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Chapter 3


Table 1
Level of Influence of Advertisement

Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

A. Influence of Advertisement
1. Advertisement influences to buy a 4.33 .701 High
2. Advertisement increases sales. 3.78 .785 High
3. Advertisement provides information 3.91 .801 High
about unfilled need.
4. Advertisement helps to retain 4.11 .807 High
5. Advertisement affects consumer 3.88 .762 High
6. Advertisement helps reach target 4.17 .811 High
7. Perception is effective. 3.89 .768 High
8. I often buy product solely based on 4.10 .817 High
9. I purchase a product after being 3.77 .725 High
10. I believe in advertising message. 4.25 .802 High
Overall Mean 3.97 .676 High Level of
Influence of
Range Description Verbal Interpretation
4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High Level of influence
3.50-4.49 Agree High level of influence
2.50-3.49 Neutral Medium Level of influence
1.50-2.49 Disagree Low level of influence
1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree Very Low level of influence
Table 2
Level of Consumers Buying Behavior

Indicators Mean Std. Deviation Interpretation

A. Consumers Buying Behavior

1. Outdoor/street advertising is 3.77 .786 High
relevant to my buying behavior.
2. I buy the goods when I feel that 3.81 .711 High
it’s necessary or needed.
3. Restrictive advertisement can 3.84 .745 High
attract and convince me when
buying goods.
4. Television commercial always 3.65 .921 High
influence me when I buy.
5. Advertisement awakens my 3.68 .969 High
awareness, so I prefer to buy
the low priced goods.
6. Advertisement convinces me to 3.67 .927 High
buy the same brands.
7. Advertisement stimulate or 3.60 .961 High
encourage me to purchase the
8. Advertisement motivate me to 3.61 .914 High
shift from one brand to another
9. I buy products because it’s a 3.54 .965 High
limited edition.
10. I buy because I want to try 3.69 .957 High
something new.
Overall Mean 3.89 .697 High Level of
Buying Behavior
Range Description Verbal Interpretation
4.50-5.00 Strongly Agree Very High Level of Buying Behavior
3.50-4.49 Agree High level of Buying Behavior
2.50-3.49 Neutral Medium Level of Buying Behavior
1.50-2.49 Disagree Low level of Buying Behavior
1.00-1.49 Strongly Disagree Very Low level of Buying Behavior
Table 3
Relationship between the Variables
VARIABLES R p-value Remarks

Influence of Advertisement and .732* .003 Significant

Consumers Buying Behavior
*Significant at .05 level

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