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I have a genuine belief that everyone has different skills and abilities.

Of course, I see many intelligent

people every day. Not only are they smart, but they are also very skilled at their job. It's hard to pick just
one. However, the person that comes to my mind is one of my cousins. I've met her since we were kids
and older than me. Now she is currently working as a sales executive at one of the leading clothing
chains in the country. As we often meet and have a conversation, I realize she has interpersonal
intelligence is good at understanding and interacting with other people. She can create positive
relationships with others. As she is a salesperson, this skill is so important. I would say she is passionate
about her job. I barely see her talk bad things about her job. She told me she would be promoted soon. I
am impressed that she is good at making friends. As a result, she has a lot of loyal customers. I am proud
of her. After she finished high school, she went straight into a job. It motivates me to be more practical
than getting high education. Sometimes she said she is a workaholic. I am sure that she will be better in
the future.

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