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James Andrei T.

Module 7

2. Filtered through the artist’s eyes
3. Visual argument
4. Multiple perspective
5. Atrocity


1. What do you mean by visual argument? You may include some information from the text.
-Visual arguments  use images to engage viewers and persuade them to accept a particular idea or point
of view. Advertisements  are  only one type of  visual argument.
2. What historical experience was the basis of Pablo Picasso on his painting, Guernica?
-Picasso’s painting Guernica represents the essence of cubism. During the Spanish Civil war, the German
air force bombed the town of Guernica, the cultural center of the Basque region in 7 northern Spain and
a Loyalist stronghold. In only a few minutes on April 26, 1937, hundreds of men, women and children
were massacred in the deadly air strike.
3. What symbols in the painting that were mentioned in the text can be easily recognized by people?
- Many people were in denial that the war could touch them and preferred to ignore the possibility that
it was imminent. It was this audience who first viewed Guernica---an audience that didn’t want to see a
mural about war, an audience that was trying to avoid the inevitable..


Why JFK’s Inaugural Succeeded by Thurston Clarke
1. Which is the best proof that the inaugural address was greatly received by all sectors?
-It was JKK’s. “Ask not what you country can do for you-ask what you can do for your country” into
“What you do is as important as anything government does.
2. Which five important moments in his life influenced his eloquent delivery?
- his travel through Europe on the eve of World War II, his experiences in the Pacific n 1943, his visit to
the devastated post-war Berlin in 1945, his tour through Asia as a young Congressman in 1951, and his
encounter with the abject poor during the 1960 West Virginia primary
3. Which two sentences proved to be an emotional tuning point of his delivery? Why were these
- “Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony
to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the
globe.” These two sentences, a tribute to their as a sacrifices, would prove to be the emotional turning
point of his inaugural, the moment when his voice assumed a passion he seldom revealed, inspiring 11
the audience at the Capitol, touching even the hearts of his opponents, and according to accounts from
the time, sending half frozen tears rolling down cheeks.

Thesis statement: The Weeding Woman by Pablo Picasso is a silent protest of the bombing of Guernica.
The painting completed in 1937, is a colorful display of the paint felt in a time of horror. The strategically
placed tears, the blue chattering teeth and piercing black eyes display an emotional woman.

I. How was the “Weeping Woman” Painted?

A. Is painted in the flattened style of picasso’s early and lytical cubism.
II. Why Picasso painted the weeping woman?
A. It is a silent protest of the bombing of Guernica.
B. It is a colorful display of the paint felt in horror.
III. What materials did Picasso used?
A. Oil Painting
IV. What is the size of the weeping woman?
A. It is 60cm x 49cm
V. What are the visual elements used?
A. The elements of art used are;
1. Line- it uses the thick and curved lines to illustrate the hair, eyes and the outline of the face. There
are some diagonal lines used to draw the outline of the finger.
2. Shape & Form- There some geometrical shapes when we look randomly, but most of the shape
used for this painting was inorganic shape.
3. Value and Color- The artist used the complementary and analogous color harmonies by utilizing the

yellow color all over the painting and violet or purple are in some spaces. There are green, and yellow

color with different tones also are used to touch up some of the places.
4. Texture- The artist makes the surface very rough to see especially to do the back round.
5. Space- The artist used the whole space to do the painting and makes the painting look bigger.
6. Balance- The artist uses some asymmetry to establish balance in this image, the artist rearrange
the image in the middle with different position to make the painting in cubism technique.
7. Unity & Contrast- the color are so contrast which attract the audience to look on the more

What are the emotions conveyed by the painting?
-The Emotions conveyed by the painting are sadness, suffering and overall heart-breaking.
Born on the 25th of October 1881 Malaga Spain, Pablo Ruiz Picasso was a Spanish Painter, Sculpture,
Printmaker, Ceramicist and Theater designer who spent most of his adult life in France. Pablo Picasso is
recognized as one of the most important figures in 20 th century western art.
He created more than 20,000 artworks in a variety of media including painting, sculpture,
printmaking, drawing and ceramics. In 1937 was the time the iconic mural Guernica was made in honor
of the town of Guernica that was bombed by the German air force. It depicts simultaneously events that
happened over a period. The overall claim is what wad itself is terrifying. One of the Masterpiece that
were created by him was the same year as the Guernica was made and it is The weeping woman, one of
images of the weeping woman that have been linked to the figure of a Grieving mother in Guernica who
clasps her dead child to her chest. The Painting is also seen as reflecting their complex and often stormy
relationship .

1937 is the tragic year for the town of Guernica, it is bombed and the citizens were massacred.
The painting were the remembrance for the future generation on what the town experienced during the
Spanish Civil War.

The Mona Lisa Portrait gives a creepy vibe, research indicates that da Vinci uses an Optical Illusion that
been dubbed the “Uncatchable Smile”. The price is reasonable since it looks like realistic, one of a kind
and the one who painted it is none other done Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa is a figure of a woman,
dressed in the fashion of her days known as Florentine fashion. Therefore her dressing represent class
and wealth. Other than the Mona Lisa Painting, there is the last Supper Panting, a mural painting in the
late 15th Century by the Italian Leonardo da Vinci. It is one of the western world most recognizable

In my voyage of learning there are:
3 things that I learned: Writing a critique/review, Analyzing the review/critique and Cubism
2 questions that I have: None
1 thing that I want my teacher to know about in this lesson: None

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