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Mark Anthony L.


1. Provide important facts about the ASEAN. Discuss how the Association
can address different economic and political issues that confronts the

The abbreviation for the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is

described as the Association of Southeast Asian Nations. It was initially established in
1968 with the participation of its five founding members: Indonesia, Thailand, the
Philippines, Malaysia, and Singapore. The aim of uniting and bringing together these
Southeast Asian nations during the height of communism in the middle of the Vietnam
War was the driving force behind the formation of ASEAN as an institution in the first-
place years ago. The aim of uniting and bringing together these Southeast Asian
nations during the height of communism in the middle of the Vietnam War was the
driving force behind the formation of ASEAN as an institution in the first-place years
ago. The organization had also been established to guarantee the acceleration of
capital inflows, socio - cultural improvement, as well as the expansion of peace and
safety throughout Southeast Asia. Even, after many decades after its founding, the
organization was able to expand its membership to include Japan, Korea, and China.
Several minor nations, like as Laos, Myanmar, Cambodia, and Brunei, had another role
in the conflict. Interrelationships between all of these nations were longed for as they
contemplated methods for communicating more effectively with one another. Whenever
it resorted to defining the status and politics of the whole organization, there was always
a lot of disagreement.

This organization could handle a wide variety of economic difficulties by first

grasping the 3 Dimensions which are power relations, norms, domestic factors. One
must comprehend power relations since they are responsible of regional integration and
the impact of power between nations. When using this first dimension, a person who is
conscious of his or her power may utilize it to solve a variety of issues via reading and
study. Also important in the power equation is the component of politics, because it is at
the heart of regionalization's underlying economic foundations. Next is norms, the
United States, for example, supports European regional organizations because it
believes that the Western world shares Christian, democratic, and capitalist values.
Mark Anthony L. Adapon

Lastly are domestic factors, there are a lot of domestic issues that come into
play. The instance of Korea demonstrates that administrations led by different people
have varied inclinations for Pan-Asiansim or Pacificism (Hundt and Kim, 2011). The
instance of China illustrates how the country's tenured leadership system hampered
officials' ability to build a long - term vision of regional integration. In Australia and
Japan, two-party systems have had an influence on ideological choice. The internal
political civilization states impact whom the interest groups are most impactful in trying
to put forward their ideologies unto the area. Any problems that confront this region can
easily be solved because all of the countries within the ASEAN shares their different
experiences and knowledge to provide a different perspective on the said issue. The
organization can also help each other economically by sharing different kinds of
products and services which enables them to gain more economic growth rather than
doing it on their own.

2. Analyze how different ideas (ideologies – cultural, economic, political)

shaped our contemporary world. Support your answer by providing an

The relevance of the world of ideas, in my opinion, would be that it combines

ideologies derived from other people's perspectives, gathering and forming a greater
resolution to give a lot more effective approach of dealing with a certain situation.
Capitalism, for example, is a political and financial philosophy founded on the belief that
individuals are autonomous. Individuals have the freedom to work, create enterprises,
sell products and services, but, most crucially, to possess personal property. For
example, Hongkong, it boasts one of the largest and most competitive economies. This
seems to be due to its policy of openness. As a result, it is routinely listed among some
of the global highest economic achievers. Hong Kong benefited from becoming
accessible to both Western and Asian multinational enterprises. The Hong Kong Stock
Exchange is among the world's most important stock exchanges.
Mark Anthony L. Adapon

Democracy, since it is characterized as a system of governance whereby all

eligible people have an opportunity to be heard in legislative process, may also be
classified as a kind of political collectivism because it emphasizes concepts of the social
compact and the aggregate desire among all electors. Philippines is a democratic
country we are free whatever we want to do as long as we don’t break the law. We have
the freedom of speech where we have the right to seek, acquire, and transmit
knowledge and information of just about any sort, via all means. We could also vote for
our rulers which is the meaning of true freedom according to the most of the people.

Marxist philosophy encompasses a range of monetary and political structures,

which are characterized by social responsibility. Socialism may be thought of as a
political, social, and financial type of reasoning. Manufacturing methods and democratic
control, such as employees' self-management of businesses, are addressed in this
chapter. A major difference between capitalism and socialism is that socialism is
concerned with the control of the means of production as opposed to capitalists who
own the means of production in their own right. As a result, whenever it regards to
resources, individuals still can count on and depend on the administration for
assistance. China for example is a socialist country that is why many workers are
exploited there this type of ideology for me is too much controlling and doesn’t really
care about people it only cares about economic and political stand points.

Lastly is fascism, it is tyrannical ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial

authority and coercion, the forceful hiding of opposition, and the systematic strict
discipline of socio - economic development. It is a dictatorship in which any and all
grievances and criticism are suppressed with ruthless efficiency. The best example for
this is no other than the found itself Benito Mussolini, in Italy throughout the 1920s,
fascist principles grown in popularity and prominence as landlords and businesspeople
hailed fascism as an opposing option to socialism. That's where Mussolini's claim to be
the "creator of fascism" comes into play.

He was dismissed out from socialist party because he advocated for a robust
nationalist movement. Italy's dictator Benito Mussolini, often known as Il Duce ("The
Leader"), is widely regarded as the globe's foremost fascist ruler. For one thing, that's
Mark Anthony L. Adapon

because he coined the name "fascist" out from Latin phrase "fasces," which in ancient
Rome was a symbol of punishing authority. Mussolini then adopted the phrase to
designate his fascist party, the Partito Nazionale Fascista.

3. Explain the significance of media as a tool in relation to globalization.

Identify issues / problems about the utilization of social media that
affects our culture and provide your recommendations.

Media really played an integral part of our daily lives nowadays; we use
technology and media on a daily basis from the moment we wake up in the morning up
to the time we sleep at night. Globalization and the facilitation of cultural exchange as
well as numerous exchanges of data and photos among nations are now widely
acknowledged to be important roles played by the mainstream media, which includes
international newscasts, tv programs, technological advances, movie, and music,
among other things.

Media really helped to create a better world. Media enables broad international
dissemination of cultural goods, and they also contribute to the creation of
communication networks and social structures, as well as the dissemination of
information. Different nations can easily sell their goods to other countries because of
the online platforms that media provides like Amazon and Alibaba which enable us to
access new cultural products no matter where you are in the world. Media also gives us
a new perspective to understand different cultures and traditions because of the instant
access of information the we can acquire using the internet.

There are also drawbacks because of media like the wide spread of
misinformation and some cultures can lose their distinct identity. One of the pros of
having media is getting and disseminating the information fast but it also a con because
if there are wrong information that is posted it can easily spread like a wild fire and can
cause troubles to different social groups. Social media platforms like Twitter are the
places where you could find an enormous amount of misinformation. As a result, the
Mark Anthony L. Adapon

spread of false information on Twitter is influenced by both technological and human

causes. Human biases play a crucial role: Because we are more inclined to react to
information that taps into our current grievances and opinions, provocative tweets will
create a lot of interest quickly and produce a lot of interaction. It is only after this
interaction that technological side of things begins to take effect: Whenever a tweet is
liked, favorited, or replied to by a large number of people, the newsfeed algorithm will
display it to additional people, at which point the algorithm would tap further into biases
among those people as well, driving far more interaction, and so on and so forth. At its
worst, this cycle has the potential to transform social media into a type of confirmation
bias machine, one that is well suited for the dissemination of false information. That is
why I recommend that we must only get our information from reliable sources with
authors and we must always use our critical thinking before we believe on what is
posted online. Examine all nooks and crannies of the information before you decide to
believe it because it can really affect our culture and nation if those biases and
propagandas are widely accepted as the “truth” because it is what the majority
population believe in.

Lastly, it is acknowledged that in some places when the dominant culture is

weak, a cultural loss appears to be more pronounced. Many people believe that if this
tendency continues, the worldwide diversity of cultural identity would be gone for all
time, forever. Societies believe that globalization is a major threat because the new
generation is sweeping away with various cultures, many of which are getting
accustomed this same culture of western style, that also sadly worries the communities
because they believe that it will impact their culture and would also take place quickly,
resulting in the vanishing of their cultures and the values that they adhere to.

We all know that the Philippines are colonized by many countries. The
colonization really carved a big scar on the Filipino culture and patriotism it is the main
reason why we Filipinos have colonial mentality. Because of media different cultures are
more accessible to the Filipino youth which lead them to adapt and embrace it more
than our own Filipino culture; most youth today don’t even use po and opo when
conversing with someone that is older than them. My recommendation to solve this
Mark Anthony L. Adapon

issue is that we must promote more Filipino culture using media and educate our youth
more about the rich culture that we have here in the Philippines. Remove the programs
that conditions us Filipinos that we are inferior because we are different and brown. As
a conclusion, the problems using media can also be solved using media by raising
awareness to these kinds of problems in order to avoid it and fully maximize the pros of
having media as part of our daily lives.

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