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Name: Group 3 Date: 9/14/21

Section: 10-Diamond

Plate Tectonics Lab Sheet 2

Directions: Show a convergent, divergent transform and subduction boundary in space provided and give a brief description on the movement
of plates.

Note: use a cracker/graham to show the movement of the plates and when you take pictures make sure you are using time stamp app.

Convergent Divergent Transform SUBDUCTION

Description: Description: Description: Description:

The picture is an example of From what I noticed in this activity; In the picture, you can see the pastry Subduction is a process in geology
convergent boundary. Where two the two biscuits are moving away forming what we call the transform where one tectonic plate slides
plates collide to each other and it from each other. The peanut butter boundary. Transform boundary is underneath another one and merges
shows on the picture itself. represents magma, the new crust is where two plates slide past each into the Earth's mantle. The denser
forming from magma that rises to its other. One thing to note about plate is the one that slips under the
surface between the two biscuits. transform boundaries is that the less dense plate; the younger plate is
lithosphere is neither created nor the less dense one.

1.What do the graham crackers represent?

: The graham crackers represent the plates of earth and the peanut butter or frosting represents the magma (molten rock) underneath

2. What are plates?

: A tectonic plate (also called lithospheric plate) is a massive, irregularly shaped slab of solid rock, generally composed of both continental and oceanic

3. What do scientists think causes the movement of Earth’s plates?

: The plates move because of the earth's gravity. Also, it is because of the heat from the core of the earth which causes the molten rock in the mantle to

4. If oceanic crust collides with continental crust, what will most likely happen?

: Well, what will happen here is that the oceanic crust will always subduct under the continental crust. It does subduct under the continental crust because the oceanic
crust is naturally denser. Some crust joins the mantle and for the lighter materials they rise up through the continent to emerge on the surface as volcanoes.
5. Why do you think it was so important to science when Alfred Wegener and Harry
Hess proved their theories of continental drift and sea-floor spreading? Explain
your answer in at LEAST4 sentences!

: Alfred Wegener's theory was rejected by the geologists; because Alfred Wegener couldn't explain his theory about why did the continents move. Time goes
by almost 50 years later came Harry Hess who explained that Alfred Wegener is correct by showing his theory the Seafloor Spreading. Seafloor Spreading
it is a geologic process which the large slabs of lithosphere split apart. By Seafloor Spreading Harry Hess can convinced the people that what Alfred
Wegener's theory about the motion of continents was true. They are important to science because that's just prove that their theories are correct and that
their theories prove that continental drift and seafloor spreading are right. Overall Hess proved Wegener's basic idea right and clarified the mechanism that
broke the once-joined continents into the seven with which we are familiar. The continents are attached to the plates and do not move independently of
them. But the plates themselves shift and change shape, carrying the continents along. That's why continental drift and seafloor spreading are true and
approve by the geologists, this also proves that their theory is true and this also shows that it is important in science.

Documentation: 3 Pictures while doing the task make sure your face is visible (Time stamp)

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