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Phyo Su Thein (friend)

Phyo Su Thein (friend)

by Miho

General metrics
1,255 249 22 59 sec 1 min 54 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
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Report was generated on Thursday, Oct 7, 2021, 03:46 PM Page 1 of 3

Report: Phyo Su Thein (friend)

Unique Words 57%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 26%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 3.9

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 11.3

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Thursday, Oct 7, 2021, 03:46 PM Page 2 of 3

Report: Phyo Su Thein (friend)

Phyo Su Thein (friend)

Two years ago, I took my nieces to the amusement park in Mandalay. I was
walking around and keep an eye on those children. I bumped into Joan, my
colleague. Not only are we co-workers, but we are also lifelong friends. It was
such a surprise. I didn't expect to meet my friends in that place because it was
too childish. She also took her sister to have fun there. I was so glad to see her
since I didn't see her for years in person. After that, we went to a restaurant for
lunch and had friendly chitchat. We talked about our job opportunities and
current situation. It was helpful. She knew about it more than me as she lives in
the city. She invited me to came over to her house. But our plan changed, and
we went to Karaoke and had some favorite food the whole night. When I was an
intern, she told me a lot about the company and explained everything I needed
to know. I found out we have a lot of things in common. Later both of us often
like to throw a party in our free time. We helped each other when we got into
trouble. All of these things strengthen our relationship. Since I have met her, I
felt that I made a friend for life. That day was a memorable day for us; I won't
forget it. Now I still keep in touch with her by chatting and texting.

Report was generated on Thursday, Oct 7, 2021, 03:46 PM Page 3 of 3

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