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Put true or false :.

1. When warm water vapor in your breath reaches the cooler surface of the window, the water

vapor condenses into liquid droplets. True

2. There are two main types of vaporization boiling and evaporation. True

3. Some types of wax freeze at 63°C True

4. Unlike water, some substances do not have to be cold to the touch in order to freeze. True

5. During condensation particles of a solid do not pass through the liquid state as they form a

gas. False

6. Sublimation is the change in state from a gas to a liquid. False

7. The reverse of vaporization is condensation. True

8. When the pressure inside of the liquid equals the atmospheric pressure, the liquid evaporates


9. The air that surrounds you is constantly applying pressure to you. This pressure is called

atmospheric pressure. True

10. Pressure=Force/Area True

11. The pressure depends on the force you apply and the area over which you apply the force.

12. Boiling can occur at all temperatures False

13. Evaporation occurs only at one temperature. False

14. Vaporization that takes place only on the surface of a liquid is called evaporation. True

15. Freezing points, boiling points are characteristic properties and can be used to identify

unknown substances. True

16. The boiling point of water is 0°C at sea level. False

17. The temperature at which a liquid boils is called its boiling point. True
18. Vaporization that takes place both below and at the surface of a liquid is evaporation False

19. The change in state from a liquid to a gas is called vaporization True

20. The volume of a gas is measured by the units of its container. True

21. A substance's melting point is the temperature at which it changes from a liquid to a solid.


22. Freezing is the reverse of melting. True

23. The change in state from a solid to a liquid is called melting. True

24. Kinetic energy is energy that is stored by position False

25. Potential energy is energy of motion. False

26. The total potential and kinetic energy of particles in an object is called thermal energy. True

27. When a substance is cooled and its thermal energy increases, the temperature of the

substance increases. False

28. A thermometer measures temperature in degrees, such as degrees Celsius (°C) or degrees

Fahrenheit (°F). True

29. Thermal energy is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in an object.


30. Thermal energy is the total kinetic and potential energy of all the particles in an object or

substance. True

31. Volume is the amount of space that matter takes up. True

32. Mass is the amount of matter in an object. True

33. Due to surface tension, the surface of water can act like a sort of skin. True

34. Water and vinegar have relatively high viscosities False

35. A liquid is also called a fluid, meaning a "substance that flows." True

36. Surface tension lets an insect called a water strider walk on the calm surface of a pond. True
37. A liquid maintains its shape and volume in any position or container. False

38. Particles of a gas flow more easily than the particles of a liquid, so gases have lower viscosity

than liquids. True

39. Liquids with high viscosities flow quickly. False

40. Liquids with low viscosity flow quickly . True

41. The viscosity of a substance depends on the size and shape of its particles and the

attractions between the particles. True

42. Viscosity is a resistance to flowing. True

43. Surface tension is an inward force, or pull, among the molecules in a liquid that brings the

molecules on the surface closer together. True

44. A gas has a definite volume but no shape of its own. False

45. Rubber and plastics are other examples of crystalline solids. False

46. Glass is an example of an amorphous solid . True

47. An amorphous solid does not melt at a distinct temperature . True

48. When a crystalline solid is heated, it melts at a distinct temperature. True

49. Solids that are made up of crystals are called amorphous solids. False

50. Salt, sugar, and snow are examples of crystalline solids. True

51. Liquids can only vibrate in place, meaning they move back and forth slightly False

52. The particles in a solid are closely locked in position such that they cannot move around one

another on their own True

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