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It’s not always easy, that is life is. In fact, some of you today might be going through the
toughest season of your life. There will be seasons where we will suffer, there will be seasons of real
pain. And the question is, how will you respond in those moments? What you do when your battle
chooses you? What you do when something shows up on your door step that you did not directly
cause, choose or definitely anticipate? Just because you feel afraid doesn’t mean to you have to be
afraid. Just because you feel discouraged, doesn’t mean you have to be discouraged. Just because
you have fear, doesn’t mean fear has to have you. Never give up! Never give in! because skill can’t
get your past certain things, quickness, agility can’t get you to have mental toughness.
Pain isn’t permanent, your pain isn’t permanent you can get through this. You’re bigger than
your pain, your better than that. We say to people, you’ve got to participate in your own rescue, you
got to retool yourself, there are no skill sets in community to collages today for the most part they are
going to prepare for the economy or a job that’s there. So what is that going to do? You’re just going
to waste more money more time. We need to retool ourselves, the government’s not going to do it for
you. Even when you’re struggling, even when you’re discouraged and you feel like other people, have
given up on you, don’t ever give up on yourself.
Someone will say we have two primary choices in life. We can either accept conditions as they
exit, or we can take the responsibility to change them. See a lot people want to exempt themselves
from taking responsibility. All they want to do is talk about the problem. Every time you see them,
they’ll tell you their story over and over and over again. You gonna work through this, you gonna set
up, you gonna get dressed, you gonna get out and you goona do what you’ve been called to do, you
gonna be what you’ve called to be and you’re gonna prove to everybody that tried to break you.
Everybody that tried to stop you, everybody that tried to kill your dream, you’re gonna prove all of
them wrong. Just keep coming back.
If you got nothing left to give, just show back up. Half of life man is just showing up. And I’m
telling you right now, don’t give I’m telling you right now don’t give in, get through it and if you can get
through it, if you can walk through your pain, I’m guaranteeing you on the other side is a reward. Pain
is not permanent, pain is temporary

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