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Phyo Su Thein (conversation)

Phyo Su Thein (conversation)

by Miho

General metrics
1,281 235 19 56 sec 1 min 48 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Writing Issues
No issues found

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Report was generated on Sunday, Sep 26, 2021, 09:04 AM Page 1 of 3

Report: Phyo Su Thein (conversation)

Unique Words 52%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 24%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 4.3

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 12.4

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Sunday, Sep 26, 2021, 09:04 AM Page 2 of 3

Report: Phyo Su Thein (conversation)

Phyo Su Thein (conversation)

As I am extroverted, I like to hang out with friends, throwing a party, and I enjoy
meeting with new people and have a conversation with them. I have had many
conversations which were funny and fascinating. Occasionally, I had a moment
that I got bored while having a conversation with others. I bumped into my
college friend Sarah in the supermarket last week. Then, we went to a cafe and
talked about how life has changed. I was delighted to meet her. She told me she
was a teacher and taught science subjects in a private school. We were having
coffee together and enjoying our conversation. Initially, I was interested in how
she switched her previous career to become a teacher. Suddenly she started to
explain Chemistry, Physics, and Mathematics in detail. She encouraged me to
study these subjects to be a teacher. She was talking for a long time. She knew
that I wasn't interested in teaching. However, she kept talking about it. I had no
idea what I should respond to her question. I was having a hard time
understanding the things that she shared. As I didn't want to come rude, I just
did my best to listen to her and pretended like I was into it. It is irritated talking
to someone with a topic that you know about nothing. It was just draining and a
waste of my time.

Report was generated on Sunday, Sep 26, 2021, 09:04 AM Page 3 of 3

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