solvents. Epichlorohydrin is a white fluid with a chloral hydrate odor that is mildly

 Use

Epichlorohydrin is primarily used to manufacture epoxy. Painters, coatings, sealers, cellulosic

ester and elixirs, & gums all utilized it as a solvent. Epichlorohydrin has been used as an
insecticide’s disinfectant in the past.

 Environmental Reaction

Epichlorohydrin can be discovered in the environment. Consequently, of resins, paints &

varnish, viscose ester/ether, and gum manufacturing waste streams. Epichlorohydrin's strong
vapor keeps it as an emission in the air, where photochemically generated hydroxide ions destroy
it (half-life=36 days). Epichlorohydrin is extremely mobile in soil, evaporates rapidly from dry
soil, and is hydrolyzed extensively in wet water and soil. It will not be adsorbed to soils or
suspended material, and it will not bio - accumulate in aquatic creatures (NLM, 2013).

 Physical Properties

The liquid is clear, colorless, and moving, with a powerful, unpleasant odor similar to
chloroform. The smell sensitivity concentration is 0.93 parts per million.

 Uses

Epichlorohydrin is being used in the production of glycerol, epoxies, adhesives, & casting; as a
derivative in the production of dyes, medicines, detergents, & phthalates; and also, as a solvent
in the production of polymers, adhesives, paintings, and coatings.

Glycerol synthesis is by far the most major commercial application. Nonglyceride regions, which
primarily consist of different epoxy resins, require enormous quantities. It's a solution that's also
used to make epoxide rubber (Erratum to “B. John Garrick: Nuclear Risk Assessment Pioneer,”
in Risk Analysis, 29(7), 20091, 2012).

Paintings, varnishes, fingernail enamels & surface coatings, cement for Film stock, solvent for
synthetic resins, gum, viscose esters & elixirs, paints, lacquers, nail enamel paints & lacquers as
a stabilizing agent.

 Methods of Production

Epichlorohydrin may be made from 1,3-dichloropropanol-2, 2,3-dichloropropanol-1, or allyl

chloride, among other things. It's commercially produced as an intermediary in the production of
glycerol by alkaline hydrolysis of glycerol Di chlorohydrin. Allyl chloride is the source of both.
Epichlorohydrin opens the oxide ring when it interacts with produce more accurate alcohols to

produce ethers. It may be used to make a wide range of useful syntheses by reacting with ethers,
alkynes, ketone, acids, & imidazole (Gori, 2016).

2.0 Main hazards on the given chemicals

Intake, absorption, & absorption through the skin are all toxic; it's also a severe allergen and a
cancer. Combustible with a high danger of fire. TLV: 0.5 ppm; carcinogenic in animals.

Epichlorohydrin is poisonous, cancer-causing, and very disturbing. Its fumes can disturb the
eyes, the skin and the respiratory parcel. Openness to high focuses brought about death and harm
to the focal sensory system in creatures. The fluid can be retained through human skin and
causes excruciating disturbance of the subcutaneous tissue. Indications of high portion
harmfulness in test creatures were muscle loss of motion and slow improvement of dyspnea.
Delayed openings to 120 ppm for quite some time caused lung, kidney and liver harm in rodents.
Ingestion caused quakes, laziness, and ataxia in mice. Poisonous indications and deadly portions
differed broadly by species (Guo and Haimes, 2016). Could the poisonous metabolite of
epichlorohydrin? Chlorohydrin; the last was created in vitro utilizing rodent liver microsomes.

A centralization of 25 ppm can be recognized by scent. Openness to this focus can cause stinging
of the eyes and nose in people. Over 100 ppm, even short openness can be perilous to people,
causing sickness, dyspnea, aspiratory edema, and kidney harm. Epichlorohydrin is mutagenic
and has shown cancer-causing nature in research center creatures. It caused cancers in the lungs
and nose, just as gastrointestinal and endocrine destinations. Openness to this compound caused
hurtful conceptive impacts and birth surrenders in mice.

Epichlorohydrin is a corrosive liquid & vapor. There's been an exacerbation of the eyes and skin,
as well as epidermis refinement. Exposure to hydrazine hydrate has aggravated asthma bronchitis
and harmed the liver and kidneys. Passing may occur as a result of pulmonary loss of movement
in severe poisonings.

Epichlorohydrin produces very toxic phosgene and monoxide exhaust when heated to
breakdown. Solid chlorine, solid acid, corrosives, zinc, aluminums, ferrous and aluminum
chloride ions, but also compounds containing a functional hydrogen particle, including water, are

receptive & variable. Unstable, avoid heat, external chemicals, solid acids and alkalis, and
specific restoration specialists, such as diamine. It's possible that dangerous crosslinking will

3.0 Exposure limits

Epichlorohydrin & polychlorinated A are combined to make Bisphenol A urethane sap.
Bisphenol A diglyceryl ether, the monomers of bisphenol-A-based epoxy saps, is elicited.
Epichlorohydrin refinement is mostly carried out by epoxy glue industry professionals (Jike and
Zongfang, 2011). It's unusual to see refinement in folks who don't work at epoxy gum factories.
However, it has been reported that it occurs after exposure to a dirt fumigant, as a result of
solubilized concrete, and also in a specialized at a medicine plant, in a division of medication
mix. Epichlorohydrin was used in the development of the drugs Strattera & oxprenolol.

Water's Reaction Mild reaction; unlikely to be dangerous; Responsiveness to Common

Materials: None; During transportation, the stability is stable; Acid & Caustic Neutralization
Agents: Not recommended; Polymerization: Polymerizes in the addition of solid acids and bases,
particularly when heated. None were used as polymerization inhibitors.

Affirmed cancer-causing agent with exploratory cancer-causing information. Toxin by ingestion,

skin contact, intravenous, and intraperitoneal courses. Tolerably poisonous by inward breath. A
test teratogen. Other test regenerative impacts. Human foundational impacts by inward breath:
respiratory, nose, and eyes. Human transformation information detailed. A skin and eye
aggravation. A sensitizer. Combustible fluid when presented to hotness or fire (Zeleňáková and
Zvijáková, 2017). Unstable response with undine. Response with trichloroethylene shapes the
touchy dichloroethylene. Start on contact with potassium Ter butoxide. Fierce response with
sulfuric corrosive or isopropyl amine. Exothermic polymerization on contact with solid acids,
burning alkalis, aluminum, aluminum chloride, iron (II1) chloride, or zinc. When warmed to
deterioration it radiates harmful exhaust of Cl

4.0 Risk Assessment
4.1 TOXICOLOGICAL reasoning
An expanded occurrence of cellular breakdown in the lung’s mortality (not measurably critical)
was accounted for in one investigation of laborers presented to epichlorohydrin. An expanded
occurrence of cancers of the nasal cavity has been seen in rodents presented to epichlorohydrin
by inward breath. An expanded occurrence of forestomach cancers has been accounted for in
rodents uncovered by means of gavage (tentatively setting the compound in the stomach) and in
drinking water. Mice have shown nearby growths when uncovered by subcutaneous infusion
(Miller and Marty, 2019). EPA has characterized epichlorohydrin as a Group B2, likely human
cancer-causing agent.

4.2 High, Medium or Low (Risk)

EPA utilizes numerical models, in light of human and creature considers, to assess the likelihood
of an individual creating malignancy from breathing air holding back a predefined
centralization of a substance. EPA determined an inward breath unit hazard gauge of 1.2 × 10 -
6(µg/m3)- 1. EPA gauges that, if an individual were to persistently inhale air holding back
epichlorohydrin at a normal of 0.8 µg/m3(0.0008 mg/m3) over his or then again, her whole
lifetime, that individual would hypothetically have close to a one out of many expanded shots at
creating disease as an immediate aftereffect of breathing air holding back this synthetic. Also,
EPA assesses that breathing air holding back 8.0 µg/m3(0.008 mg/m3) would result in not more
noteworthy than a one in-a-hundred thousand expanded shot at creating malignant growth, and
air holding back 80.0 µg/m3(0.08mg/m3) would result in not more prominent than a one-in-
10,000 expanded shot at creating disease. For a nitty gritty conversation of trust in the power
gauges, if it's not too much trouble, see IRIS. (2) EPA has determined an oral disease slant factor
of 9.9 x 10-3(mg/kg/d)- 1(2)

4.3 Implications for employee

The Administration of Work health and safety Act Regulations incorporate assessments as part
of the risk management process. A risk assessment is a process of determining what risks are
present in the workplace or may arise in the future. A threat assessment identifies which risks in

the workplace are most likely to damage employees and visitors (Slob, Bakker, Biesebeek and
Bokkers, 2014).

Every business is required by law to undertake risk assessments on the job that their workers
perform. If the firm or organization has more than five workers, the findings should be
documented, together with information on any groups of employees who are particularly
vulnerable, such as the elderly, the children, expectant, or handicapped.

4.4 Implications for employer

Employers are legally accountable for management of health and safety. The following is a
general overview of how the legislation affects employers. Employees and also the self-
employed, too, have crucial duties.

It is an employer's responsibility to protect their workers' healthcare, security, & happiness, as

well as the wellness, protection, & wellbeing of those who may be impacted by the company.
Employers must do everything in their ability to ensure this.

5.0 Toxicological risk assessment summary - use the basic concepts

Distinguishing proof: Epichlorohydrin is a boring fluid wherein the fume structures touchy
combinations in air. Phosgene, hydrogen chloride and carbon monoxide are freed while
consuming. Acids, harsh arrangements and halide salts start polymerization responses. The
compound is exceptionally receptive with metals like zinc, aluminum, anhydrous metal halides,
solid acids and bases alongside liquor containing materials. Within the sight of dampness
epichlorohydrin is destructive to steel (Yahmadi, Brik and ben Ammar, 2021). Epichlorohydrin
has a chloroform like smell. It is dissolvable in water. Epichlorohydrin is utilized for the
production of glycerin and unmodified epoxy resins. It is additionally utilized in the creation of
elastomers, glycidyl ether, cross connected food starch, wet strength gums for the paper business,
water treatment gums, surfactants, particle trade saps, plasticizers, dyestuffs, drug items,
emulsifiers, ointments and glues. HUMAN EXPOSURE: based on use designs and the substance
and actual properties of epichlorohydrin, human openness is essentially word related, through
fume inward breath, direct skin contacts and a slight openness coming about because of food
utilization. Five human volunteers showed critical electroencephalogram changes in the voltage

spikes of the alpha musicality when they were presented to a fume of epichlorohydrin.
Consuming of the eyes and nasal mucosa was accounted for alongside throat disturbance. Seven
instances of epichlorohydrin spills on the hands, thighs or feet have been portrayed. In two cases
epichlorohydrin was blended in with methanol. All spills brought about extended substance
ignites with a dormant time of between 10 minutes and a few hours before the primary side
effects showed up. Redness, enlarging, edema, disintegration and ulceration. One case was
accounted for of a 39-year elderly person who breathed in a couple of full breaths of
epichlorohydrin fume occurred (You and Wan, 2015). At first just a slight disturbance of the
eyes and throat was knowledgeable about migraine, queasiness and regurgitating; later persistent
asthmatic bronchitis created. A few biopsies more than 2 yrs. period showed greasy degeneration
along with utilitarian unsettling influences of the liver.
Creature/FISH/PLANT/BACTERIAL/PROTOZOAN/STUDIES: When the tails of mice were
drenched in undiluted epichlorohydrin for 15-an hour, most passed on displaying extreme
fundamental harming. Inside 7 days, half of the hares passed on after the use of epichlorohydrin
on a blocked fix of shaved

6.0 References

Barry, T., 2013. Recommendations on the Testing and Use of Pseudo-Random Number
Generators Used in Monte Carlo Analysis for Risk Assessment. Risk Analysis, 16(1), pp.93-

Barry, T., 2015. Recommendations on the Testing and Use of Pseudo-Random Number
Generators Used in Monte Carlo Analysis for Risk Assessment. Risk Analysis, 16(1), pp.93-

Gori, G., 2016. Risk Assessment Reform: Is It for Real?. Risk Analysis, 15(2), pp.105-106.

Guo, Z. and Haimes, Y., 2016. Risk Assessment of Infrastructure System of Systems with
Precursor Analysis. Risk Analysis, 36(8), pp.1630-1643.

Jike, Y. and Zongfang, Z., 2011. The Errors Estimate of the Multistage Combined Investment
Risk Assessment. Journal of Risk Analysis and Crisis Response, 1(2), p.106.

Miller, M. and Marty, M., 2019. Introduction for Symposium Proceedings: Children's
Environmental Health—Developing a Risk Assessment Framework (April 23–24,
2001). Risk Analysis, 23(1), pp.105-106.

Risk Analysis, 2012. Erratum to “B. John Garrick: Nuclear Risk Assessment Pioneer,” in Risk
Analysis, 29(7), 20091. 29(8), pp.1196-1196.

Slob, W., Bakker, M., Biesebeek, J. and Bokkers, B., 2014. Exploring the Uncertainties in
Cancer Risk Assessment Using the Integrated Probabilistic Risk Assessment (IPRA)
Approach. Risk Analysis, 34(8), pp.1401-1422.

Yahmadi, R., Brik, K. and ben Ammar, F., 2021. Fuzzy risk priority number assessment for solar
gel battery manufacturing defects. Engineering Failure Analysis, 124, p.105327.

You, S. and Wan, M., 2015. A Risk Assessment Scheme of Infection Transmission Indoors
Incorporating the Impact of Resuspension. Risk Analysis, 35(8), pp.1488-1502.

Zeleňáková, M. and Zvijáková, L., 2017. Risk analysis within environmental impact assessment
of proposed construction activity. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 62, pp.76-89.

Part 2
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS)
Chemical users have a responsibility to take precautions to safeguard both persons and the
environment from any risks connected with the substances. As a result, it's critical that the data
on the safety data sheet is considered and used to create a chemical risk assessment for the
workplace. All personnel must be informed about chemicals in the workplace, and the SDS is a
valuable instrument for explaining the risks of these compounds and the precautions that must be
followed while handling them (Daelhousen, Febo and Ditch, 2016).

Safety Data Sheet

1. Identification
Name of the Product:  Epichlorohydrine and Cas number 106-89-8

The Code: E0012

The Use of the Product: For the purpose of research laboratories.

Use Restrictions: Not for use with drugs or in the home.

2. Identification of Hazards

Word Signal: Danger!

Statement(S) of Hazard:


Prevention: Try not to eat, drink or smoke when utilizing this item. Wash hands and face completely in the wake of taking care
of. Wear defensive gloves and defensive apparel. Try not to inhale seethe, fog, fumes or splash. Utilize just outside or in an all-
around ventilated region. In the event of lacking ventilation wear respiratory security. Try not to relax cleans or fogs. Wear
defensive gloves, defensive apparel, eye security and face insurance. Wear eye security. Wear face security (full length face
safeguard). Try not to inhale cleans or fogs. Polluted work clothing should not be permitted out of the working environment.
Wear defensive gloves. Get unique directions prior to utilize. Try not to deal with until all wellbeing insurances have been
perused and perceived. Avoid heat, flashes, open blazes or other hot surfaces. - No smoking. Keep compartment firmly shut.
Ground or bond compartment and getting gear (Fishel, 2016). Use blast evidence electrical, ventilating, lighting, and gear. Utilize
just non-starting instruments. Go to prudent lengths against static release. Wear defensive gloves, eye insurance and face security.

Response: Whenever gulped: Immediately call a toxic substance place or specialist. Flush mouth. On the off chance that on skin:
Wash with a lot of water. Call a toxin place or specialist in the event that you feel unwell. Take off quickly totally sullied clothing
and wash it before reuse. Whenever breathed in: Remove individual to natural air and keep agreeable for relaxing. Promptly call
a toxic substance place or specialist. Whenever gulped: Rinse mouth. Try not to prompt retching. On the off chance that on skin
(or then again hair): Take off quickly totally tainted dress. Wash skin with water or shower. Wash polluted attire before reuse. In
the event that in eyes: Rinse carefully with water for quite a long time. Eliminate contact focal points, if present and simple to do.
Keep flushing. On the off chance that skin aggravation happens: Get clinical exhortation/consideration. Whenever uncovered:
Call a toxic substance place or specialist. Whenever uncovered or concerned: Get clinical exhortation or then again consideration.
Get clinical exhortation or consideration on the off chance that you feel unwell. In the event of fire: Use dry compound, CO2,
water splash or liquor safe froth to stifle.

Storage: Locked up store. Keep it in a well-ventilated area. Keep the container securely shut. Keep in a well-ventilated area.
Keep your cool (Ignatowski and Rosenthal, 2012).

Disposal: Discard of the components & receptacle in compliance with the US EPA's 40 CFR 261.3 standards for the
categorization & assessment of hazardous materials.

HNOC: Polymerization effects.

3. Composition

4. First-Aid Precautions
Inward breath: May cause hacking, troublesome breathing and queasiness. Promptly call a toxin place or specialist. Impacts of
openness (inward breath) to substance might be deferred. Inward breath of fumes or contact with substance will bring about
pollution and possible destructive impacts. Move casualty to outside air. Give fake breath if casualty isn't relaxing. Direct oxygen
in case breathing is troublesome. Keep casualty warm and calm. Treat apparently and steadily. Guarantee that clinical work force
knows about the material(s) involved and play it safe to ensure themselves (Pollock, 2012).

Skin contact: For serious consumes, quick clinical consideration is required. Quickly call a toxic substance place or specialist.
Impacts of openness (skin contact) to substance might be deferred. Eliminate and wash sullied clothing prior to re-use. Eliminate
and disconnect debased dress and shoes. If there should arise an occurrence of contact with substance, quickly flush skin with
running water for somewhere around 20 minutes. Treat apparently and steadily. Guarantee that clinical faculty know about the
material(s) involved and avoid potential risk to ensure themselves.

Eye to eye connection: IMMEDIATELY flush eyes with running water for something like 15 minutes, keeping eyelids open.
Eye to eye connection with fumes or substance might cause serious injury, consumes, or passing. Call crisis clinical benefit.
Move casualty to outside air. Check for and eliminate any contact focal points. Keep casualty warm and calm. Treat apparently
and steadily. Impacts of openness to substance might be deferred. Guarantee that clinical faculty know about the material(s)
involved and play it safe to ensure themselves.

Ingestion: Toxic whenever gulped. Try not to actuate retching without clinical guidance. Impacts of openness (ingestion) to
substance might be postponed. Call a doctor or Poison Control Center right away. Try not to utilize mouth-to mouth technique if
casualty ingested the substance; give counterfeit breath with the guide of a pocket cover outfitted with a single direction valve or
other legitimate respiratory clinical gadget. Relax tight dress, for example, a collar, tie, belt or belt. In the event that an individual
heaves place them in the recuperation position so that regurgitation will not reappear the mouth and throat. Wash mouth. Keep
casualty warm and calm. Treat apparently and steadily. Guarantee that clinical work force knows about the material(s) involved
and play it safe to ensure themselves

5. Fire-fighting Stapes
Reasonable smothering media: Dry synthetic, CO2 or water splash. Talk with neighborhood fire specialists prior to endeavoring
huge scope firefighting tasks (Ronald, 2012).

6. The Measures on accidental release

Personal precautions: Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Keep people away from and upwind of spill/leak. Use spark
proof tools and explosion-proof equipment. Remove all sources of ignition. Do not touch damaged containers or spilled material
unless wearing appropriate protective clothing (Section 8). Warn unnecessary personnel to move away. Stop leak if you can do it
without risk. Ensure adequate ventilation. Isolate the hazard area and deny entry to unnecessary and unprotected personnel (Shen
and Somasundaran, 2019).

7. Storage & Handling

Safeguards for safe taking care of: Do NOT breath gas, exhaust, fume, or shower. Control under a satisfactory smoke hood.
Try not to ingest. Stay away from contact with skin and eyes. Stay away from contact with skin. Stay away from contact - get
extraordinary guidelines previously use. Stay away from drawn out or rehashed openness. Ordinary measures for preventive fire
security. Stay away from openness - acquire unique guidelines before use. Avoid hotness and wellsprings of start. Use blast
verification gear. Utilize just non-starting hand instrument when taking care of this item. Ground all hardware containing
material. Go to lengths to forestall develop of electrostatic charge. Use measure fenced in areas, nearby fumes ventilation, or
other designing controls to keep airborne levels beneath suggested openness limits. Keep holder dry. Handle and open
compartment with care. Wear appropriate defensive apparel, gloves and eye/face assurance. When utilizing don't eat, drink, or
smoke. Keep away from wellsprings of start.

8. Personal Precautions
Fitting designing controls:

Handle just in a completely encased framework and hardware. Use measure nooks, nearby fumes ventilation, or other designing
controls to keep airborne levels beneath suggested openness limits. Ventilation is typically required when dealing with or
utilizing this item. Eyewash wellsprings ought to be given in regions where there is any likelihood that specialists could be
presented to the substance. Follow safe modern designing/research center practices when dealing with any substance.

9. Chemical & Physical Characteristics

10. Reactivity & Stability

11. Information on Toxicological

12. Information on Ecological

13. Consideration on Disposal

14. Information on Transportation

15. Information on Regulatory

Daelhousen, M., Febo, H. and Ditch, B., 2016. Revisions to FM Global Property Loss Prevention
Data Sheet 7-14,Fire Protection for Chemical Plants. Process Safety Progress, 36(1), pp.30-

Fishel, F., 2016. Understanding Material Safety Data Sheet Language. EDIS, 2005(3).

Ignatowski, A. and Rosenthal, I., 2012. The Operational Material Safety Data Sheet—Key to the
Effectiveness of a Generic Approach to the Control of Health and Safety Risks: II. The
Operational Material Safety Data Sheet. Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene,
8(8), pp.714-720.

Pollock, R., 2012. Material Safety Data Sheet. Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction, 14(2),

Ronald, J., 2012. Understanding a Safety Data Sheet (SDS) in Regards to Process
Safety. Procedia Engineering, 45, pp.857-867.

Shen, Y. and Somasundaran, P., 2019. Greenness index evaluation of fracking chemicals using
SDS (safety data sheet) information. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 7(2),


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