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A night guard

A night guard
by quang nguyen huu

General metrics
2,387 465 47 1 min 51 sec 3 min 34 sec
characters words sentences reading speaking
time time

Score Writing Issues

85 22 1 21
Issues left Critical Advanced

This text scores better than 85%

of all texts checked by Grammarly

Writing Issues
1 Correctness
1 Confused words

1 Clarity
1 Wordy sentences

Report was generated on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 08:14 AM Page 1 of 5

Report: A night guard

Unique Words 41%

Measures vocabulary diversity by calculating the unique words
percentage of words used only once in your

Rare Words 25%

Measures depth of vocabulary by identifying words rare words
that are not among the 5,000 most common English

Word Length 3.9

Measures average word length characters per word

Sentence Length 9.9

Measures average sentence length words per sentence

Report was generated on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 08:14 AM Page 2 of 5

Report: A night guard

A night guard
A night of guard
I was a soldier, performing military duty in North Vietnam.
It was a stormy and rainy night. I was sitting on a tall tree near the guard camp
as usual. That day, it was my turn to guard the night shift.
It was a foggy night and it was so dark that I couldn't see anything.
Suddenly, I heard a nice ute sound. I took up my binocular and looked around
for the sound.
I only saw a mysterious red colour in my binocular. I cleaned and adjusted it to
see through again. However, it was still that colour. Again and again and again,
the only thing I saw through was still that colour. I put it down and I thought the
binocular was broken so I stopped looking at it.
In the morning, I reported to my leader that the binocular had broken. He
checked it but it still worked.
The next day, it was my friend's turn to guard the night shift. When I woke up I
asked him what happened yesterday and he said there was nothing strange.
But I was still obsessed with that mystery, scary colour.
A week later, it was my turn again. I decided to nd out the answer to my
obsession. At that midnight, I followed the ute sound, that led me to go deep
inside the forest. There, I could see a girl in a white dress playing her ute. Her
hair was long covering her face. She was quite a lovely girl. I asked her if she
could play me a melody. She was willing to do it. I was sitting quietly next to her,
attractively enjoying her song. All days later, I went to her place for a melody.
One day, like the other day, I still asked her to play a melody. But when she
played in the middle of the melody, she stopped and suddenly, raised her head

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Report: A night guard

closely near my face. I could see her… her eyes.

Exactly, that……… mystery colour. The colour…… in my binocular. The colour…….
obsessed me all the time.
I nearly lost my mind. I ran as fast that I could to escape from her and screamed
all the way to my guard camp.
I didn't remember how could I come back. I was sick and slept for two days. I
kept having a nightmare.
Many days after, the colour, the girl, the ute sound was still in my mind. I
couldn't stop thinking about it. That made me always feel frightened. I asked if I
could move to another guard camp and my leader allowed me. But until now, I
still remember that terrible experience.
Who was her? And how could I see her eyes through the binocular? It's still a

Report was generated on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 08:14 AM Page 4 of 5

Report: A night guard

1. binocular → binoculars Confused words Correctness

2. all the way Wordy sentences Clarity

Report was generated on Tuesday, Oct 26, 2021, 08:14 AM Page 5 of 5

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