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National Service Training Program 1

Mountain View College

Worksheet 2
Chapter 2: The Nature of the Human Person

Full Name: Eric John A. Modillas

Section Code: SAE
Course and Year Level: 1st Year AB Theology

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FORMAT ONLY. Not following this simple instruction will forfeit your chance to earn scores. You may
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1. Differentiate the human nature according to the different views indicated in the textbook. Cite
specific example for each view. Maximum of 3 points for each cell appropriately answered.

View of Human Nature Human Nature according to the Specific Example(s)

Biblical Views human nature was patterned The human person has
after the image of God and superiority and dignity inherited
humans therefore have a duty to from the Supreme Being and
act and live moral lives they exercise dominion
over other creatures.
Philosophical Views -a human person is the measure Conservatism- all human
of all things that exist and of all persons may not be of equal
things that do not exist value to society: some men are
-the perfect human being does intended to rule, the rest to
not exist in this world obey.
because what is in this world is Liberalism- all men are
just an imperfect copy of capable of reason and rational
humanity's original self in the action and have the capacity to
realm of ideas live satisfactory and productive
-a person has knowledge of lives if given the opportunity.
something that exists, for a Socialism- the human being
person who does not readily engages in cooperative
exist is nothing. social activities when given
the opportunity.
Fascism- The human being can
prosper only when the nation
prospers; his/her fate is merely
secondary when it comes to the
Classical Greek Views the human person as "a rational -As a vegetative creature, the
animal." An animal's vegetative human person needs to have
sensory and rational element is food to grow, develop, and
integrated within his/her being reproduce.
thus he/she is a material (body) -As a sentient being, he/she
and spiritual (soul) being. needs sensory perceptions to
gain knowledge.
- As a rational animal, he/she
needs the power of thought,
reason, and cognition.
National Service Training Program 1
Mountain View College

Sociological Views Human persons are social -They have a need for intimacy
animals and needs to cooperate and to be with others.
with others in some way to -Whenever two or more
create the social world in which individuals are together there is
to live. a shared unconscious field to
which they belong and of which
(because it is unconscious) they
are not aware.

2. The Biblical Views claimed that human nature was patterned after the image of God. Do you agree?
Why or why not? (10 points)
I definitely agree with that claim because basically, God Himself said it in Genesis 1:2, “Let us make
man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the
birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that
creeps on the earth.” I would doubt it not unless God said otherwise. Our design and purpose are
linked to God's character, which is noble, moral, empathic, and predominant. This is also proven in
our character, which is often affected by spiritual forces: love, hatred, joy, sadness, anger, etc.
Whether we recognize it or not, our need for a higher being reveals our character of dependence on
God. That is why whenever we encounter challenges and difficulties in life, we ask for help from
God. And our predominance among the created beings is manifested by our complex reasoning and

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