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My personal values reflect who I am.

Knowing your own values

can help you make decisions about how to live your life. The values
that I believe play a very important role in my life. These important
values have been greatly influenced by my family and life
experiences. My core values include my family, happiness,
friendship, trust, hard work, honesty, and learning.
Family is something that I value strongly. I feel that my family is
way more than just your relatives. Family has been a huge influence
in my life and has taught me right from wrong. Family is so
important to me because they thought me how to build relationships
with other people, how to love, how to get, they always have my
back no matter what, and know me the so well. The way I was
raised plays a huge role in the development of my personal values.
My parents taught me the importance of family. Honesty and
kindness is also something I learned through my upbringing. My
parents made sure I realized how important family is from the time
that I was child until today.
Respect is another value I treasure in my life. While dealing
with people, from all range of diversity, have learnt to treat them
with consideration and honor. I listen to what they say, consider
their views, for I understand every person worth as human beings
to be respected. Accepting others is the basis of respect, and as a
result, one is able to value others without feeling obligated to
embrace all of their opinions.
Love has been a core theme throughout my life. I appreciate
those who extend their love to me and I love them back. Whenever
I get an opportunity to interact with others, I express my love and
create a warm relation. I love my family and friends and I make
sure am available for them when they need me.
Confidently I can say, as long as we live we will always need
friends. I like socializing and I have learned to make friends
wherever I go. This has been of great benefit to me because at the
time of challenges my friends are there to help and encourage me.
Friends are always kind and their warms hearts relieve burdens
and make one feel honored. It is important to understand that,
friends are the most valuable treasure one can have and thus
investing in them is not a waste.

My first habit is to develop a good study habits. Reading and

writing are the best for me. I spend extra time just reading the
relevant textbooks and making study notes. Second is being
punctual, for me arriving on time is important. Being on time
matters, it matters a lot. Next is smile, one of my habits is to smile,
because for me it relaxes me whenever I’ll smile. I always start my
day with a big smile. No matter what you are feeling, try to smile. I
think you will look better when you smile as well.

You need inspiration in order to keep you motivated and focused

on improving yourself. My motivations in life is my parents, they are
the reason why I get up in the morning and study hard everyday.
They always tell me to do my best and they are always there to
support me in everything that I do. They are my guide and give me
the courage to battle obstacles in life. My mother always smiles, no
matter what the circumstances are and that gives me the strength
and inspiration to face all my problems. My parents have made me
understand what life is about and how to find that little ray of
happiness in difficult situations. What I am today and what I will
become in future involves the support and affection of my parents.
They have made me disciplined, dedicated and sincere. A role
model does not have to be a famous personality. It can be anyone
who makes us believe in ourselves. They have turned me into a
fighter in the war of life.

Everyone wants to be successful in life by achieving their own

respective goal. This is good because it creates focus and
direction. However, it also creates problems when people do not
go out of their comfort zone and create their own path to realize
their goal. And this increases the level of frustrations for them.
That is why, if you want to be successful in life, you need to have
the will to take the risk for success.

 As a big dream chaser, I analyzed the risks I always take for me
to achieve my goals. First risk that I willing to take is relationship
risk, I will risk my relationships because I want to achieve
something big because achieving big things requires lots of my
time. I will be forced to stop associating with my friends who don’t
support me in achieving your dreams. If you are a big dream
chaser, be ready to put some of your relationships at risk. Those
who will understand that big dreams require lots of time will stick
with you, but those who won’t will leave. Let them leave. It’s your
life, not theirs.
If it were possible to live this life without experiencing any
difficulties, struggles, or failures, you would never learn or grow.
Because trials, hardship, adversity, and failure, are ALL part of the
Journey to Success in Life.

Stretching our self will help us to grow on many different levels.

We grow by doing things that are difficult and unfamiliar to us like
reading a book about something we know nothing about and
participate in an online discussion about a new topic. By making
an intentional effort to continually experience things that are new
and different, we can improve and expand our capabilities well
beyond the average person.

Have confidence in yourself that you can do things which you

think are not possible, and most importantly be positive. Try to fight
your fears and start to do things what you have always been afraid
of. Make a proper discipline and follow it in your everyday life,
which normally would include creating rules of healthy living and
codes of conduct and even daily routines. 

The ability of accepting defeat, keeping your ground down,

having the initiative to not give up on any situations that  might
discourage you, are some of the things you must always
remember to become successful one day.The risk you are willing
to take might give you a once in a lifetime chance to explore not
just your abilities and potentials but also to live your dream.Taking
a risk and actually have it work out for you might make you feel
more confident about your own abilities and make you feel good
about the things you can achieve in life. Above all, taking a risk is
the best way to overcome your own weaknesses and confusions.

Self improvement is a self-guided improvement, usually

represented by the actions you can take to develop your self, and
to enhance your physical, mental, spiritual, social and emotional
capabilities. You change your habits, behavior and attitudes by
changing the contents of it.

For me, I can improve myself by learning from my experiences,

whether it is good or bad. Everyday, God gave us blessings and
problems. These are the things that serve as our boosters in order
for us to improve. Blessings are the one who makes our life happy
and full of satisfaction. On the other hand, problems are the ones
who make our life sad and full of disappointments. Whenever we
encounter these two things, every aspect of our life improves. It
may improve in a good way or it may improve in a bad way. But we
must accept it, and learn from it. This will help us to be stronger and
better. So, I think this is the best way to improve myself.

 In order to make you feel better about yourself, think about the
unfortunate people who do not have what you do have. This will
surely increase the scope for self improvement in your life. You
also have to sort out your strong points and weak points. Maintain
what you can do better and improve on what you are not so good

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